

Apple expects to launch its at-home fitness service before the end of the year, but will it be good enough to replace your gym membershipLet’s take a look.

苹果希望在今年年底之前推出其家庭健身服务,但是它足以取代您的健身房会员资格吗/em> 让我们来看看。

By Angela Moscaritolo


At-home fitness options are booming amid COVID-19, and now, arguably the biggest name in tech is getting in on the action. Apple’s new Fitness+ service promises to bring a range of workouts led by world-class trainers, including Ironman champions, professional athletes, fitness club founders, gymnasts, health coaches, marathoners, martial artists, personal trainers, and yogis, to the comfort and safety of your home. Apple expects to launch the service before the end of the year, but should you get ready to cancel your gym membershipLet’s break it down.

在COVID-19中,家庭健身选择正在蓬勃发展,现在,可以说,科技界的佼佼者正在采取行动。 Apple的新Fitness +服务承诺将为世界一流的教练带来一系列舒适和安全的锻炼,其中包括Ironman冠军,职业运动员,健身俱乐部创始人,体操运动员,健身教练,马拉松运动员,武术家,私人教练和瑜伽士你家的苹果希望在今年年底之前推出这项服务,但是您是否应该准备取消健身房会员资格让我们分解一下。

适应性+定价和兼容性 (Fitness+ Pricing and Compatibility)

Fitness+ is reasonably priced at $9.99 per month or $79.99 per year, which is probably less than your gym or connected fitness machine membership.

Fitness +的价格合理,每月9.99美元或每年79.99美元,这可能比您的健身房或联网健身机会员的价格还低。

But keep in mind the service requires an Apple Watch Series 3 or later paired with a compatible iPhone (an iPhone 6s or newer or an iPhone SE). To follow along with the workout videos on a larger screen than your iPhone, you’ll also need an iPad or Apple TV. Fitness+ will work on the following models: iPad Pro, iPad (5th generation or later), iPad mini 4 (or later), iPad Air (2nd generation or later), Apple TV 4K, and Apple TV HD.

但是请记住,该服务需要Apple Watch Series 3或更高版本与兼容的iPhone(iPhone 6s或更高版本或iPhone SE)配对。 要在比iPhone更大的屏幕上观看健身视频,还需要iPad或Apple TV。 Fitness +将在以下型号上运行:iPad Pro,iPad(第5代或更高版本),iPad mini 4(或更高版本),iPad Air(第2代或更高版本),Apple TV 4K和Apple TV HD。

So if you already own an Apple Watch and an iPhone, as well as either an iPad or an Apple TV, Fitness+ is a fairly affordable at-home fitness option. If you’re not already in the Apple ecosystem, the cost of entry can be steep.

因此,如果您已经拥有Apple Watch和iPhone,以及iPad或Apple TV,Fitness +是相当实惠的家庭健身选择。 如果您尚未进入Apple生态系统,那么进入的成本可能会很高。

If you’re interested in Fitness+, you can try it free for a month to see if you think it’s worth the money. Moreover, starting today for a limited time, those who purchase an Apple Watch Series 3 or later will get three months of Fitness+ for free. It will also be available as part of the new Apple One subscription bundle.

如果您对Fitness +感兴趣,可以免费试用一个月,以查看是否物有所值。 此外,从今天开始有限的时间内,购买Apple Watch Series 3或更高版本的用户将免费获得三个月的Fitness +。 它还将作为新的Apple One订阅捆绑包的一部分提供。

锻炼和训练师 (Workouts and Trainers)

Fitness+ will launch with a range of workouts, including yoga, cycling, dance, treadmill walking and running, strength, core, HIIT, rowing, and mindful cooldown. When you start a Fitness+ session on your iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV, your Apple Watch will automatically start tracking that type of workout. Metrics from your Apple Watch, including your exercise duration, heart rate, and calories burned, as well as your Activity Rings, will appear on whichever screen you’re using to view the workout.

Fitness +会进行一系列锻炼,包括瑜伽,骑自行车,跳舞,跑步机步行和跑步,力量,核心,HIIT,划船和注意锻炼。 当您在iPhone,iPad或Apple TV上启动Fitness +会话时,Apple Watch将自动开始跟踪该类型的锻炼。 Apple Watch的指标(包括运动时间,心率和消耗的卡路里以及活动环)将显示在您用来查看锻炼的任何屏幕上。


Apple says it plans to update the service with new workouts each week, so there should be no shortage of fresh content. Apple will suggest workouts you might like based on your Fitness+ history, and you’ll also be able to filter them by type, trainer, duration (5 to 45 minutes), and music (chill vibes, pure dance, everything rock, throwback hits, hip-hop/R&B, and top country).

苹果公司表示计划每周更新一次新的健身服务,因此不应该缺少新鲜的内容。 Apple会根据Fitness +的历史记录建议您可能喜欢的锻炼,并且您还可以按类型,教练,时长(5到45分钟)和音乐(冷颤,纯舞,摇滚,回击等)过滤锻炼,嘻哈/节奏布鲁斯和热门国家/地区)。

The service will be integrated with Apple Music, but a subscription isn’t required to use Fitness+. If you do have an Apple Music subscription, you’ll be able to easily save tracks you discover during workouts.

该服务将与Apple Music集成在一起,但是使用Fitness +不需要订阅。 如果您确实有Apple Music订阅,则可以轻松保存在锻炼期间发现的曲目。

Fitness+ could be a good option if you’re new to the world of fitness or getting back to it after a break. Apple says there will be an Absolute Beginner program that teaches “the basics of movement and exercise” and gives you the option to prepare for other types of workouts offered on the service.

如果您不熟悉健身,或者休息一下后再回到健身世界,Fitness +可能是一个不错的选择。 苹果公司表示,将开设一个绝对初学者计划,该计划讲授“运动和运动的基础知识”,并为您提供准备服务中提供的其他类型的锻炼准备的选项。

健身器材+ (Equipment for Fitness+)

Fitness+ will probably be best for floor-based workouts like yoga, dance, strength, core, HIIT, and mindful cooldowns, which require just a set of dumbbells or no equipment at all. For the cycling, treadmill, and rowing workouts, you can use any brand of fitness gear.

Fitness +可能最适合基于地板的锻炼,例如瑜伽,舞蹈,力量,核心,HIIT和有意识的冷却,这只需要一套哑铃或根本不需要任何器械。 对于自行车,跑步机和划船锻炼,您可以使用任何品牌的健身器材。

Life Fitness, TechnoGym, True Fitness, and several other companies make Apple GymKit-enabled treadmills that wirelessly pair with the Apple Watch. If you happen to own one, you’ll be able to start a Fitness+ session on your machine, and metrics from your Apple Watch will sync.

Life Fitness,TechnoGym,True Fitness和其他几家公司都制造了支持Apple GymKit的跑步机,可与Apple Watch无线配对。 如果您碰巧拥有一个,则可以在计算机上启动Fitness +会话,并且Apple Watch中的指标将同步。

The new Peloton Bike+ also supports GymKit, so it might play nice with Apple’s new workout service. In its Fitness+ press release, however, Apple doesn’t specifically mention whether the service will be compatible with GymKit-enabled stationary bikes, so we’ll have to wait and see.

新的Peloton Bike +还支持GymKit,因此它可以与Apple的新健身服务一起使用。 但是,在Fitness +新闻稿中,苹果没有具体提及该服务是否与启用GymKit的固定自行车兼容,因此我们必须拭目以待。

But if you have a Peloton workout machine, you probably won’t need Fitness+ anyway: The Peloton membership already gives you access to a plethora of cycling workouts, plus bootcamp, cardio, outdoor, running, strength, stretching, walking, and yoga workouts, as well as meditation (albeit for $39 per month).

但是,如果您有一台Peloton健身机,则无论如何您可能都不需要Fitness +:Peloton会员资格已经使您可以进行大量的自行车锻炼,以及训练营,有氧运动,户外,跑步,跑步,力量,拉伸,步行和瑜伽锻炼,以及冥想(虽然每月$ 39美元)。

Alternatively, Fitness+ may be a nice option if you have a non-connected stationary bike, treadmill, or rowing machine. If your machine has a tablet holder or mount, you can view Fitness+ workouts on an iPad. Otherwise, you can mount a TV on the wall in front of your machine and use an Apple TV to play Fitness+ workouts.

另外,如果您没有连接固定自行车,跑步机或划船机,Fitness +可能是一个不错的选择。 如果您的机器配有平板电脑支架或底座,则可以在iPad上查看Fitness +锻炼。 否则,您可以将电视安装在机器前面的墙上,然后使用Apple TV进行Fitness +锻炼。

您是否应该放弃Fitness +的健身会员资格(Should You Ditch Your Gym Membership for Fitness+span style=”font-weight: bold;”>)

If you’re already part of the Apple ecosystem and you want to ramp up your at-home training, whether it’s because you’re intimidated by going to the gym or you don’t feel comfortable doing so because of COVID-19, Fitness+ has the potential to be a terrific alternative. As long as you already own (or plan to buy) an Apple Watch and an iPhone, as well as either an iPad or an Apple TV, a Fitness+ subscription won’t break the bank at $9.99 monthly or $79.99 per year.

如果您已经属于Apple生态系统的一部分,并且想增加在家中进行的培训,那么是因为去健身房对自己感到恐惧,还是因为COVID-19,Fitness +有潜力成为一个绝佳的选择。 只要您已经拥有(或计划购买)Apple Watch和iPhone,以及iPad或Apple TV,Fitness +订阅就不会以每月9.99美元或每年79.99美元的价格让您破产。

On the other hand, if you already own a connected fitness machine such as an iFit-enabled rowing machine or treadmill, or a Peloton or Echelon stationary bike, you probably won’t need Fitness+. Most of these products already offer a range of workouts you can do on and off the machine as part of their membership, so paying even more for Fitness+ will likely be overkill.

另一方面,如果您已经拥有连接的健身器,例如支持iFit的划船机或跑步机,或者Peloton或Echelon固定式自行车,则可能不需要Fitness +。 这些产品中的大多数已经提供了一系列锻炼,您可以作为其成员身份在机器上和在机器上进行锻炼,因此,为Fitness +支付更多费用可能会过头。

Not matter how you like to work out, Fitness+ seems promising, but we’ll have to try it out before we can render a final verdict. It’s slated to launch before the end of 2020, so stay tuned for our full review.

不管您喜欢怎样锻炼,Fitness +似乎都很有前途,但是我们必须先进行尝试,然后才能做出最终判决。 它定于2020年底前推出,敬请期待我们的全面审查。

Originally published at https://www.pcmag.com.


翻译自: https://medium.com/pcmag-access/can-apple-fitness-replace-your-gym-or-peloton-membership-d471fb38e109


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