

I’ve been an editor longer than I’ve been a developer, so this topic for me is a real root issue. When I see a great project with poorly-written docs, it hits close to . Okay, okay, I’m done.

我担任编辑的时间比担任开发人员的时间更长,因此对我来说,这个主题是一个真正的根本问题。 I当我看到一个文档写得不好的优秀项目时,它接近 。 好的,好的,我完成了。

I help the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) with their Web Security Testing Guide (WSTG). I was recently tasked with writing a style guide and article template that show how to write technical instruction for testing software applications.

我通过其《 Web安全测试指南》(WSTG)帮助开放Web应用程序安全项目(OWASP ) 。 最近,我受命编写样式指南和文章模板,以显示如何编写测试软件应用程序的技术说明。

I thought parts of the guide would benefit more people than just OWASP’s contributors, so I’m sharing some here.


Many of the projects I participate in are open source. This is a wonderful way for people to share solutions and to build on each others’ ideas. Unfortunately, it’s also a great way for misused and non-existent words to catch on. Here’s an excerpt of the guide with some mistakes I’ve noticed and how you can fix them in your technical documents.

我参与的许多项目都是开源的。 这是人们共享解决方案并相互借鉴的绝佳方法。 不幸的是,这也是误用和不存在的单词流行的好方法。 这是该指南的摘录,其中包含我注意到的一些错误以及如何在技术文档中进行修复。

使用正确的单词 (Use Correct Words)

The following are frequently misused words with tips for how to correct them.


和/或 (and/or)

While sometimes used in legal documents, and/or leads to ambiguity and confusion in technical writing. Instead, use or, which in the English language includes and. For example:

尽管有时在法律文件中使用和/或导致技术写作中的歧义和混乱。 而是使用or ,英语中包含and 。 例如:

Bad: “The code will output an error number and/or description.”


The latter sentence does not exclude the possibility of having both an error number and description.


If you need to specify all possible outcomes, use a list:


“The code will output an error number, or a description, or both.”


前端,后端 (frontend, backend)

While it’s true that the English language evolves over time, these are not yet words.


When referring to nouns, use front end and back end. For example:

指代名词时,请使用前端后端 。 例如:

Security is equally important on the front end as it is on the back end.


As a descriptive adverb, use the hyphenated front-end and back-end.


Both front-end developers and back-end developers are responsible for application security.


白盒黑盒 (whitebox, blackbox, greybox)

These are not words.


As nouns, use white box, black box, and grey box. These nouns rarely appear in connection with cybersecurity.

作为名词,使用白盒黑盒灰盒 。 这些名词很少与网络安全有关。

My cat enjoys jumping into that grey box.


As adverbs, use the hyphenated white-box, black-box, and grey-box. Do not use capitalization unless the words are in a title.

作为副词,请使用带连字符的white-boxblack-boxgrey-box 。 除非标题中有单词,否则不要使用大写字母。

While white-box testing involves knowledge of source code, black-box testing does not. A grey-box test is somewhere in-between.

白盒测试涉及源代码知识,而黑盒测试则不涉及源代码知识。 灰盒测试介于两者之间。

例如 (ie, eg)

These are letters.


The abbreviation i.e. refers to the Latin id est, which means “that is” or “in other words.” The abbreviation e.g. is for exempli gratia, translating to “for example.” To use these in a sentence:

缩写拉丁字母est ,表示“即”或“换句话说”。 缩写词是例如exempli gratia” ,表示“例如”。 在句子中使用这些:

Write using proper English, i.e. correct spelling and grammar. Use common  words over uncommon ones, e.g. “learn” instead of “glean.”

用正确的英语写作,即正确的拼写和语法。 在不常见的单词上使用常见的单词,例如“学习”而不是“拾音”。

等等 (etc)

These are also letters.


The Latin phrase et cetera translates to “and the rest.” It is abbreviated etc. and typically placed at the end of a list that seems redundant to complete:

拉丁语词翻译为“和其他”。 它是缩写 ,通常放在似乎多余的列表的末尾:

WSTG authors like rainbow colors, such as red, yellow, green, etc.


In technical writing, the use of etc. is problematic. It assumes the reader knows what you’re talking about, and they may not. Violet is one of the colors of the rainbow, but the example above does not explicitly tell you if violet is a color that WSTG authors like.

在技术写作,使用是有问题的。 它假定读者知道您在说什么,而他们可能不知道。 紫罗兰色是彩虹的一种颜色,但是上面的示例没有明确告诉您紫罗兰色是否是WSTG作者喜欢的颜色。

It is better to be explicit and thorough than to make assumptions of the reader. Only use etc. to avoid completing a list that was given in full earlier in the document.

明确和透彻比假定读者更好。 仅使用etc.来避免完成文档前面完整列出的列表。

(省略号) ( (ellipsis))

The ellipsis punctuation mark can indicate that words have been left out of a quote:


Linus Torvalds once said, “Once you realize that documentation should be laughed at… THEN, and only then, have you reached the level where you can safely read it and try to use it to actually implement a driver.”

莱纳斯·托瓦尔兹(Linus Torvalds)曾经说过:“一旦您意识到文档应该被嘲笑……然后,您才可以安全地阅读文档并尝试使用它来实际实现驱动程序。”

As long as the omission does not change the meaning of the quote, this is acceptable usage of ellipsis in technical writing.


All other uses of ellipsis, such as to indicate an unfinished thought, are not.



While this is a word, it is likely not the word you are looking for. The word ex has particular meaning in the fields of finance and commerce, and may refer to a person if you are discussing your past relationships. None of these topics should appear in technical writing.

虽然这是一个单词,但可能不是您要查找的单词。 ex一词在金融和商业领域中具有特殊含义,如果您正在讨论过去的关系,可能会提到一个人。 这些主题均不应出现在技术文章中。

The abbreviation ex. may be used to mean “example” by lazy writers. Please don’t be lazy, and write example instead.

缩写ex。 懒惰的作家可能会用它来表示“榜样”。 请不要偷懒,而是写示例

继续写文档 (Go forth and write docs)

If these reminders are helpful, please share them freely and use them when writing your own READMEs and documentation! If there’s some I’ve missed, I’d love to know.

如果这些提示有用,请自由共享它们,并在编写自己的自述文件和文档时使用它们! 如果我想念一些东西,我很想知道。

And if you’re here for the comments…


If you’d like to help contribute to the OWASP WSTG, please read the contribution guide.

如果您想为OWASP WSTG 做贡献 ,请阅读贡献指南 。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/word-bugs-in-software-documentation-and-how-to-fix-them/


文章知识点与官方知识档案匹配,可进一步学习相关知识Java技能树首页概览91545 人正在系统学习中 相关资源:下拉通刷词软件v3.1.zip-其它代码类资源-CSDN文库



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