

Using your Android to control your computer is a great way to interact with programs. Your phone can be used a trackpad, or could be used to use a media player using custom controls. Monect lets you take things further by turning your Android device into all manner of peripherals.

使用Android控制计算机是与程序进行交互的好方法。 您的电话可以用作触控板,也可以用于使用自定义控件的媒体播放器。 Monect可以通过将您的Android设备变成各种外围设备来使事情进一步发展。

有什么选择(What Are the Optionsspan style=”font-weight: bold;”>)

There are plenty of apps available in Google Player that let you use your phone or tablet as a wireless keyboard or mouse for a computer. Monect can be used in this way, but it also boasts a number of other options that cater to a variety of scenarios.

Google Player提供了许多应用程序,可让您将手机或平板电脑用作计算机的无线键盘或鼠标。 Monect可以这种方式使用,但它还具有许多其他选项,可以满足各种情况。


This free app can transform your phone into not only a mouse or keyboard, but also a joystick, gamepad, media controller and much more. It’s great for gamers, but options such as text transfer and presentation mode open up additional opportunities.

这个免费的应用程序不仅可以将您的手机转换为鼠标或键盘,还可以转换为操纵杆,游戏手柄,媒体控制器等。 这对游戏玩家来说非常好,但是诸如文本传输和演示模式之类的选项带来了更多的机会。

There are two components to the tool, the Android app and the desktop server. A package containing both pieces of software can be downloaded from its Hotfile hosting page.

该工具有两个组件,Android应用程序和桌面服务器。 包含这两种软件的软件包都可以从其Hotfile托管页面下载。

Update: This file has been pulled because of the site shutting down.



There’s no need to sign up for an account, just click the Regular Download button, wait for the timer to count down and then click the download link. You may see a warning from your browser or AV tool that the file is potentially harmful, but this is simply a case of overzealousness in detecting a tool that is used for remote access.

无需注册帐户,只需单击常规下载按钮,等待计时器倒计时,然后单击下载链接。 您可能会从浏览器或AV工具中看到警告,指出该文件可能有害,但这只是在检测用于远程访问的工具时过分热心的情况。


You’ll need to extract the contents of the zip file and then launch the file named MonectHost. You’ll probably find that your firewall kicks in and you’ll need to allow the program to make use of your network in order to continue.

您需要解压缩zip文件的内容,然后启动名为MonectHost的文件。 您可能会发现防火墙启动了,并且需要允许该程序使用您的网络才能继续。


建立联系 (Getting Connected)

Assuming your phone and computer are connected to the same wireless network, it will take a matter of seconds to establish a connection.


On your phone or tablet, install a copy of Monect from Google Play, launch the app and then either type in the IP address of your computer and tap Connect, or tap ‘Search host’ to scan for and connect to your machine.  If you find that you are unable to connect, trying restarting Windows to ensure that the installation is complete.

在手机或平板电脑上,从Google Play安装Monect的副本,启动应用程序,然后输入计算机的IP地址并点击“连接”,或点击“搜索主机”以扫描并连接到您的机器。 如果发现无法连接,请尝试重新启动Windows以确保安装完成。


Once connected, you’ll see that are no less than 12 different modes to choose from; in most cases it is fairly obvious what each one does, and each can be used in different ways.

连接后,您会看到至少有12种不同的模式可供选择。 在大多数情况下,每个函数的作用都非常明显,并且每个函数可以以不同的方式使用。


控制器模式 (Controller Modes)

Touchpad mode turns your phone into a laptop-style trackpad complete with a scroll bar to the right. In this mode you can also access 3D Mouse mode which enables you to move the cursor around by using your phone as a laser pointer.

触摸板模式将您的手机变成笔记本电脑式触控板,并在右侧带有滚动条。 在此模式下,您还可以访问3D鼠标模式,该模式使您可以将手机用作激光指示器来移动光标。


Typewriter keys, Function keys and Numeric keypad are all modes in which you can use your phone as a keyboard. This can be handy if your keyboard is broken and you need a temporary replacement, or you are using a laptop or keyboard without a number pad.

打字机键,功能键和数字小键盘都是您可以将手机用作键盘的所有模式。 如果键盘损坏且需要临时更换,或者您使用的是不带数字键盘的笔记本电脑或键盘,这可能会很方便。


In Text Transfer mode it is possible to type and prepare text on your phone and then send it to whatever application currently has focus on your computer.



Switch to My Computer mode and you can browse the contents of your hard drive from your Android device. Folders can be easily navigated, and files can be opened remotely, or downloaded to your phone – just tap and hold to bring up the option menu.

切换到“我的电脑”模式,您可以从Android设备浏览硬盘驱动器的内容。 可以轻松浏览文件夹,并且可以远程打开文件或将文件下载到您的手机-只需点击并按住以显示选项菜单。


Things start to get particularly interesting for gamers in Race, Joystick and Shooter modes. The app takes advantage of your device’s built in gyroscope so that it can be used as a steering wheel, a more traditional joystick/gamepad or as a crosshair control for FPS games.

对于种族,游戏杆和射击游戏模式的玩家来说,事情开始变得特别有趣。 该应用程序利用了设备内置的陀螺仪,因此可以用作方向盘,更传统的操纵杆/游戏手柄或FPS游戏的十字准线控件。


The remaining three modes, PowerPoint, Browser and Media mode are ideal for when your computer is connected to a larger screen, projector, or a TV. Each mode features the touchpad area and mouse buttons.

其余三种模式(PowerPoint,浏览器和媒体模式)非常适合将计算机连接到较大的屏幕,投影仪或电视时使用。 每种模式均具有触摸板区域和鼠标按钮。

In each case there are task specific buttons at the top of the screen. So whether you are looking to control video playback from the comfort of your sofa, or you want to be able to browse the web on your TV without having to battle with a regular keyboard and mouse, Monect makes it easy.

在每种情况下,屏幕顶部都有特定于任务的按钮。 因此,无论您是想在舒适的沙发上控制视频播放,还是希望能够在电视上浏览网页而不必与常规的键盘和鼠标进行战斗,Monect都可以轻松实现。


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/161602/how-to-use-your-android-device-as-a-mouse-keyboard-joystick-and-more/


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