

“Difficult to make even small changes”


“Breaking functionality of the software by making changes”


“Introducing a new bug by fixing another one”


“Implementing code that is unnecessary”


“Almost impossible to add a new feature because of complicated code”


“The never-shipping product”


“Throwing code away and rewriting it from scratch”


Are all the above statements familiar/p>


Every minute a developer from any part of the World says (or thinks) any of the above statements and wishes to cry. Why/p>

来自世界任何地方的开发人员每分钟都会说(或认为)以上任何陈述,并希望哭泣。 为什么

These are common issues talked about by developers very often. These stories are experienced in every development team.

这些是开发人员经常谈论的常见问题。 这些故事在每个开发团队中都有。

There are many small factors that slowly and gradually harm a developer’s projects. They are not immediately destructive. Most of them only do long-term damage. Something you won’t see the damage for a year or more. So when somebody proposes them, often they sound harmless.

有许多小因素会逐渐并逐渐损害开发人员的项目。 它们不会立即造成破坏。 他们大多数只造成长期损害。 一年或一年以上您看不到任何损坏。 因此,当有人提出建议时,它们听起来通常是无害的。

Even when you start implementing them, they may seem fine. But as time goes onnd particularly as more and more of these stack uphe complexity becomes more apparent and grows until you’re another victim of that ever-so-common horror story.

即使您开始实施它们,它们似乎也不错。 但是随着时间的流逝-尤其是随着越来越多的这种堆叠-复杂性变得越来越明显,并且越来越复杂,直到您成为那个鲜为人知的恐怖故事的另一个受害者为止。

To avoid being one of the victims, you should embrace the fundamental laws of software. You should develop a mindset that every developer should have. This mindset will help you make better decisions in your daily programming journey. You can keep your software as simple as possible. You can protect it from being an unmanageable and complex system.

为了避免成为受害者之一,您应该接受软件的基本定律。 您应该养成每个开发人员都应该拥有的心态。 这种心态将帮助您在日常编程过程中做出更好的决策。 您可以使软件尽可能简单。 您可以防止它成为无法管理的复杂系统。

Here are the key points that every developer must master.


1.构思软件的目的 (1. Conceiving The Purpose of Software)

First of all, you should understand the purpose of the software. There is, in fact, a single purpose of all software: To help people.

首先,您应该了解该软件的用途。 实际上,所有软件都有一个共同的目的: 帮助人们

Remember: the purpose of the software is not to show off how intelligent you are./strong>—ax Kanat-Alexander, Code Simplicity

请记住:该软件的目的不是炫耀您的智能。 — 代码简化的Max Kanat-Alexander

Developers who cannot conceive the purpose of the software will write bad software. What is bad softwareA complex system that doesn’t help people that much.

无法理解软件目的的开发人员将编写不良软件。 什么是不良软件一个复杂的系统,对人们没有太大帮助。

When you are making decisions about software, you should guide yourself by always keeping this in mind: How we can help/em> You can even prioritize feature requests this way.

在做出有关软件的决定时,您应该始终牢记以下几点如何提供帮助/em> 您甚至可以通过这种方式确定功能请求的优先级。

2.软件设计的目标 (2. The Goals of Software Design)

Every programmer is a designer.


When software is hard to create or modify, developers spend most of their time focusing on making things “just work,” and less time focusing on helping users. The design of software aims to make developers job as easy as possible so they can focus on what matters. You will create software that will help users and your software will continue to help them for a long time.

当难以创建或修改软件时,开发人员将大部分时间用于使事情“正常运行”,而将较少的时间用于帮助用户。 软件的设计旨在使开发人员尽可能轻松地工作,以便他们可以专注于重要的事情。 您将创建可以帮助用户的软件,并且您的软件将在很长一段时间内继续为他们提供帮助。

However, if you design a bad system, your software’s lifetime will be short.


This brings us to the most important goal of the software design:


To design systems that can be created and maintained as easily as possible by their developers, so that they can bend continue to bes helpful as possible. — Max Kanat-Alexander, Code Simplicity

设计可以由其开发人员尽可能轻松地创建和维护的系统,以使它们可以(并且将继续)发挥最大作用。 — 代码简化的Max Kanat-Alexander

So there are two key points here: Your design should be easy for you and helpful for others.


3.(误)理解 (3. (Mis)understanding)

Developers who don’t fully understand their work tend to develop complex systems. It can become a vicious cycle: misunderstanding leads to complexity, which leads to further misunderstanding, and so on.

不完全了解其工作的开发人员倾向于开发复杂的系统。 它可能会变成一个恶性循环:误解会导致复杂性,这会导致进一步的误解,依此类推。

Actually, one of the best ways to improve your design skills is to be sure that you fully understand the systems and tools you are working with.


Understanding is the key difference between a bad developer and a good developer./strong>—ax Kanat-Alexander, Code Simplicity

理解是好开发商与坏开发商之间的主要区别。 — 代码简化的Max Kanat-Alexander

Bad developers don’t understand what they are doing, and good developers do. It really is that simple.

不好的开发人员不了解自己在做什么,而好的开发人员则不了解他们在做什么。 真的就是这么简单。

4.简单性 (4. Simplicity)

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.eonardo da Vinci

简单是最终的复杂性。 —达芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)

Programming is the act of reducing complexity to simplicity. A “bad developer” is just somebody who fails to reduce complexity. A “good developer” is doing everything in their power to make the code as simple as possible for other programmers.

编程是将复杂性降低到简单的行为。 “不良开发者”就是无法降低复杂性的人。 一个“优秀的开发人员”将尽一切力量使其他程序员的代码尽可能地简单。

A good developer creates things that are easy to understand so that it’s really easy to shake out all the bugs.


Now, developers are generally intelligent people and none of them likes to be treated like they are idiots. Ironically, this leads them sometimes to create things that are a bit complicated. They basically think like this:

现在,开发人员通常是聪明的人,没有人喜欢像白痴一样受到对待。 具有讽刺意味的是,这有时导致他们创建一些复杂的东西。 他们基本上是这样认为的:

Oh, other developers will understand everything I’ve done here. I should write some clever code that is hard to understand so that they can think that I am very smart.

哦,其他开发人员会理解我在这里所做的一切。 我应该编写一些难以理解的巧妙代码,以便他们可以认为我很聪明。

A mistake caused by a wrong mindset-not necessarily by a lack of programming skills. Most of the programming failures happen because of that mentality.

错误的心态导致的错误-不一定是由于缺乏编程技能。 大多数编程失败都是由于这种想法而发生的。

Showing off that you are smart doesn’t help them.


Developers who are new to your code don’t know anything about it; they have to learn.

对您的代码不熟悉的开发人员对此一无所知。 他们必须学习。

So, you should ask this question: “Do I want people to understand this and be happy, or do I want them to be confused and frustrated/em>”

因此,您应该问一个问题:“ 我是希望人们理解这一点并感到高兴吗是希望他们感到困惑和沮丧/em> ”

The truth is that if other developers who read your code can understand it easily it means that you are doing good.


Complexity has nothing to do with intelligence, simplicity does.arry Bossidy

复杂性与智能无关,而简单则与智能无关。 —拉里·博西迪(Larry Bossidy)

The question is: “How simple do you have to be


Here is your answer: Stupid, dumb simple.

这是您的答案: 愚蠢,愚蠢。

5.复杂性 (5. Complexity)

Controlling complexity is the essence of computer programming.rian Kernighan

控制复杂度是计算机编程的本质。 —布赖恩·克尼根(Brian Kernighan)

The source of many software failures is complexity. You start out with a simple project that can be completed in one month. Then you add complexity, and the task will take up to three months. Then you start to add features that fulfill some other purpose. Things get very complex because you expand your software purpose for no reason. The tasks will take six months.

许多软件故障的根源是复杂性。 您从一个简单的项目开始,该项目可以在一个月内完成。 然后,您增加了复杂性,该任务最多需要三个月。 然后,您开始添加满足某些其他目的的功能。 事情变得非常复杂,因为您无缘无故地扩展了软件用途。 任务将花费六个月。

But that is not the end.


Then you take each piece of the feature and make it even more complex, and the task will take nine months. Then you start to introduce many new bugs because of the complexity in your code. Naturally, you start fixing them all without thinking how these fixes will affect other parts. At the end, when even small changes become hard. When bug fixes start to introduce new bugs, you will come to one of the most popular programming horror stories: Rewriting code from scratch.

然后,您将每一项功能都变得复杂起来,整个过程将花费9个月的时间。 然后,由于代码的复杂性,您开始引入许多新的错误。 自然地,您无需考虑这些修补程序将如何影响其他部分,便开始全部修复它们。 最后,即使很小的变化也变得困难。 当错误修复开始引入新的错误时,您将了解最流行的编程恐怖故事之一: 从头开始重写代码

So, how did you become a victim of this horror storyNah, who cares. It’s better to ask: How could you avoid being a victim/p>

那么,您是如何成为这个恐怖故事的受害者罗,在乎。 最好问:您如何避免成为受害者

Well, it is simple. First, you will exactly know your software purpose and its definition. Second, you will be as simple as possible in every piece of code you write. Third, when a new feature or change request comes to the discussion table, you will evaluate them based on your software purpose and question them.

好吧,这很简单。 首先,您将完全了解您的软件用途及其定义。 其次,您编写的每段代码都将尽可能地简单。 第三,当讨论表中出现新功能或变更请求时,您将根据软件目的对它们进行评估并提出问题。

As a developer, your first behavior should be resistance to (unnecessary) change. This will prevent you from adding unnecessary codes into your software. When you are convinced that this change is a need, then you can implement it.

作为开发人员,您的首要行为应该是抵抗(不必要的)变更。 这样可以防止您在软件中添加不必要的代码。 如果您确信需要进行此更改,则可以实施它。

There are many factors that will increase complexity but those are the most popular ones. Aside from everything, there is only one rule that you should follow:

有许多因素会增加复杂性,但这些因素是最受欢迎的因素。 除了所有内容,您只应遵循一条规则:

Your main purpose is to control complexity, not to create it.


6.保养 (6. Maintenance)

Maintenance is one of the most important things in software development. Unfortunately, developers usually ignore how important it is. Quick coding and fast shipping look more important than code maintenance. This is the point where they make a mistakegnorance of future code maintenance.

维护是软件开发中最重要的事情之一。 不幸的是,开发人员通常忽略它的重要性。 快速编码和快速发货看起来比代码维护更重要。 这就是他们犯错的地方-对未来代码维护的无知。

There will always be some implementation of changes. Not only you have to implement them, but you also have to maintain them over time. As a developer, thinking about future maintenance of changes is one of your main responsibilities.

总会有一些变更的实现。 不仅您必须实施它们,而且还必须随着时间的推移对其进行维护。 作为开发人员,考虑将来维护更改是您的主要职责之一。

All changes require maintenance.


Simplicity and complexity are the two main factors that affect code maintenance. The ease of maintenance of any piece of software is proportional to the simplicity of its individual pieces. The effort of maintenance is proportional to the complexity of the software.

简单性和复杂性是影响代码维护的两个主要因素。 任何软件的易于维护都与单个软件的简单性成正比。 维护工作量与软件的复杂度成正比。

The one rule that you should follow about maintenance is:


It is more important to reduce the effort of maintenance than it is to reduce the effort of implementation.


— Max Kanat-Alexander, Code Simplicity

— 代码简化的Max Kanat-Alexander

7.一致性 (7. Consistency)

Consistency is a big part of simplicity. If you do something one way in one place, do it that way in every place. For example, if you name a variable thisIsVariable, then all of your variables should be named that way (otherVariable, anAnotherVariable, etc. not other_variable). – Max Kanat-Alexander, Code Simplicity

一致性是简单性的重要组成部分。 如果您在一个地方以一种方式做某事,请在每个地方以这种方式做。 例如,如果您将变量命名为thisIsVariable,则应以这种方式命名所有变量(otherVariable,anAnotherVariable等,而不是other_variable)。 – 代码简化的Max Kanat-Alexander

Code that isn’t consistent becomes harder to understand. Don’t keep forcing developers to relearn the way your system works every time they look at a new piece of it.

不一致的代码变得更难以理解。 不要一直强迫开发人员在每次查看新系统时重新学习系统的工作方式。

In any team sport, the best teams have consistency and chemistry.oger Staubach

在任何团队运动中,最好的团队都具有一致性和化学性。 —罗杰·斯托巴赫

8.优先排序 (8. Prioritizing)

How do you make decisions about your software/p>


When you face many possible directions, how do you decide which option is the bestWhat to focus on and which features you should implement/p>


To answer those questions, there are three important factors that will help you make a better decision. This equation is explained very well in the Code Simplicity book:

要回答这些问题,有三个重要因素可以帮助您做出更好的决定。 该等式在“ 代码简单性”书中得到了很好的解释:

  • The desirability of a change (D): How much do you want that change to happen/p>


  • The value of a change (V): How much value does the change offerHow much does it help your users/p>


  • The effort required to perform the change (E): How much work will you need to do to accomplish this change/p>


The equation is simple: D=V/E

公式很简单: D = V / E

The desirability of any change is directly proportional to the value of the change and inversely proportional to the effort involved in making the change. – Code Simplicity

任何更改的可取性与更改的值成正比,而与进行更改所涉及的工作成反比 。 – 代码简单

When you prioritize your work, you should follow this rule:


The changes that will bring you a lot of value and require little effort are better than those that will bring little value and require a lot of effort.


9.解决问题 (9. Solving Problems)

The first step is understanding. Know exactly what is being asked. Most hard problems are hard because you don’t understand them. Write down your problem and try to explain it to someone else.

第一步是理解。 确切知道要问什么。 大多数棘手的问题都很棘手,因为您不了解它们。 写下您的问题,然后尝试向他人解释。

If you can’t explain something in simple terms, you don’t understand it.ichard Feynman

如果您不能用简单的术语解释某些内容,那么您将无法理解。 —理查德·费曼(Richard Feynman)

The second step is planning. Don’t take action. Sleep on it. Give your brain some time to analyze the problem and process the information but don’t spend too much time on planning.

第二步是计划。 不要采取行动。 睡吧 给您的大脑一些时间来分析问题并处理信息,但不要在规划上花费太多时间。

Think before acting.


The third step is dividing. Don’t try to solve one big problem. When you look at the problem as a whole, it can scare you. Divide it into smaller tasks and solve each sub-problem one by one. Once you solve each sub-problem, you connect the dots.

第三步是划分。 不要试图解决一个大问题。 当您从整体上看问题时,它可能会吓到您。 将其划分为较小的任务,并逐个解决每个子问题。 一旦解决了每个子问题,就可以连接点。

10.足够好就可以了 (10. Good enough is fine)

“Perfect is the enemy of good.”oltaire

“完美是善的敌人。” —伏尔泰

Whether creating a new project or adding a feature to existing system developers tend to plan everything out in detail from the beginning.


They want the first version to be perfect. They don’t focus on the problem they will solve and how their software will help people.

他们希望第一个版本是完美的。 他们不关注解决的问题以及他们的软件如何帮助人们。

They start by thinking of every small detail they could think about. Then assumptions and predictions come along followed by “What if” sentences. They have to predict the future because they were now so captivated by the imagination of the project in their mind and their project has to be as perfect as they imagined it.

他们从思考所有可能想到的小细节开始。 然后是假设和预测,后面是“假设”句子。 他们必须预测未来,因为他们现在已经对项目的想象力着迷了,他们的项目必须像他们想象的那样完美。

Actually, they are not aware of what’s waiting for them and how much it will cost them by chasing perfection.


Let me tell you what will happen:


  • You will be writing code that isn’t needed


  • You will increase complexity by adding unnecessary codes


  • You will be too generic


  • You will be missing deadlines


  • You will be dealing with many bugs caused by the complexity


Do you want this to happenI guess no.


What you should instead/p>


Start small, improve it, then extend.


The incremental design should be your guide. Here is how you would use it to design a calculator:

增量设计应作为您的指导。 这是使用它来设计计算器的方式:

  1. Plan a system that does only addition and nothing else.


  2. Implement it.


  3. Improve the now-existing system’s design so you can add other operations also.


  4. Plan subtraction and repeat step 2 and 3.


  5. Plan multiplication and repeat step 2 and 3.


  6. Plan division and repeat step 2 and 3.


11.预测 (11. Predictions)

“A prediction is simply a forecast that something will happen in the future. It could be factual and based on some kind of objective data or it could be based on an assumption.”

“预测仅仅是对未来会发生的预测。 它可以是事实的,并基于某种客观数据,也可以基于假设。”

When faced with the fact that their code will change in the future, some developers attempt to solve the problem by designing a solution so generic that (they believe) it will accommodate to every possible future situation. – Code Simplicity

当面对他们的代码将来会更改的事实时,一些开发人员试图通过设计一种通用的解决方案来解决该问题(他们相信),以使其能够适应每种可能的未来情况。 – 代码简单

Being too generic involves a lot of code that isn’t needed.


You can’t predict the future, so no matter how generic your solution is, it will not be generic enough to satisfy the actual future requirements you will have. Most probably, this time will never come and the code you wrote to solve future problems will increase complexity, make it hard to change the pieces of code and eventually it will become a burden that may destroy your software.

您无法预测未来,因此,无论您的解决方案有多通用,它的通用性都不足以满足您将来的实际需求。 很有可能,这一次永远不会到来,您为解决未来问题而编写的代码将增加复杂性,使更改代码段变得困难,最终将成为可能破坏您软件的负担。

Don’t predict to future. Be only as generic as you know you need to be right now.

不要预测未来。 只知道您现在需要的通用性。

12.假设 (12. Assumptions)

What is the assumption/p>


“An assumption is something that you accept as true or suppose to be true, although you have no conclusive proof.”

尽管您没有确凿的证据,但 假设 是您接受为真或假设为真的东西。”

One of the great killers of a software project is assumptions. Let’s see how an assumption can kill a software project.

假设是软件项目的最大杀手之一。 让我们看看一个假设如何杀死一个软件项目。

A developer knows that they have to develop a system to do X. Then they think that the system will require them to do Y in the future, and they implement Y as well. They write thousands of lines of code to design Y.

开发人员知道他们必须开发一个执行X的系统。然后,他们认为该系统将来将要求他们执行Y,并且他们也实现了Y。 他们编写了数千行代码来设计Y。

In the future, the developer realizes that the current requirements are completely different than what they thought. But now, the software has unnecessary codes that make it hard to throw away because everything is intertwined. It takes months to refactor the code and now they think to rewrite the whole software from scratch which will cause them to lose months.

将来,开发人员意识到当前的需求与他们的想法完全不同。 但是现在,该软件具有不必要的代码,因为所有内容都交织在一起,因此很难扔掉。 重构代码需要几个月的时间,现在他们认为从头开始重写整个软件,这将使他们损失几个月的时间。

To avoid being a victim like this developer, follow this simple rule:


Code should be designed based on what you know now, not on what you think will happen in the future./strong>—Code Simplicity

代码的设计应基于您现在所知道的,而不是您认为将来会发生的事情。 — 代码简单

13.停止重新发明 (13. Stop Reinventing)

If, for example, you invent your own garbage collector when a perfectly good one exists, you’re going to be spending a lot of time working on the garbage collector, when you could just be working on your software.


The only times it’s okay to reinvent the wheel is when any of the following are true:


  • You need something that doesn’t exist yet


  • All of the existing “wheels” are bad technologies or incapable of handling your needs


  • The existing “wheels” aren’t being properly maintained


Simple rule:


Don’t reinvent the wheel.


14.抵抗 (14. Resistance)

As a developer, your first reaction to changing requests should be “NO’’.


Always resist adding more code, more features until you are convinced that they are required and there is a need to implement them. Because unnecessary changes will increase defects in your software.

始终不要添加更多的代码,更多的功能,直到您确信它们是必需的并且有必要实现它们。 因为不必要的更改会增加软件的缺陷。

How can you know that there is a need for them/p>


Go back and remember your software purpose. Then remember the simple equation in prioritizing section.

返回并记住您的软件用途。 然后记住优先级部分中的简单方程式。



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