paperwhite3翻页_亚马逊Kindle Paperwhite第二代评论-以及新的Kindle软件更新

paperwhite3翻页_亚马逊Kindle Paperwhite第二代评论-以及新的Kindle软件更新

There’s a little glare here but the second gen has a whiter background and darker blacks.


The first gen has a fantastic screen…


But the second gen has darker blacks and crisper text.


The second generation is definitely faster, they say 25% faster. Turning pages is quicker and the screen updates faster. The new updated software also includes a fast “skim” ability so you can move WAY faster around a book to find your place.

第二代肯定更快,他们说快25%。 翻页更快,屏幕更新也更快。 新的更新软件还具有快速的“略读”功能,因此您可以更快地在书籍中移动WAY来查找您的位置。

They also added GoodReads (a social network for readers) integration directly into the Kindle. This is a fun way to discover new books and see what your friends are reading.

他们还直接将GoodReads(面向读者的社交网络)集成到Kindle中。 这是一种发现新书并查看您的朋友正在阅读的有趣方法。

It also includes “Kindle Freetime,” a special mode for kids where you can limit the books they see and tracks their reading time, as well as set goals for the number of minutes they read each day.

它还包括“ Kindle Freetime”,这是一种针对儿童的特殊模式,您可以在其中限制他们看到的书并跟踪他们的阅读时间,并为每天阅读的分钟数设定目标。

升级您的Kindle软件 (Upgrade your Kindle Software)

Speed and clarity is nice but the most dramatic difference was the software. This new 2nd gen Kindle had a bunch of new software features that my 1st didn’t have. Unacceptable! ;) I checked, and I can get many of these new features by manually upgrading my Kindle’s software.

速度和清晰度很好,但是最明显的区别是软件。 这款新的第二代Kindle具有许多我的第一代没有的新软件功能。 不能接受! ;)我检查了一下,并且可以通过手动升级Kindle的软件来获得许多这些新功能。

If you have a Kindle, head over to and get updated. Most Kindles update themselves, but more and more I’m seeing that these updates roll out either slowly, or not at all. My first-gen was many versions behind.

如果您使用Kindle,请访问 kindlesoftwareupdates 并获得更新。 大多数Kindle都会自我更新,但是越来越多的我看到这些更新要么缓慢推出,要么根本没有推出。 我的第一代产品有很多版本。

  • Kindle Software Update


  • Kindle Paperwhite 1st gen Update

    Kindle Paperwhite第一代更新

  • Kindle Paperwhite 2nd gen Update

    Kindle Paperwhite第二代更新

It’s a basic process, just connect a USB cable and drag the update file into the ROOT (top) of the Kindle Directory. Disconnect and reboot and wait.

这是一个基本过程,只需连接USB电缆,然后将更新文件拖到Kindle目录的ROOT(顶部)中即可。 断开连接并重新启动,然后等待。

Now both my 1st and 2nd gen Kindle Paperwhite’s share the same software features!

现在,我的第一代和第二代Kindle Paperwhite都共享相同的软件功能!

结论 (Conclusion)

It’s not a “must upgrade” but it’s a nice generational step. If you don’t have a Kindle reader, this is a great Kindle. If you’re a fan (as I am) and your partner needs a Kindle, get a new 2nd gen and pass the 1st gen along with updated software. Everyone wins.

这不是“必须升级”,而是一个不错的世代相传的步骤。 如果您没有Kindle阅读器,那将是一个很棒的Kindle。 如果您是风扇(如我),并且您的伴侣需要Kindle,请购买新的第二代产品,并将第一代产品与更新的软件一起使用。 每个人都赢。

相关链接 (Related Links)

  • Amazon Kindle – Original Review


  • Amazon Kindle Paperwhite 3G/Wi-Fi Review

    亚马逊Kindle Paperwhite 3G / Wi-Fi评论

  • A year with an Amazon Kindle (and new Kindle Cases)


  • Amazon Kindle 2 gets Better Battery Life and Native PDF Support

    Amazon Kindle 2获得更好的电池寿命和本机PDF支持

  • Amazon Kindle vs. Amazon Kindle DX – The Final Word

    亚马逊Kindle vs.亚马逊Kindle DX-最后的话

  • Reading more than ever: An analysis of four lazy years with an Amazon Kindle and no dead trees


* FYI: I use Amazon affiliate links




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