

by Michael Deng


当您还在学校时,如何获得一流的技术实习机会和技术工作 (How to land a top-notch tech internship — and a tech job — while you’re still in school)

Seven semesters ago, I started college with no programming background. The only thing I had was lofty aspirations of working in tech.

七个学期前,我开始上大学时没有编程背景。 我唯一拥有的是从事技术工作的崇高愿望。

When recruiting season first rolled around, I applied to a bunch of companies. I got a few callbacks, but that’s it. No follow-ups. No onsite interviews. Nothing.

招聘季节刚开始时,我申请了很多公司。 我收到了一些回调,仅此而已。 没有后续行动。 没有现场采访。 没有。

I kept trying. I applied to over 150 companies. I faced dozens of interviews.

我一直在努力。 我申请了150多家公司。 我面对了数十次面试。

I failed way more than I succeeded. But that’s all right. Because those failures made my moments of triumph all the more memorable.

我失败的方式比成功更多。 没关系。 因为这些失败使我的胜利时刻更加令人难忘。

Along the way, I met helpful mentors and guided ambitious mentees. These people are now working at places like Airbnb, Facebook, Google, SpaceX, and Snap.

在此过程中,我遇到了乐于助人的导师和有野心的导师。 这些人现在在Airbnb,Facebook,Google,SpaceX和Snap等地方工作。

As for me, I landed an internship at Uber last summer. And I’m on track to accept a full-time job at one of my favorite companies when I graduate.

至于我,去年夏天我在Uber实习。 当我毕业时,我有望在我最喜欢的公司之一接受全职工作。

Now that I’m in my final year of school, I want to share everything I’ve learned over the years. This isn’t meant to be the ultimate handbook. It’s only a modest guide born out of my love of helping others reach their goals (and my love of Legos).

既然我已经进入了学业的最后一年,我想分享一下我多年来学到的一切。 这并不是最终的手册。 这只是一个谦虚的指导,是出于我对帮助他人实现目标(以及我对Legos的热爱)的热爱。

By the end of this article, you’ll know everything I wish I had known when I first started sending in applications.


在我们开始之前的几句话… (A few words before we begin…)

Don’t let your struggle for the perfect job take over your life. School is a time of self-discovery and all-around personal growth. So go out there and meet people who are doing different things. Join diverse student organizations and take part in activities outside your comfort zone.

不要为了完美的工作而奋斗接替您的生活。 学校是一个自我发现和全面个人成长的时期。 因此,出去见到正在做不同事情的人。 加入各种学生组织,并在您的舒适区之外参加活动。

It’s all too easy to associate your self-worth with how prestigious of a job you can get. But remember: there are so many more important things in life than work.

将自己的自我价值与所获得的工作的声望联系起来非常容易。 但是请记住:生活中有很多重要的事情比工作要重要。

My best memories of college aren’t spending weeks on end prepping for interviews or even getting offer phone calls. They’re exploring San Francisco for the first time with my closest friends. They’re playing volleyball with my hilarious teammates. I value these unique experiences I shared with people I love much more than any job.

我对大学的最美好回忆不是花数周的时间为面试做准备,甚至没有接到求职电话。 他们第一次与我最亲密的朋友一起探索旧金山。 他们正在和我热闹的队友打排球。 我珍视与我所爱的人分享的独特经历,这比任何工作都重要。

To paraphrase my favorite quote by Twitter and Medium founder Ev Williams: “Failure of your [work] is not failure in life. Failure in your relationships is.” Don’t lose sight of what’s important.

用推特和中型创始人Ev Williams的话来形容我最喜欢的一句话: “ [工作]失败并不是生活中的失败。 你的人际关系失败了。” 不要忽略重要的内容。

It’s also no coincidence that everyone I know with a strong support system eventually found success. When you fall into a slump — and all of us do — you need your friends to be there for you. I would never have made it through my first year without amazing friends who kept me afloat.

我认识的每个人都拥有强大的支持系统,最终都取得了成功,这也不是巧合。 当您陷入萧条时-我们所有人都会这样做-您需要您的朋友为您服务。 如果没有出色的朋友让我永生,我将永远不会在第一年就做到这一点。

Now, let’s get started. You pumpedI’m pumped!

现在,让我们开始吧。 你抽了吗我被抽了!

建立基础 (Building fundamentals)

Before we get to the good stuff, you need to build solid fundamentals. Seems obviousAbsolutely. But this is the hardest step of this guide, so listen up.

在我们掌握好东西之前,您需要构建坚实的基础。 似乎很明显绝对。 但是,这是本指南中最难的步骤,因此请注意。

Now, this guide is designed for college students, so if you’re in high school, scram! Just kidding. In fact, I admire your initiative. When I was in high school, I didn’t have the faintest idea what I wanted to do.

现在,本指南是为大学生设计的,因此,如果您正在上高中,那就赶紧学习吧! 开玩笑。 实际上,我很佩服您的主动性。 当我上高中时,我不知道自己想做什么。

Leading up to college, your top priority should be solidifying your math skills. Computer science relies heavily on mathematic concepts like probability, logic, and number theory. Without math, you’re not going to get far in hard weeder classes and technical interviews.

上大学之前,您的头等大事应该是巩固您的数学技能。 计算机科学在很大程度上依赖于数学概念,例如概率,逻辑和数论。 如果没有数学知识,您将无法参加艰苦的除草课程和技术面试。

If you’re already proficient in math, keep reading. Most of this guide is just as applicable to you as it is to college students. Skip to the online classes section below and progress through the rest of this guide. Landing an internship as a high schooler is challenging, but certainly not impossible.

如果您已经精通数学,请继续阅读。 本指南的大部分内容与大学生一样适用于您。 跳到下面的在线课程部分,并逐步完成本指南的其余部分。 以高中生的身份进行实习是一项挑战,但当然并非不可能。

OK. Back to college students.

好。 回到大学生。

Building fundamentals starts with your intro programming classes. Pay attention and master the basics. A popular but misguided notion is “GPA doesn’t matter.” Although it’s true that most companies won’t scrutinize your GPA, any gaps in your fundamental knowledge will come back to bite you later. By getting a decent GPA, you’re also most likely getting a grasp of the basics.

基础构建从介绍性编程类开始。 注意并掌握基础知识。 流行但被误导的概念是“ GPA无关紧要”。 虽然确实大多数公司不会审查您的GPA,但是您的基础知识上的任何差距都会在以后被您咬伤。 通过获得不错的GPA,您也很有可能掌握基本知识。

Your classes will cover a lot of basic knowledge, but they’ll barely scratch the surface of modern technology. Go explore interesting topics around the core concepts taught in class. This is how you gain a breadth of knowledge and come up with future project ideas.

您的课程将涵盖许多基础知识,但它们几乎不会触及现代技术的表面。 围绕课堂上讲授的核心概念探索有趣的主题。 这是您获得知识广度并提出未来项目构想的方式。

如果您不学习计算机科学,请不要担心。 (If you’re not studying computer science, don’t worry.)

I have friends who changed their minds and started CS their Junior year. They still graduated on time with great job offers, so you’re not too late at all. This said, you will need to make sacrifices and take extra classes every semester.

我有一些朋友改变了主意,并在大三开始了CS。 他们仍然按时毕业,并提供了不错的工作机会,因此您一点也不迟。 也就是说,每学期您需要做出牺牲并参加额外的课程。

If you’re not able to take CS classes in college, there are plenty of awesome online resources to help you out.


Two of the best online intro courses are Harvard CS50x on edX and CS101 on Udacity. After this intro, you need to master data structures and algorithms. I recommend Princeton Algorithms Part 1 and Part 2 on Coursera, or CS61B by UC Berkeley.

最好的两个在线入门课程是edX上的哈佛CS50x和Udacity 上 CS101 。 在完成本介绍之后,您需要掌握数据结构和算法。 我建议使用Coursera的Princeton算法第1部分和第2部分 ,或UC Berkeley的CS61B 。

To make sure you’re on track, reference Google’s Technical Development Guide.

为确保您按时进行,请参考Google的技术开发指南 。

一开始就不用担心。 (Don’t worry if you struggle at first.)

A few weeks into my first semester, I was completely overwhelmed. I spent days studying concepts that took other students hours to grasp. I thought about giving up every week. “How am I ever going to catch up to those prodigies

第一个学期的几周后,我完全不知所措。 我花了几天时间研究一些其他学生要花些时间才能掌握的概念。 我考虑过每周放弃。 “我怎么会追赶那些神童

But if you ask me or any of my friends who made it through, we’ll all tell you the same thing: Learning to program isn’t about how talented you are or how early you started coding. It’s about perseverance.

但是,如果您问我或我的任何一位取得成功的朋友,我们都会告诉您同样的事情: 学习编程并不关乎您的才华或开始编码的时间。 这是关于毅力的。

Building up your programming intuition takes a long time — much like learning a human language. You won’t see the light at the end of the tunnel for a long time. But trust me. If you take one step at a time, you will eventually get there.

建立编程直觉需要很长时间-就像学习人类语言一样。 您将在很长一段时间内看不到隧道尽头的灯光。 但是请相信我。 如果一次迈出一步,您最终将到达那里。

Staying motivated is difficult, but there’s a secret.


专注于掌握而不是结果。 (Focus on mastery instead of results.)

Make it your goal to get better at a skill rather than achieve a certain result. Dr. Heidi Grant Halvorson did a study where she asked two groups of people to solve various problems. The first group was told to score as high as they could. The second group was told to treat the problems as a learning opportunity.

使您的目标变得更好,而不是达到一定的结果。 Heidi Grant Halvorson博士进行了一项研究,她让两组人解决各种问题。 第一组被告知得分最高。 第二组被告知将问题视为学习机会。

The results were surprising. The first group got frustrated, whereas the second group persisted and solved more problems./p>

结果令人惊讶。 第一组感到沮丧,而第二组坚持并解决了更多问题。

By focusing on mastery, you view obstacles and time pressure as things that will help you grow. In contrast, a result-oriented mindset frames problems as irritating roadblocks impeding your way.

通过专注于掌握,您会将障碍和时间压力视为可以帮助您成长的事物。 相反,以结果为导向的思维定势将问题视为刺激您的道路的障碍。

What’s more, you’ll see continual progress if you concentrate on mastery. Every time you read a new paragraph or solve a new question, you’re improving your skills. This kind of continuous gratification is incredibly satisfying.

更重要的是,如果您专注于精通,就会看到持续的进步。 每次阅读新段落或解决新问题时,您都在提高自己的技能。 这种持续的满足感令人难以置信。

So next time you’re studying for class or practicing for interviews, focus on getting better instead of acing the exam or landing the offer.


You can read more about this tactic in Edmond Lau’s Quora post.

您可以在Edmond Lau的Quora帖子中了解有关此策略的更多信息 。

除了基本的编码技能,您还需要了解技术行业中正在发生的事情。 (Beyond basic coding skills, you need to know what’s happening in the tech industry.)

This goes beyond sounding smart during recruiting. By paying attention to the industry, you’ll be the first to discover new opportunities to propel your career forward./p>

在招聘过程中,这听起来并不明智。 通过关注这个行业,您将成为第一个发现新机会以推动您的职业发展的人。

For online reading, check out TechCrunch, Techmeme, Product Hunt, and Hacker News. If you’re a frequent Twitter user, follow tech news sources. On Medium and Quora, personalize your feeds to get insightful takes on the industry.

对于在线阅读,请查阅TechCrunch , Techmeme , Product Hunt和Hacker News 。 如果您经常使用Twitter,请关注技术新闻来源。 在Medium和Quora上 ,个性化您的Feed,以深入了解该行业。

If you’re into email newsletters, look into Axios Pro Rata, CB Insights, and Mattermark Daily.

如果您关注电子邮件通讯,请查看Axios Pro Rata , CB Insights和Mattermark Daily 。

To do a deep dive on a particular company, use Crunchbase and the company’s blog. You can also learn about the company’s culture from Glassdoor.

要深入了解特定公司,请使用Crunchbase和该公司的博客。 您还可以从Glassdoor了解公司的文化。

Finally, don’t forget to actually talk to people. I learned so much about the tech world from casual conversations with friends and classmates.

最后,别忘了与人交谈。 通过与朋友和同学的随意交谈,我对科技界学到了很多。

Over time, you’ll read about a lot of interesting companies. Begin compiling a spreadsheet of companies you’re interested in from day 1. When you apply to these companies in the future, use this spreadsheet to track your progress.

随着时间的流逝,您将了解到许多有趣的公司。 从第一天开始,开始编制您感兴趣的公司的电子表格。将来当您向这些公司提出申请时,请使用该电子表格来跟踪您的进度。

Once you have the fundamentals down, it’s time to apply your skills. One of the best ways to do that is by…

一旦掌握了基础知识,就该开始运用技能了。 最好的方法之一是通过…

建筑项目 (Building projects)

If you’re like me, you don’t have much experience to begin with, and that’s OK! The first step is populating that empty resume with projects.

如果您像我一样,那么您就没有太多经验,那就可以了! 第一步是用项目填充空简历。

When I first decided to work on a project, I had decision paralysis for days. “What should I makeWhat if it’s not originalWhat if people don’t like it

当我第一次决定从事一个项目时,我瘫痪了好几天。 “我该怎么办/em> 如果不是原始的怎么办/em> 如果人们不喜欢怎么办

Later, I realized it doesn’t really matter what the project is. Learning something and finishing what you start is much more important. But this doesn’t mean you can make whatever you want. If your project is too trivial, you won’t impress any recruiters. If yourq project is too complex, you’ll lose momentum before completing it.

后来,我意识到该项目是什么并不重要。 学习一些东西并完成您的开始非常重要。 但这并不意味着您可以做任何您想做的事情。 如果您的项目太琐碎,您将不会给招聘人员留下深刻的印象。 如果您的项目太复杂,则在完成之前会失去动力。

Aim to do a project you think you can complete in one to two months. The project should involve data structures, algorithms, and design decisions. And do something you’re interested in so you’ll actually take it all the way to completion.

打算做一个您认为可以在一到两个月内完成的项目。 该项目应涉及数据结构,算法和设计决策。 并做您感兴趣的事情,这样您就可以一路走到完成。

Here’s a compilation of project ideas on Reddit for inspiration.

这是 Reddit上项目构想的灵感来源。

After coming up with an idea, take some time to plan, but don’t take too long. You want to start as soon as possible. Now, you might be wondering “Isn’t it irresponsible to jump in prematurely

提出想法后,请花一些时间计划,但不要花太长时间。 您想尽快开始。 现在,您可能想知道“过早跳入是否不负责任

Generally, yes. But personal projects are different from company projects. Personal projects should teach you something new and strengthen your background during recruiting. Unlike company projects, you don’t need to obsess over design and code quality.

通常,是的。 但是个人项目与公司项目不同。 个人项目应该教会您一些新知识,并在招聘过程中巩固您的背景。 与公司项目不同,您无需沉迷于设计和代码质量。

If you’re feeling stuck at the beginning, write down some code — any code. Building a personal project is like writing, you just start. Don’t worry if it doesn’t make sense. Seeing code in an editor will get your juices flowing.

如果您一开始就感到困惑,请写下一些代码-任何代码。 建立个人项目就像写作一样,您只是开始。 如果这没有道理,请不要担心。 在编辑器中查看代码将使您如虎添翼。

Track your project with version control. If you don’t know what that is, make a Github account and learn how to use Git. You need Github as it’s the primary way you save and display your projects.

使用版本控制跟踪您的项目。 如果您不知道这是什么,请注册一个Github帐户并学习如何使用Git 。 您需要Github,因为它是保存和显示项目的主要方式。

If you can, make your project live so recruiters can play with it. Most recruiters won’t inspect your code, so a live demo is the best way to show off your project.

如果可以,请使您的项目生效,以便招聘人员可以参与其中。 大多数招聘人员不会检查您的代码,因此,进行实时演示是炫耀您的项目的最佳方法。

Aim to complete three to five projects by the time you start applying.


一个很棒的第一个项目是一个个人网站。 (A terrific first project is a personal website.)

You learn the basics of web development and get your own space on the internet to display your work.


Codecademy has two excellent tutorials on building websites:


  • Make a Website teaches you the basics of HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap.


  • Deploy a Website teaches you how to put your website on the internet. Step 3 of this tutorial isn’t necessary, just use the free .github.io domain.

    部署网站可以教您如何将网站放置在互联网上。 本教程的第3步不是必需的,只需使用免费的.github.io域。

Too easyConvert your personal website into a dynamic blog. To do this, you need to learn a web development framework like Rails or Django. Check out the Ruby on Rails Tutorial or The Django Girls Guide.

太容易了将您的个人网站转换为动态博客。 为此,您需要学习一个Web开发框架,例如Rails或Django。 查看Ruby on Rails教程或Django Girls Guide 。

The Muse and Awwwards have examples of personal websites if you need design inspiration. Also, you have to check out this wicked personal website.

如果您需要设计灵感,则Muse和Awwwards都有一些个人网站的示例。 此外,您还必须查看这个邪恶的个人网站 。

黑客马拉松非常适合激励自己去做项目。 (Hackathons are great for motivating yourself to do projects.)

Schools and organizations around the world host hackathons, which are project-building competitions lasting several days. In this short span of time, you’ll learn a lot, come up with unique ideas, and meet interesting people.

世界各地的学校和组织都举办黑客马拉松,这是为期数天的项目建设竞赛。 在这短时间内,您将学到很多东西,提出独特的想法,并结识有趣的人。

Many hackathons reimburse travel, so there’s no excuse not to go. Use Hackalist or Hackevents to discover upcoming ones.

许多黑客马拉松报销了旅行费用,因此没有任何借口不去。 使用Hackalist或Hackevents发现即将发生的事件。

Some of the top North American hackathons I know of are PennApps, HackMIT, HackNY, MHacks, HackTech, HackIllinois, CalHacks, TreeHacks, Hack the North, YC Hacks, and Greylock Techfair.

我知道的一些北美顶级黑客马拉松是PennApps,HackMIT,HackNY,MHacks,HackTech,HackIllinois,CalHacks,TreeHacks,Hack the North,YC Hacks和Greylock Techfair。

您还可以为开源项目做出贡献。 (You can also contribute to open source projects.)

Working on open source is an awesome way to add value to meaningful projects. Plus, you learn a lot from seeing code written by more experienced engineers.

在开源上工作是一种为有意义的项目增加价值的好方法。 另外,您可以通过查看更有经验的工程师编写的代码中学到很多东西。

Jumping into open source for the first time can be intimidating. Two good entry points are Google Summer of Code and Sayan Chowdhury’s article on open source for beginners. Github also just released their very own open source guide. Find a cool project and dive in. You’ll get the hang of it soon enough.

初次进入开源可能会令人生畏。 两个不错的切入点是Google Summer of Code和Sayan Chowdhury的针对初学者的开源文章 。 Github也刚刚发布了他们自己的开源指南 。 找到一个很棒的项目并潜入。您将很快掌握其中的窍门。

研究是项目的替代方案。 (Research is an alternative to projects.)

If your school has a student research program, great! Apply asap. If it doesn’t have one, look up what research your professors are doing. If their work seems interesting, email them and ask if you can contribute. You’d be surprised at how receptive they are to eager undergrads.

如果您的学校有学生研究计划,那就太好了! 尽快申请。 如果没有,请查找您的教授正在进行的研究。 如果他们的工作看起来有趣,请给他们发送电子邮件,并询问您是否可以提供帮助。 您会对他们渴望本科生的接受能力感到惊讶。

In the future, you can even ask your team to refer you to cutting-edge companies. Keep in mind research belongs under Experience rather than Projects on your resume.

将来,您甚至可以要求您的团队将您推荐给尖端公司。 请记住,简历属于经验而非简历上的项目。

平衡项目和学校可能会很艰难。 (It can be tough balancing projects and school.)

One complaint I hear frequently is “I don’t have time to do side projects while taking classes.” I’m personally guilty of saying that from time to time.

我经常听到的一个抱怨是“上课时我没有时间做附带项目。” 我个人有时会这样说。

It’s tough to set aside time for projects because, unlike school, you’re not held accountable by deadlines and exams. After a day of studying, it’s tempting to choose social media or video games over your project. But if you keep putting it off, the semester will be over before you know it.

很难为项目预留时间,因为与学校不同,您不必对截止日期和考试负责。 经过一天的学习,在您的项目中选择社交媒体或视频游戏是很诱人的。 但是,如果您继续推迟,那么这个学期将在您不知道的情况下结束。

To combat procrastination, force yourself to work on your project a little bit every day. Even if it’s just 15 minutes, you’ll form a habit of making continual progress.

为了避免拖延,每天强迫自己进行一些项目。 即使只有15分钟,您也会养成不断进步的习惯。

This is also why hackathons and research projects are so great. They impose external deadlines and expectations so you can’t drag your heels.

这也是黑客马拉松和研究项目如此出色的原因。 他们强加了外部截止日期和期望,因此您不能drag脚。

Now that you have some experience, you need to put it somewhere.


创建简历 (Creating a resume)

Writing a resume might seem pretty straightforward, but there are lots of nuances. After all, it’s the first thing recruiters will read about you. It’s crucial to make a good first impression.

撰写简历似乎很简单,但是有很多细微差别。 毕竟,这是招聘人员首先要了解的关于您的信息。 留下良好的第一印象至关重要。

…And you need to make that impression fast. Recruiters spend an average of six seconds reviewing a resume. You heard that right. Six seconds.

…并且您需要快速给人留下深刻的印象。 招聘人员平均花费6秒钟来审核简历。 你没听错 六秒钟

Almost all that time is spent on your name, companies, job titles, start/end dates, school, major, and project titles. Everything on your resume should be tailored towards helping recruiters find these key pieces of info as fast as possible.

几乎所有时间都花在您的姓名,公司,职称,开始/结束日期,学校,专业和项目职称上。 简历上的所有内容都应量身定制,以帮助招聘人员尽快找到这些关键信息。

Here are some important guidelines.


Easy to scan:


  • Stick to one page.


  • Keep it black and white if you’re not skilled at design. Colors are noisy.

    如果您不擅长设计,请保持黑白。 颜色很吵。

  • Stick to a standard format (chronological, no weird fonts, 10.5 to 12 pt font size, 0.5 to 1 inch margins). Standard formats are more readable by resume-parsing programs and easier to skim by recruiters.

    坚持使用标准格式(按时间顺序排列,没有奇怪的字体,字体大小为10.5至12磅,页边距为0.5至1英寸)。 简历解析程序更易于阅读标准格式,招聘人员更容易浏览标准格式。

  • Keep it concise. Text walls discourage readers.

    保持简洁。 文字墙不鼓励读者。

Highlight the key points:


  • Make your name big.


  • Highlight company names, job titles, start/end dates, school name, major, and project titles.


  • Important content should be higher up. For a student, the order of importance is usually Education > Experience > Projects > Skills.

    重要内容应该更高。 对于学生而言,重要性顺序通常是“教育”>“经验”>“项目”>“技能”。

Cut the fat:


  • Objective and Summary are unnecessary.


  • Descriptions should say something tangible. “Exceptional team player” doesn’t work. “Increased user conversion rates by 20%” does.

    说明中应说明有形。 “杰出的团队合作者”无效。 “将用户转换率提高了20%”

  • People without technical background will be reading your resume, so get rid of convoluted details.


Don’t neglect the details:


  • Include the higher of your cumulative GPA and your major GPA. If they’re both less than 3.0, leave it off.

    包括您的累积GPA和主要GPA中的较高者。 如果它们都小于3.0,则将其保留。

  • Include links to a live demo or Github repo for each project.


  • Don’t include anything you wouldn’t be comfortable answering questions about. Most people make this mistake when listing their skills.

    不要包含您不愿意回答的任何内容。 大多数人在列出自己的技能时都会犯此错误。

For more tips, read this.

有关更多提示,请阅读此 。

After finishing your resume, have your peers review it. Ask them to be honest and harsh. My first draft was awful compared to my tenth draft.

完成您的简历后,请您的同行对其进行审核。 要求他们诚实和苛刻。 与第十稿相比,我的第一稿很糟糕。

如果您时间有限,请使用在线简历构建器。 (Use online resume builders if you’re short on time.)

Standard Resume and CakeResume are two outstanding tools that make it a breeze to generate a handsome resume.


如果您没有领英个人资料,请创建一个。 (If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile, create one.)

LinkedIn enables recruiters to find you and helps you maintain your professional network. Plus, you need it for the cold-emailing recruiters later.

LinkedIn使招聘人员可以找到您,并帮助您维护专业网络。 另外,以后需要招聘人才的人也需要它。

With a few projects under your belt and resume in hand, you’re ready to begin preparing for interviews.


为面试做好战斗准备 (Getting battle-ready for interviews)来源:cumi6497


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