什么是Google Play保护以及如何确保Android安全?

什么是Google Play保护以及如何确保Android安全?

Android is open, flexible, and all about choice. Unfortunately, that flexibility comes more potential security issues. The good news is that Google has a system in place named Play Protect that helps keep Android secure.

Android开放,灵活且具有多种选择。 不幸的是,灵活性带来了更多潜在的安全问题。 好消息是Google拥有一个名为Play Protect的系统,可帮助确保Android安全。

Google Play Protect represents Google’s entire Android security philosophy under one name. Play Protect is a multi-part system, designed to keep your phone safe from front to back—it’s part malware scanner, part Find My Phone, and part Safe Browsing. Before we get into the details, however, here’s how to find your device’s Play Protect status.

Google Play Protect以一个名称代表了Google的整个Android安全理念。 Play Protect是一个由多部分组成的系统,旨在从正面到背面保护您的手机,其中一部分是恶意软件扫描程序,一部分是“查找我的手机”以及部分“安全浏览”。 但是,在深入了解细节之前,这里介绍了如何找到设备的Play保护状态。

如何在设备上查找播放保护信息 (How to Find Play Protect Info on Your Device)

If you’re curious to see what Play Protect is doing on your device, it’s pretty easy to do. Go ahead and fire up the Play Store to get started.

如果您想知道Play保护在您的设备上正在做什么,那很容易做到。 继续并启动Play商店以开始使用。

Open the Play Store menu, and then select the “My Apps & Games” setting. The top option on the My Apps & Games page is the Play Protect status summary. Tap it to find out more.

打开Play商店菜单,然后选择“我的应用和游戏”设置。 我的应用程序和游戏页面上的顶部选项是Play保护状态摘要。 点击以了解更多。

什么是Google Play保护以及如何确保Android安全? 什么是Google Play保护以及如何确保Android安全? 什么是Google Play保护以及如何确保Android安全?

The Play Protect page shows recently scanned apps, lets you know if it has found anything questionable, and gives you a few options to toy with. It’s very cool.

“ Play保护”页面显示最近扫描的应用程序,让您知道它是否发现有任何问题,并为您提供一些选择。 非常酷

Now, here’s what that really means for you and your phone.


Play Protect的恶意软件扫描程序可确保您的手机无病毒 (Play Protect’s Malware Scanner Keeps Your Phone Virus-Free)

什么是Google Play保护以及如何确保Android安全?

Play Protect’s primary reason for existing is malware scanning. It uses machine learning to scan and verify over 50 billion apps every single day—both inside and outside the Play Store.

Play Protect存在的主要原因是恶意软件扫描。 它使用机器学习,每天在Play商店内外扫描和验证超过500亿个应用程序。

Basically, on the back end, Play Protect’s malware scanner checks every app that enters the Google Play Store to make sure it’s a legit app. If something is caught, it’s rejected (or removed) from the Play Store.

基本上,在后端,Play Protect的恶意软件扫描程序会检查进入Google Play商店的每个应用,以确保它是合法应用。 如果发现任何东西,则会从Play商店中将其拒绝(或删除)。

But Play Protect goes a step further to help keep your device safe even if you sideload applications. Not only does it scan apps in the Play Store, it also scans all apps on your phone for malicious activity—no matter where they came from. If it finds something suspicious, you’ll be notified.

但是,即使侧加载应用程序,Play Protect仍可以进一步帮助确保设备安全。 它不仅会扫描Play商店中的应用程序,还会扫描手机上的所有应用程序是否存在恶意活动-无论它们来自何处。 如果发现可疑内容,则会通知您。

Of course, just like any malware scanner, it’s not perfect. Some things may slip through the cracks, so it’s also up to you to be as smart as you can about installing software.

当然,就像任何恶意软件扫描程序一样,它也不是完美的。 有些事情可能会从裂缝中溜走,所以安装软件也要由您自己决定。

Play Protect的“查找我的电话”功能可保护您丢失或失窃的电话 (Play Protect’s Find My Phone Feature Protects Your Lost or Stolen Phone)

什么是Google Play保护以及如何确保Android安全?

If you find yourself with that gut-sinking feeling of suddenly not knowing where your phone is, you can use Play Protect’s Find My Phone to track your device. Regardless of whether it’s lost or stolen, you can track down the phone’s current (or last known) location.

如果您发现自己突然不知道自己的手机在哪里,那可以使用Play Protect的“查找我的手机”来跟踪您的设备。 无论丢失还是被盗,您都可以跟踪手机的当前(或最后知道的)位置。

And if it seems like you’re not getting your phone back, you can use Find My Phone to remotely lock and wipe your device. That way, you can at least make sure your personal information is safe from prying eyes.

而且,如果您似乎无法取回手机,则可以使用“查找我的手机”远程锁定和擦除设备。 这样,您至少可以确保您的个人信息不被窥视。

Play Protect保护您的网络安全 (Play Protect Keeps You Safe on the Web)

什么是Google Play保护以及如何确保Android安全?

Play Protect also integrates seamlessly with Chrome to keep you safe from malware on the web. If it detects malicious code on a website, you’ll be warned and directed back to safety.

Play Protect还与Chrome无缝集成,以确保您免受网络上恶意软件的侵害。 如果它在网站上检测到恶意代码,则会警告您,并直接将其返回安全。

This feature should be familiar for anyone who uses the Chrome browser on the computer as well, because it’s the same basic concept. Chrome watches for any indicator of suspicious activity and blocks it if something questionable happens.

任何在计算机上使用Chrome浏览器的人都应该熟悉此功能,因为它是相同的基本概念。 Chrome会监视可疑活动的任何迹象,并在发生可疑事件时将其阻止。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/355504/what-is-google-play-protect-and-how-does-it-keep-android-secure/

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