

Roku TVs sometimes use a technology they call “Action Smoothing” to artificially speed up the framerate of video, but it often ends up looking fake and ruins the cinematic look of movies.


什么是“动作平滑”(What Is “Action Smoothing” Anywayspan style=”font-weight: bold;”>)

Action Smoothing is Roku’s implementation of motion smoothing, a common feature on high-end TVs. Motion smoothing works by increasing the framerate of the video on the TV. More frames make motion feel smoother, but there’s a problem: since there’s no way to create new frames out of nowhere, it has to take two frames and attempt to figure out what the “in between frame” is. This leads to a lot of motion-blurred frames and a fair number of artifacts.

动作平滑是Roku对动作平滑的实现,这是高端电视的常见功能。 运动平滑通过提高电视上视频的帧速率来工作。 更多的帧会使运动感觉更平滑,但是存在一个问题:由于无法无处不在创建新帧,因此必须占用两个帧并试图弄清楚“帧间”是什么。 这导致许多运动模糊的帧和相当多的伪像。

Roku says “Action Smoothing” reduces “motion blur,” which is true as far as it goes. It can help you to see fast moving objects easier, but it adds a bit of motion blur to the in between images to make them smoother. That can be good for fast-action live events like sports, but it can make movies and TV shows look weird

Roku说“动作平滑”可以减少“运动模糊”,就目前而言,这是事实。 它可以帮助您更轻松地查看快速移动的对象,但它会在图像之间增加一些运动模糊,使它们更平滑。 这对于体育等快速现场直播来说可能会很好,但会使电影和电视节目看起来很奇怪

This feature isn’t included on all Roku TVs. We couldn’t find it on any of our TCL Roku TVs, but some manufacturers do include it.

并非所有Roku电视都包含此功能。 我们在任何TCL Roku电视上都找不到它,但是一些制造商确实包含了它。

如何关闭动作平滑 (How to Turn Off Action Smoothing)

Luckily, you can disable this feature on your Roku TV. Roku hides the option under “Advanced Picture Settings” in the menu, which you can open by pressing the “*” button below the direction pad on the remote. Note that how this button press works changes depending on what’s on your screen. It doesn’t work on the Roku home page or on the home pages of streaming video apps, which all use the “*” button for other things. You must be playing a video in a streaming app to access the menu. You can also access the menu by simply pressing “*” when you’ve selected a specific HDMI or other input on your TV—no need for a video to be playing then.

幸运的是,您可以在Roku电视上禁用此功能。 Roku在菜单的“高级图片设置”下隐藏了该选项,您可以通过按遥控器上方向盘下方的“ *”按钮来打开该选项。 请注意,此按钮按下的工作方式会根据屏幕上的内容而变化。 它在Roku主页或流式视频应用程序的主页上均不起作用,后者全部使用“ *”按钮进行其他操作。 您必须在流媒体应用程序中播放视频才能访问菜单。 您还可以通过在电视上选择特定的HDMI或其他输入时仅按“ *”来访问菜单-那时无需播放视频。

If your Roku has motion smoothing, you’ll see “Action Smoothing” options under Advanced Picture Settings. There are four different levels of Action Smoothing you can select: High, Medium, Low, and Off. If you just want to get rid of the motion smoothing effect, select “Off”. The other levels will use less motion smoothing, but will still interpolate the content. (If you don’t see the Action Smoothing options, your Roku TV doesn’t have motion smoothing.)

如果Roku具有运动平滑功能,您将在“高级图片设置”下看到“运动平滑”选项。 您可以选择四种不同的动作平滑级别:高,中,低和关闭。 如果只想消除运动平滑效果,请选择“关”。 其他级别将使用较少的运动平滑,但仍将对内容进行插值。 (如果您没有看到“动作平滑”选项,则您的Roku TV没有动作平滑。)

Your Roku TV will save your settings, but it has different settings for different types of content. Here’s what Roku says:

Roku TV将保存您的设置,但是对于不同类型的内容,它具有不同的设置。 这是Roku所说的:

Action Smoothing settings are unique and persistent for every input, and for each type of content (e.g., 1080p, 4K, 4K HDR). For example, if you have a 4K Blu-rayplayer connected to HDMI 1, you can assign a different Action Smoothing setting for 1080p movies, 4K movies, and 4K HDR movies. Each time you return to HDMI 1 to watch a movie, the Action Smoothing setting automatically returns to the assigned value depending on the type of content being watched.

动作平滑设置对于每种输入和每种类型的内容(例如1080p,4K,4K HDR)都是唯一且持久的。 例如,如果您将4K Blu-ray放器连接到HDMI 1,则可以为1080p电影,4K电影和4K HDR电影分配不同的动作平滑设置。 每次返回HDMI 1观看电影时,“动作平滑”设置都会根据所观看内容的类型自动返回到分配的值。

If you’re having any other issues, you should consult the Roku TV Manual for additional help.




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