

Code review is done when a module has been completed by the developer(s) and has been compiled and verified by the developer’s end. Code reviewing is a cost-efficient technique to reduce the errors and faults that are or may occur in the software. It is termed as cost-efficient because if the faults are detected in this phase itself, then it would cost much less to resolve them now than to resolve them later at the time of integration and system check. Hence, in producing error-free, efficient and high-quality software, code reviewing plays a vital role.

当模块已由开发人员完成并由开发人员端进行编译和验证时,将执行代码检查代码审查是一种经济高效的技术,可以减少软件中可能发生的错误和错误。 之所以称其为具有成本效益的,是因为如果在此阶段本身检测到故障,则与在集成和系统检查时稍后解决它们相比,现在解决这些问题所需的成本要低得多。 因此,在生产无差错,高效和高质量的软件中,代码审查起着至关重要的作用。

There are two methods by which a code module is reviewed. These two methods can also be called the types of code review techniques. The two techniques namely are,

有两种方法可以检查代码模块。 这两种方法也可以称为代码检查技术的类型。 两种技术分别是:

  1. Code walk through


  2. Code inspection


1)代码遍历 (1) Code walk through)

As the name suggests, the reviewing of the code module in this method is done in a lenient manner, same as just walking through the school campus by the principal on normal days.


What is done in this method is: a team of specific members (can be from the developer’s team also) is prepared and the code is provided to them few days before the code walk through meeting. In this period, the team members go through the code, try to understand the meaning of each code. This process is usually done without running the code and just by going through it manually. Each member notes down his/her observations and findings and then a brief discussion on the same is done on the meeting day where the whole developer team or some of their members are present.

这种方法的作用是:准备一个由特定成员组成的团队(也可以来自开发人员团队),并在代码逐步通过会议之前几天将代码提供给他们。 在此期间,团队成员仔细阅读代码,尝试理解每个代码的含义。 通常无需运行代码即可完成此过程,而只需手动执行即可。 每个成员记下他/她的观察和发现,然后在整个开发团队或其中一些成员出席的会议当天进行简短的讨论。

2)代码检查 (2) Code inspection)

You can relate code inspection with the behavior of your school principal on inspection days rather than the usual school days. What here is meant to say is that in the code inspection, the whole code reviewing is performed strictly to identify and detect all the errors a faults present in the code module. Here, in spite of manual observations and reviewing of code, the code is executed for different inputs. Various inputs from all ranges of data are provided to the module and its behavior is noted. The main aim of code inspection is to identify the common mistakes (if any) that the code is repeatedly making while execution. Also, the code is checked for input that is beyond its range to handle and again its behavior is noted.

您可以将代码检查与校长在检查日而不是通常的上课日的行为联系起来。 这里所说的意思是,在代码检查中,严格执行整个代码检查,以识别和检测代码模块中存在的所有错误。 在这里,尽管进行了人工观察和检查代码,但仍针对不同的输入执行代码。 来自所有数据范围的各种输入都提供给模块,并记录其行为。 代码检查的主要目的是确定代码在执行过程中反复犯的常见错误(如果有)。 同样,将检查代码中超出其处理范围的输入,并再次记录其行为。

By performing this type of code reviewing, the organization becomes sure about the performance and quality of the software and also the difficulties that may occur in the future while integrating the modules get reduced by some extent in this process.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/basics/code-reviewing-in-software-engineering.aspx


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