

You’re watching a movie late at night. Your family is asleep. You can’t hear the dialogue during a key scene, so you turn up the volume, only for an unexpected explosion to wake up the entire house. Isn’t there some way to prevent this/p>

您正在深夜看电影。 您的家人正在睡觉。 在关键场景中您听不到对话,因此您调高了音量,只是因为意想不到的爆炸声将整个房子吵醒了。 有没有办法防止这种情况/p>

If you own a Roku Premier, Premier+, or Ultra, the Night Listening feature can level out audio levels for you. This makes explosions softer and conversations louder, so that you don’t have to constantly change the volume when explosions are too loud. (You could just go to bed, but come on, we both know that won’t happen.)

如果您拥有Roku Premier,Premier +或Ultra,则“夜间聆听”功能可以为您拉平音频电平。 这样可以使爆炸变得更柔和,对话也更响亮,这样您就不必在爆炸声太大时不断更改音量。 (您可以上床睡觉,但是来吧,我们俩都知道那不会发生。)

There are two ways to enable night listening. The first can be found, starting from the home screen, at Settings > Audio > Night Listening Mode.

有两种方法可以启用夜间监听功能。 从主屏幕开始,可以在“设置”>“音频”>“夜听模式”下找到第一个。


From here you can toggle the feature on and off.



If you’re already watching something, and want to quickly turn Night Listening on, simply press the “*” button on your Roku remote. You’ll find the Night Listening feature list in a pop-up panel on the left of the screen.

如果您已经在看东西了,并且想快速打开“夜间听”,只需按一下Roku遥控器上的“ *”按钮即可。 您会在屏幕左侧的弹出面板中找到“夜间聆听”功能列表。


Toggling the feature here isn’t specific to the video your watching: it changes the system-wide setting. If you want to watch something with normal audio levels tomorrow you’ll have to switch this back.

此处切换功能并非特定于您正在观看的视频:它会更改系统范围的设置。 如果您明天想观看具有正常音频电平的内容,则必须将其切换回原来的状态。

And you should turn it off, because Night Listening isn’t a feature you want on constantly. Volume swings add a lot to the drama of a movie, and Night Listening diminishes that.

而且您应该将其关闭,因为“夜间聆听”不是您要经常打开的功能。 音量波动大大增加了电影的戏剧性,而“夜间聆听”则减少了这种波动。

Still, it’s perfect for the late night TV binge. And what else are you going to do late at night, you insomniacExactly.

尽管如此,它对于深夜的电视狂潮还是很完美的。 失眠症患者还要在深夜做什么究竟。



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