linux cnc 软件手册,最新LINUXCNC源程序原理说明.docx

| |– uni vstep(sample PICO stepper gen erator)

| |– uni vstep(sample PICO stepper gen erator)

opLINUXCNC 源 程 序 学 习


Overview of the emc2 directory (ge nerated by tree -I .git -d):

|– app-defaults

|– bin (user mode bin aries)

|– con figs

| |– 5axis

| |– boss

| |– com mon

| |– dallur-thc

| |– demo_mazak (sample mazak config files)

| |– demo_sim_cl (sample sim with ladder IO)

| |– demo_step_cl (sample stepper with ladder IO)

| |– etch-servo

| |– halui_halvcp

| |– hexapod-sim

| |– lathe-pluto

| |– m5i20 (sample servo using Mesa PCI)

| |– max

| |– mote nc(sample servo using Vital PCI)

| |– ni st-lathe

| |– plasma-thc

| |– plasma-thc-sim

| |– ppmc

| |– puma

| |– scara

| |– sim (simulated moti on and IO)

| |– stepper (parport stepper driver)

| |– stepper-ga ntry

| |– stepper-xyza

| |– stg (sample servo using STG ISA) | |– un ivpwm (sample PICO servo gen erator)

| 、– vti

|– debia n(files n eeded to build deb packages)

| |– extras-Ubuntu-5.10 (extra files for Ubuntu 5.10) III– etc

| | | 卜-modprobe.d

| | | 卜-udev

| | | | 卜-rules.d

| | | |、– scripts

I I I ‘– xdg

| I I 、– menus

I I I ‘– applicati on s-merged

I I ‘– usr

I I 、– share

III–applicatio ns



I I– extras-Ubu ntu-6.06 (extra files for buildi ng on Ubun tu 6.06 Dap per Drake)

| I I

| I I 卜-modprobe.d

| I I

| I I 卜-modprobe.d




|||||– rules.d

||||、– scripts

III ‘– xdg

| | |、– menus

| | |’– applicati on s-merged

| | ‘– usr

| |、– share

||卜-applicatio ns



| 卜-extras-Ubuntu-7.10 (extra files for building on Ubuntu 7.10)

I I I– etc

I I I 卜-udev

I I ‘– usr

I I ‘– usr

I I ‘– usr

I I ‘– usr

| | | | ‘– rules.d

III ‘– xdg

| | |、– menus

| | |’– applicati on s-merged

| | ‘– usr

| |、– share

||卜-applicatio ns


||、– pixmaps

| 卜-extras-Ubuntu-8.04 (extra files for building on Ubuntu 8.04 Har

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