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吴军 / 电子工业出版社 / 2011-8 / 55.00


纸质版 40.70 元起


Escape Velocity : Free YourCompany’s Future from the Pull of the Past

Moore, Geoffrey A. / 2011-9 / $ 31.63


纸质版 233.00 元起


Revolution in The Valley : The Insanely Great Story of How the Mac Was Made

Andy Hertzfeld / O’Reilly Media, Inc. / 2004-12-06/ USD 24.95


·                                 邹欣读书1

The Innovator’s Solution : Creating and Sustaining Successful Growth

Clayton M. ChristensenMichael E. Raynor / Harvard Business School Press /2003-9 / 278.00


纸质版 244.60 元起

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Hard Drive : Bill Gates andthe Making of the Microsoft Empire

James WallaceJim Erickson / Collins / 26 May, 1993 / $17.95


纸质版 85.70 元起



刘后一 / 中国少年儿童出版社 / 1978



Peopleware : ProductiveProjects and Teams, 2nd Ed.

Tom DemarcoTimothy Lister / Dorset House Publishing Company,Incorporated / 1999-02-01 / USD 33.95



The Effective Executive

Peter F. Drucker / HarperCollins Publishers / 1993-04 /USD 15.00


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Leading at a Higher Level, Revised and Expanded Edition

Blanchard, Ken / 2009-9 / $ 28.24


纸质版 195.40 元起


Fumbling the Future : How XeroxInvented, then Ignored, the First Personal Computer

Douglas K. SmithRobert C. Alexander / iUniverse / 1999-6-1/ USD 17.95


纸质版 216.00 元起


Hackers and Painters : Big Ideas fromthe Computer Age

Paul Graham / O’Reilly Media, Inc. / May, 2004 / $22.95



Dealers of Lightning : Xerox PARC andthe Dawn of the Computer Age

Michael A. Hiltzik / Collins Business / 2000-04 / USD16.99


纸质版 83.80 元起


软件观念革命 : 交互设计精髓

[] Alan Cooper[] Robert M.Reimann / 詹剑锋、张知非 / 电子工业出版社 / 2005-05-01 / 89.00


纸质版 79.50 元起

·                                 邹欣读书1

Blink : By the author of THE TIPPING POINT

Malcolm Gladwell / Little, Brown and Company / 2005-1-11/ USD 25.95


纸质版 146.00 元起

·                                 邹欣读书1

我们台湾这些年 : 一个台湾青年写给13亿大陆同胞的一封家书

廖信忠 / 重庆出版集团 / 2009-11 / 29.80


纸质版 21.60 元起



Wooden : A Lifetime ofObservations and Reflections on and Off the Court

John Wooden / McGraw-Hill / 1997-04-01/ USD 19.95


纸质版 122.00 元起


Feynman’s Rainbow : A Search forBeauty in Physics and in Life

Leonard Mlodinow / Grand Central Publishing / 2004-5-1/ USD 13.95


纸质版 90.00 元起


餐巾纸的背面 : 一张纸+一支笔,画图搞定商业问题!

[]·罗姆 / 中信出版社 / 2009-6 / 28.00


纸质版 185.00 元起



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