

This time, we’re going to dive in the ups and downs of IoT development with a step-by-step tutorial. Real-life example, no theoretical “maybes”, and lots of experience included. Quick references to related articles as a bonus.

这次,我们将通过分步教程深入探讨物联网开发的起伏。 真实的例子,没有理论上的“可能性”,并且包括很多经验。 快速参考相关文章作为奖励。

Original article — How to create a startup: IoT project from idea to production

原始文章— 如何创建创业公司:从构思到生产的物联网项目

概述: (Overview:)

  1. Shape idea into set of goals


  2. Find potential users


  3. Find development team


  4. Prepare technical specification


  5. Design the product


  6. Create a prototype


  7. Start software development


  8. Create 3D model


  9. Start beta testing


  10. Launch MVP


  11. Start production


开始之前 (Before we start)

It’s high time for industrial revolution #4, and you shouldn’t miss this opportunity. What is the right way to take part in this waveSince we already wrote a basic article about making idea become a real product, this time we decided to write a guide that you can use to achieve results on each step and get thorough understanding of the process. So, let’s begin!

现在是第四次工业革命的时候了,您不应该错过这个机会。 参加这一浪潮的正确方法是什么由于我们已经写了一篇有关使创意成为真正的产品的基本文章,因此这次我们决定编写一份指南,您可以使用该指南来实现每个步骤的结果并全面了解过程。 所以,让我们开始吧!

将想法转变为目标 (Shape idea into set of goals)

First things first, you should clearly understand and define your goal and divide it into subgoals prior to any development. Your project requirements should include the following information:


  1. What is your perfect final product/strong>


    Describe it as detailed as possible. What do you plan to achieve with this productOn this stage, write everything that can be applied, you’ll update and refine the document later many times.

    尽可能详细地描述它。 您打算用该产品实现什么在此阶段,编写所有可以应用的内容,稍后将多次更新和完善文档。

  2. What are the main features/strong>


    Write down a list of main reasons people will want to use your product for. Why this functionality is essential and required for success/p>

    写下人们希望使用您的产品的主要原因。 为什么此功能对于成功必不可少且必不可少

  3. What is your first product version/strong>


    Plan what the minimum viable product (MVP) will comprise so that you can start selling and collect feedback.


Keep in mind that your project requirements should contain both technical and business-related parts of the system. Where, why, and how the end users will use your productDefining clear and sufficient project requirements is critical as explains the team what they should create and why. Otherwise, you are in a risk list to fail the deadlines.

请记住,您的项目需求应包含系统的技术和业务相关部分。 最终用户将在哪里,为什么以及如何使用您的产品定义清晰,足够的项目需求至关重要,因为可以解释团队应该创建什么以及为什么创建。 否则, 您将处于风险列表中,无法按时完成任务。

See our project description template for reference. While creating unique template for all kinds of projects is definitely not possible, we hope the samples we give in our articles will be useful for you.

请参阅我们的项目描述模板以供参考。 虽然绝对不可能为各种项目创建唯一的模板,但我们希望我们在文章中提供的示例对您有用。

To better understand specifics of IoT development, check our article with a short overview of existing solutions and nuances.

为了更好地了解IoT开发的细节,请查看我们的文章,并简要概述现有解决方案和细微差别 。


软件设计 (Software design)

The design of your software, be it a mobile, web, or desktop application, literally defines how users will perceive your product. Make it as easy to use and intuitive as possible (even if the functionality behind it is super complex). Here’s our example:

您的软件设计(无论是移动应用程序,Web应用程序还是桌面应用程序)从字面上定义了用户如何看待您的产品。 使它尽可能易于使用和直观(即使其背后的功能非常复杂)。 这是我们的示例:


Using this prototype, we understood that we needed better implementation for setup button, so we updated the design and started establishing the easiest connection flow. First, for connecting, users had to press and hold this button to turn the device into setup mode and connecting to Wi-Fi hotspot. But later we further enhanced and simplified the flow using Bluetooth.

使用该原型,我们了解到我们需要更好地设置按钮,因此我们更新了设计并开始建立最简单的连接流程。 首先,要进行连接,用户必须按住此按钮才能将设备设置为设置模式并连接到Wi-Fi热点。 但是后来我们使用蓝牙进一步增强和简化了流程。

At this point, app and device prototypes are not connected as we tested if the concepts work fine (and as we expected). We verified the transfer of data to MQTT broker on the hardware, and clicked each screen to understand if both look and feel of the app are appealing and intuitive. With this information at hand, we can move on to the software development stage.

在这一点上,由于我们测试了这些概念是否运行良好(并且符合我们的预期),因此尚未连接应用程序和设备原型。 我们验证了将数据传输到硬件上的MQTT代理的过程,然后单击每个屏幕以了解该应用程序的外观和风格是否具有吸引力和直观性。掌握了这些信息,我们便可以进入软件开发阶段。

Awesome! With all preparations done, we can proceed to the development. Next two stages may be done in any sequence or simultaneously because they are independent.

太棒了! 完成所有准备工作后,我们便可以进行开发。 由于后两个阶段是独立的,因此它们可以按任何顺序或同时进行。

软件开发 (Software development)

We wrote tons of articles about the development specifics already, so here we’ll outline what is a must for successful work:


  1. Clearly plan deadlines. We don’t want the development to take forever, do wep>

    明确计划截止日期。 我们不希望发展永远长久,对吗

  2. Specify use cases for testing. We want to cover all scenarios and verify everything works fine.

    指定测试用例。 我们希望涵盖所有情况并验证一切正常。

  3. Create backlog of tasks. Let’s remove duplicates and make sure we implement all the necessary.

    创建任务积压。 让我们删除重复项,并确保我们实现了所有必要的功能。

  4. Plan first sprint. The more detailed and thorough is our start, the clearer we see what we’ll need to do next.

    计划第一个冲刺。 我们的起点越详细和透彻,我们就会清楚地知道下一步需要做什么。

Learn more about our development process:


  1. Project management best practices


  2. The perfect software development process


  3. Setting up and managing a mobile project at Indeema


  4. A perfect team structure for a perfect release


Apart from the development, we should never forget testing. While it might be possible to become new IBM without QA team, here’s what we think about testing: The importance of automated testing on complex projects.

除了开发,我们永远都不应忘记测试。 尽管没有QA团队就可能成为新的IBM,但我们对测试的看法是: 对复杂项目进行自动化测试的重要性。

建立3D模型 (Create 3D model)

With both tech description and all specifications for each hardware component, you can start working on 3D model of your hardware for an MVP solution. We designed and printed it on 3D printer.

借助每个硬件组件的技术说明和所有规范,您可以开始为MVP解决方案开发硬件的3D模型。 我们设计并将其打印在3D打印机上。


It still doesn’t have a production look, but the size and functionality are correct, and we can check if that’s what we expected.


开始Beta测试 (Start beta testing)

Our MVP is ready, let’s start testing it on the first clients. First of all, we decided to start testing the product in our office. We installed 7 devices in 7 rooms (3 meeting rooms, kitchen, and 3 workrooms).

我们的MVP已经准备就绪,让我们开始在第一个客户上对其进行测试。首先,我们决定开始在我们的办公室中测试产品。 我们在7个房间(3个会议室,厨房和3个工作室)中安装了7台设备。

Everyone in our company installed application and started using it. Moreover, to get diverse feedback from a variety of people, we gave the products to our friends and partner companies. The main goal of beta testing is to determine any issues we missed previously, learn if there is enough functionality and if the right functionality was selected for the first version.

我们公司中的每个人都安装了应用程序并开始使用它。 此外,为了从各种各样的人那里获得不同的反馈,我们将产品提供给了我们的朋友和合作伙伴公司。被选为第一个版本。

启动MVP (Launch MVP)

First things first, what is and MVP and why do we need and MVPYou can find the answers in our article MVP: preventing commercial products from risks


Minimum viable product is a version that contains only the main and the most important functionality. For this exact functionality people want to use the product and recommend it to others. So and ordered printing of our 3D models at a professional production with high-quality 3D printers, so they have attractive boxes. In most cases, people care about the look, and even if they say they need functionality only, they still want nice-looking things:

最低可行产品是仅包含主要功能和最重要功能的版本。 为了获得这种确切的功能,人们希望使用该产品并将其推荐给其他人。 因此,以高质量的3D打印机在专业生产中订购了3D模型的打印,因此它们具有精美的盒子。 在大多数情况下,人们会在乎外观,即使他们说只需要功能,他们仍然想要漂亮的东西:


Both the functionality you select and the appearance are crucial for successful marketing of MVP. To support our sales campaign and expand knowledge about our product, we’ve also developed a landing page https://ubreez.com/.

选择的功能和外观对于成功营销MVP都是至关重要的。 为了支持我们的销售活动并扩展有关我们产品的知识,我们还开发了一个登陆页面https://ubreez.com/。

准备,设定,生产 (Ready, set, production)

After getting feedback from beta testers, we found few issues that should be improved. Since that was our main goal for beta testing, we were glad to see it gone well. So, we enhanced the product and ordered a large amount of devices at professional production. We don’t assemble the devices in our office, because that’s not our speciality and we won’t do it as effective as any professional factory. So, the goal is reached, and it’s time to start making sales. You can check the applications at: App Store Play Market

在获得Beta测试人员的反馈后,我们发现几乎没有需要改进的问题。 由于这是我们进行Beta版测试的主要目标,因此我们很高兴看到它进展顺利。 因此,我们增强了产品质量,并在专业生产中订购了大量设备。 我们不会在办公室中组装设备,因为这不是我们的专长,我们不会像任何专业工厂那样有效地进行组装。 因此,达到了目标,是时候开始进行销售了。您可以在以下位置检查应用程序: App Store Play Market

结束当然不! (The endDefinitely not! )

Our product is developed, it’s successful, and we grow each second. Is that the endOf course not, I dare even say that it’s just a beginning. When you launch the product, what’s nextLearn at “Is there life after app release

我们的产品已经开发成功,并且每秒钟都在增长。 结束了吗当然不是,我什至不敢说这只是一个开始。当您推出该产品时,下一步是什么在“ 应用发布后还有生命吗”中学习

Thanks for reading! Leave comments and subscribe to our blog, there’s a lot of new good stuff coming soon.


翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/474144/


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