So you want to be a Hacker?(所以你想成为黑客?)





Recently I’ve been reading a ton of questions, posts and general discussion about getting into the ‘Information Security’ game, and in my opinion at least it’s typically followed up by a fair amount of misleading information. That might be a little harsh considering I’m sure it’s good intentioned, it’s also even possible that the advice worked for them (there is no one size fits all advice) but I thought I’d lay my thoughts out here in the hope of helping a new budding hacker move forward.


?web应用安全(Web Application Security)
?逆向工程(Reverse Engineering)
?恶意软件逆向工程(Malware Reverse Engineering)
?网络安全(Network Security)
?应急响应(Incident Response)
?标准符合性(Standards Compliance)
?第三方编程/创作工具(Programming / Creating Tools for Others)
?漏洞利用程序开发(Exploit Development)



I want to play sport, where should I start/strong>
This vague, open ended and very ambiguous question is very similar to someone asking how they should go about getting into information security. The first thing to realize is there is a huge range of information security fields, and within each of those huge fields is a lifetime’s worth of learning content. Just like picking a sport there is no ‘best’, it’s simply sometimes area’s you may enjoy more than others. Off the top of my head here are some example area’s that is by no means exhaustive.

  • Web Application Security

  • Reverse Engineering

  • Malware Reverse Engineering

  • Network Security

  • Incident Response

  • Standards Compliance

  • Programming / Creating Tools for Others

  • Exploit Development

  • Forensics

Some of these are more of a technical nature while others are more of a theoretical focus. I guarantee that whatever you like there are others out there who will find it boring, just as you will with what others are interested in sometimes. Right now it’s expected that if you’re reading this you may know very little about any of these area’s but what’s important is your willingness to learn and what type of motivation you have.


The Hacking Type
One trademark that is almost universal of people throughout those fields is their focus on independent, self directed learning. Unfortunately in some ways security is still considered a ‘dark art’, I mean why would anyone want to know how to break into a computer system unless they were going to do soAs a result plenty of people will show disdain to outright hostility when asking about security related questions under the false (perhaps sometimes true) assumption it’s merely a ‘script kiddie’ looking to learn to hack systems instead of wanting to learn and use that knowledge for a good purpose. It’s also a fact that the ‘learning’ resources of information security are quite disjointed with no real central repository of learning material.


The point of highlighting this is that if you wish to prosper and successfully enter into the information security field you should be prepared to jump in and find your way without waiting for someone to hold your hand and lead you down the right path. Google some of the above terms and see what sounds like fun. Despite what sometimes seems like a constant battle to find the ‘best’ field to learn, or the ‘best’ resource, or the ‘best’ way to learn often more time is spent procrastinating wondering these questions rather than dedicating the time to actually learning. Look up video’s on youtube for hacking examples – it’s ok if you don’t know what a lot of it means, but write down a list then google those terms. Use points of interest to spawn out with an ever increasing web of knowledge around topics you’re interested in.


Do I need to learn X first/strong>
Of course you need to have a full knowledge of the OSI layer before you begin. Yes you need to read that 1000 page book on the TCP protocol. Yes you need to be proficient in 5 programming languages (at least!) before you consider hacking. Can you compile your own Linux kernel from source codeNoDon’t bother learning hacking. Actually…. all that is full of rubbish, yet it’s one of the most common responses given to people looking to learn information security. There is one requirement to becoming a decent hacker – interest. The difference between a future hacker and a script kiddie isn’t knowledge, it’s the willingness to learn.


As long as you have a vague idea of how to use a computer you’re at the starting point you can work with. Yes if you don’t have a solid understanding of how TCP works you should have that on your to-do list to look up when someone is talking about it in a hacking tutorial – but it’s ridiculous to think you need a ton of prerequisite knowledge before you’re allowed to start learning about topic’s you’re interested in. When you’re looking up how that login puzzle works on a hacking site and it uses JavaScript you’re going to learn how JavaScript works. When you read through how a buffer overflow works and it has a Python template you’ll learn some basics of Python. No, you won’t get a job as a developer in those languages at the end of it but you’ll pick up the common way’s to break the language.


免费学习资源(Informal Learning)




?  HackThisSite – 一些基于web的基本挑战题(传送门)

?  Enigma Group – 与HackThisSite这个网站类似(传送门)

?  OWASP Top 10 –最常见的漏洞的概念(传送门)

?  OWASP Broken Wep Apps –你可以下载上面的虚拟机来练习黑客技能(传送门)

?  Pentesting Lab –另一个以网络为中心的虚拟机(传送门)

? 事实上,在vulnhub上有任何你感兴趣的东西(传送门)

?  web应用程序黑客手册-关于网络黑客和漏洞的书(传送门)


?  Lena’s Tutorials –被称为逆向工程最佳教程之一(传送门)

?  The Legends of Random –另一套可靠的逆向工程教程(传送门)

?  Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering –一本关于逆向工程基础的好书(传送门)

?  Practical Malware Analysis –一本专注于逆向恶意软件的好书(传送门)

?  Malware Analysts Cookbook – 另一本专注于逆向恶意软件的书 (传送门)


Web Application Security

  • HackThisSite – Good for some basic web based challenges (link)
  • Enigma Group – Similar to Hack this site (link)
  • OWASP Top 10 – Idea of what are the most common vulnerabilities (link)
  • OWASP Broken Wep Apps – A virtual computer you can load up to practice hacking skills on your network (link)
  • Pentesting Lab – Another web focused virtual machine (link)
  • In fact anything from vulnhub that interested you is good (link)
  • The Web Application Hackers Handbook – The book on web hacking and vulnerabilities (link)


Reverse Engineering / Malware Reversing

  • Lena’s Tutorials – Known as pretty much one of the best introductions to reverse engineering (link)
  • The Legends of Random – Again another solid set of tutorials for reverse engineering (link)
  • Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering – A good book on the foundation’s of reverse engineering (link)
  • Practical Malware Analysis – A great book focusing on reversing malware (link)
  • Malware Analysts Cookbook – Another book focusing on reversing malware (link)


? 虚拟机在这一类别中是主要的,因为它们允许你对真实机器进行练习,前往vulnhub 并下载任何看起来很有趣的VM (传送门)

?  Metasploit Unleashed –通过metasploit测试框架的可靠运行,与VM的连接一起使用。(传送门)

?  The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing –对那些完全陌生的人来说,渗透测试是非常基本的。(传送门)

?  Metasploit –渗透测试指南– 另一本关于在渗透测试中使用metasploit的书(传送门)

? 因为这是一个非常大的领域,经常把它分解成一个方面,然后专门研究这方面。博客是你最好的朋友。(传送门)


Network Security

  • Virtual Machines dominate this category as they allow you to practice against real machines. Head to vulnhub and download any VM that looks interesting (link)

  • Metasploit Unleashed – A solid run through of the metasploit testing framework to be used in conjunction against VM’s. (link)

  • The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing – A very basic look at penetration testing useful for those completely new to the field. (link)

  • Metasploit – The Penetration Testers Guide – Another book focusing around the use of metasploit in penetration testing (link)

  • Because this is such a huge field often it’s breaking it down into one aspect, then researching that aspect specifically. Blogs are your best friend here. (link)


?  Corelan –到目前为止,这是学习漏洞利用开发的最好资源(传送门)

?  FuzzySecurity –另一个很好的学习资源,有一些教程(传送门)

?  Exploit-DB –你能做的最好的事情之一就是找到一些漏洞的例子(通常是附加应用程序),并尝试独立地复制这个漏洞。(传送门)

?  Hacking – The Art of Exploitation –这是一本非常棒的书,涵盖了很多不同的开发技术(传送门)

?  The Shellcoders Handbook –另一本关于漏洞利用开发和shell编程的好书(传送门)


Exploit Development

  • Corelan – This is by far the best resource out there for learning about exploit development. (link)

  • FuzzySecurity – Another good learning resource with some tutorials available (link)

  • Exploit-DB – One of the best things you can do is find examples of exploits (often with apps attached) and try and replicate the exploit independently (link)

  • Hacking – The Art of Exploitation – A fantastic book that covers ton’s of different exploitation techniques (link)

  • The Shellcoders Handbook – Another fantastic book on exploit development and shellcoding (link)

Other than that, Google, Google, and some more Google. I’ve left off some area’s such as forensics and compliance because personally I’m not interested in them so I haven’t gone looking for resources, I’m sure there are some fantastic ones out there.

专业学习资源(Formal Learning)

在免费资源之外,如果你想把自己的职业生涯转变为职业道路,你也可以开始获得证书,让自己对雇主更有吸引力。如果您对网络安全感兴趣的话,我强烈推荐的一些认证是“Kali Linux的渗透测试”(课程) 。这很容易成为我在这个领域所经历过的最好的学习经历之一,在60天里教会了我比我自己一年学到的更多的东西。他们的“突破边界”也是一个很好的课程,更多地关注漏洞利用开发(传送门).
如果你正在考虑开发你的编程技能,比如SecurityTube的“用于测试人员和黑客的Python” (传送门),这是一个很好的基础教程,它将教你如何做大量的漂亮事情,比如构建你自己的端口扫描器、密码破解器等等。我并没有从就业的角度对他们的认证给予巨大的价值,但我更倾向于把它看作是一个整合的知识和例子,它仍然是有价值的。

“白帽子(Certified Ethical Hacker)”课程是另一个经常被提及的课程。老实说,这是典型的轻视(关于“道德黑客”的这个说法,译者也持反感态度,没必要这么区分嘛。),所以我不认为这是值得的——但是如果你需要一个正式的课程来学习,那么它可能是值得你去做的。在这里的ethicalhacker.net的论坛上讨论了很多这样的认证和它们的价值。(传送门)


ormal Learning
Outside of the free resources you can also begin to get certificates to make yourself more appealing to employers if you wish to transition into the field as more of a career path. Some certification’s I’d highly recommend would be the “Penetration Testing with Kali Linux” course from Offensive Security (
link) if you’re interested in network security. It’s easily one of the best learning experiences I’ve ever had in the field and taught me more in 60 days than I’d learnt in a year on my own. Their “Cracking the Perimeter” is also a great course, focusing a little more on exploit development (link).

If you’re looking at developing your programming skills things like SecurityTube’s “Python for Pentesters and Hackers” (link) is a great foundation that will teach you how to do plenty of nifty things like building your own port scanners, password crackers etc. I don’t place a huge value into their certification’s that they offer from an employment perspective, but I’d look at it more as a consolidated lump of knowledge and examples for sale which can still be valuable.

The “Certified Ethical Hacker” course is another commonly mentioned. Honestly it’s typically looked down upon so I don’t think it’s necessarily worth the money – but if you need a formal course to learn things then it might be worth the money to you. A lot of these certifications and their value are discussed over at’s forums located here.


“Just seeing if you can”


“Just seeing if you can”
Hacking is all about gaining access to things that we’re not meant to. Creating an exploit, finding a SQL injection, Password Cracking it’s all designed to put us towards the goal of taking control of the box we’re attacking. I guarantee almost every new hacker has started dreaming about “Just seeing if they can” get access to that school website. “Just seeing if they can” gain access to the neighbors WiFi network. Sending their friend a trojan virus “just to see if they can” take control. Worse still you might end up visiting places like and seeing a lot of people trying to infect others with RATs, build botnet’s etc under the impression this is hacking, or sadly that this is the only way you can learn.

I need to emphasize that this is not the case. Any type of “just seeing if you can” type exercises can be replicated through the use of virtual machines, your own routers or even capture the flag / wargame competitions out there. Being realistic even if you can access another person’s machine, what are you going to do with itAre you really going to try and steal credit card details and make fraudulent transactionsAre you really going to steal passwords and be paranoid that your activity is going to be traced back to you for the sake of peeking at someone’s emailsThere have been plenty of examples of newbies being charged, not realizing the seriousness of the crimes they are committing. If you went for a job with the FBI and they had a look through your post history would you like them to read that post about you asking how to host a botnetIt’s a classic example of what’s on the internet is forever, and if you really want a career in information security you need that clean record to obtain any security clearances you’re going to need to do your job. Getting caught for stupid stuff just isn’t worth it.


所以聊了这么多之后,到底什么才是关键br> ?黑客会主动寻找信息,而不是等着别人把信息给他。
祝你愉快,抱歉,马上接近尾声了,享受 pwning boxes(不知道怎么翻,感觉像是黑客的俚语)吧!信息安全是一个很棒的领域,你每天都会学习新的东西。除了全身心投入敢于尝试之外,没有比这更好的进入信息安全领域的方式。就像开始学习游泳,从弄湿身体,到学会踩水,再到保持漂浮,一点点的尝试,总有一天你会学会它的!

So after a long ramble, what’s the key points/span>

  • A hacker will actively seek out information, not wait for others to give it to him

  • The difference between a script kiddie and a new hacker is the desire to learn

  • You need to experiment with a wide range of information security fields to find what interests you

  • Don’t let anyone tell you that there are prerequisites for learning information security, there isn’t.

  • It’s not worth “just seeing if you can” do anything that isn’t legal, the risk vs reward makes no sense for doing so

  • With courses, wargames, capture the flags and more importantly virtual machines there is no hacking scenario that can’t be replicated legally

Have fun, sorry if it got preachy towards the end and enjoy pwning boxes! Information security is an awesome field and you’ll be learning something new every day that you’re involved in it. There is no right answer for getting into the field apart from jumping into it with both feet. Get wet, learn to tread water and stay afloat, one day you might even be able to swim a little!




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