
0x01 前言

红蓝对抗的思想最早可追溯到我国现存最早的一步兵书《孙子兵法》,在孙子·谋攻篇有这么一句话:”知己知彼,百战不殆”,意为如果对敌我双方的情况都能了解透彻,打多少次仗都不会失败。在信息安全领域目前大家都以一个共识:”未知攻,焉知防”,攻防对抗本身是一个持续的过程,在具体的对抗中,对对手了解越多就会占据主导地位。红蓝对抗的主要目的在于,提高公司安全成熟度及其检测和响应攻击的能力。Red Teams attack, and Blue Teams defend, but the primary goal is shared between them: improve the security posture of the organization.


0x02  准备工作

1) 组织结构图

2) 全网拓扑图

3) 各系统逻辑结构图

4) 各系统之间的调用关系

5) 数据流关系

6) 核心资产清单

7) 应急响应计划

8) 业务连续性计划

9) 灾难恢复计划

0x03 简单安全评估



# nmap -sn -PE IP地址或地址段

1.2 端口扫描

# nmap -open IP地址或地址段

1.3 服务版本检测

# nmap -sV IP地址或地址段

1.4 扫描多个端口

# nmap -p 80,443 IP地址或地址段

1.5 UDP扫描

# nmap -sU -p 53 IP地址或地址段

1.6 TCP/UDP扫描(-Pn跳过主机发现)

# nmap -v -Pn -SU -ST -p U:53,111,137,T:21-25,80,139,8080 IP地址或地址段

1.7 Nessus扫描

# nessus -q -x -T html 服务器IP 服务器端口 管理员账号 密码 目标.txt 输出报告.html


# apt -y install pcregrep

# wget https://goo.gl/TYbLwe

# chmod +x openvas-automate.sh && ./openvas-automate.sh 目标IP


2.1 网络发现


# C:> net view /all

# C:> net view 主机名


# C:> for /L %I in (1,1,254) do ping -w 30 -n 1 192.168.1.%I | find “回复” >> 输出.txt

2.2 DHCP


# C:> reg add 

HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetServicesDhcpServerParameters /v ActivityLogFlag /t REG_DWORD /d 1


C:> %windir%System32Dhcp

2.3 DNS


# C:> DNSCmd DNS服务器名 /config /logLevel 0x8100F331

# 配置日志文件目录:

C:> DNSCmd DNS服务器名 /config /LogFilePath C:dns.log

# 配置日志文件大小:

C:> DNSCmd DNS服务器名 /config /logfilemaxsize 0xffffffff

2.4 哈希值



# 单个文件:

C:> fciv.exe 文件名

# 计算C盘所有文件并把结果保存到文件中:

C:> fciv.exe c: -r -sha1 -xml 结果.xml

# 列出所有hash值:

C:> fciv.exe -list -sha1 -xml 结果.xml

# certutil & PowerShell

# certutil -hashfile 文件名 SHA1

# PS C:> Get-FileHash 文件名 | Format-List

# PS C:> Get-FileHash -algorithm md5 文件名


nbtstat 扫描

# C:> nbtstat -A 目标IP地址


# C:> nbtstat -c


# C:> for /L %I in (1,1,254) do nbtstat -An 192.168.1.%I

2.6 微软基线安全分析器(MBSA)


# C:> mbsacli.exe /target IP地址 /n os+iis+sql+password


# C:> mbsacli.exe /r IP地址段 /n os+iis+sql+password

3. LINUX系统篇

3.1 网络发现


# smbclient -L 目标主机名


# for ip in ip>/dev/null; [ Misplaced &ip UP” || :; done

3.2 DHCP



# cat /var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases


# grep -Ei ‘dhcp’ /var/log/syslog.1

3.3 DNS


# rndc querylog && tail -f /var/log/messages | grep named

3.4 哈希值


# find /sbin -type f -exec md5sum {} >> md5sums.txt;

# md5deep -rs /sbin > md5sums.txt


nbtstat 扫描

# nbtscan 目标IP地址或IP地址段

举例: nbtscan


4. 安全加固

4.1 WINDOWS系统篇

4.1.1 禁用/停止服务

# C:> sc query

# C:> sc config “服务名” start = disabled

# C:> sc stop “服务名”

# C:> wmic service where name=”服务名” call ChangeStartmode Disabled

4.1.2 防火墙管理

# 列出所有规则:

# C:> netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name=all

# 启用或禁用防火墙

C:> netsh advfirewall set currentprofile state on

C:> netsh advfirewall set currentprofile firewallpolicy blockinboundalways,allowoutbound

C:> netsh advfirewall set publicprofile state on

C:> netsh advfirewall set privateprofile state on

C:> netsh advfirewall set domainprofile state on

C:> netsh advfirewall set allprofile state on

C:> netsh advfirewall set allprofile state on

# 配置举例

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=”开放TCP:80端口” dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=80

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=”开放TCP:443端口” dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=443

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=”屏蔽TCP:445端口” dir=in action=block protocol=TCP localport=445

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=”允许MyApp” dir=in action=allow program=”C:MyAppMyApp.exe” enable=yes

4.1.3 清除DNS缓存和Netios缓存

# C:> ipconfig /flushdns

# C:> nbtstat -R

4.1.4 应用控制

# AppLocker配置

# 导入Applocker模块

PS C:> import-module Applocker

# 查看system32目录下所有exe文件的Applocker信息

PS C:> Get-ApplockerFileinformation -Directory C:WindowsSystem32 -Recurse -FileType Exe


# 增加一条针对system32目录下所有的exe文件的允许规则

PS C:> Get-Childitem C:WindowsSystem32*,exe | Get-ApplockerFileinformation |

New-ApplockerPolicy -RuleType Publisher, Hash -User Everyone -RuleNamePrefix System32

4.1.5 IPSEC

# 使用预共享密钥的方式新建一条IPSEC本地安全策略,应用到所有连接和协议。

C:> netsh ipsec static add filter filterlist=MyIPsecFilter srcaddr=Any dstaddr=Any protocol=ANY

C:> netsh ipsec static add filteraction name=MyIPsecAction action=negotiate

C:> netsh ipsec static add policy name=MyIPsecPolicy assign=yes

C:> netsh ipsec static add rule name=MyIPsecRule policy=MyIPsecPolicy filterlist=MyIPsecFilter filteraction=MyIPsecAction conntype=all activate=yes psk=密码

# 新建一条允许访问外网TCP 80和443端口的IPSEC策略

C:> netsh ipsec static add filteraction name=Allow action=permit

C:> netsh ipsec static add filter filterlist=WebFilter srcaddr=Any dstaddr=Any protocol=TCP dstport=80

C:> netsh ipsec static add filter filterlist=WebFilter srcaddr=Any dstaddr=Any protocol=TCP dstport=443

C:> netsh ipsec static add rule name=WebAllow policy=MyIPsecPolicy filterlist=WebFilter filteraction=Allow conntype=all activate=yes psk=密码



C:> netsh ipsec static show policy name=MyIPsecPolicy

C:> netsh ipsec static set policy name=MyIPsecPolicy assign=no

# 新建一条IPSEC对应的防火墙规则,源地址和目的地址为any

C:> netsh advfirewall consec add rule name=”IPSEC” endpointl=any endpoint2=any action=requireinrequireout qmsecmethods=default

# 新建一条IPSEC对应的防火墙规则,所有出站请求必须提供预共享密钥

C:> netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=”IPSEC_Out” dir=out action=allow enable=yes profile=any localip=any remoteip=any protocol=any  interfacetype=any security=authenticate

4.1.6 其他安全策略

# 禁用远程桌面连接

C:> reg add 

“HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlTerminalServer” /f /v fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 1

# 只发送NTLMv2响应(防止“永恒之蓝”漏洞攻击)

C:> reg add HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlLsa /v lmcompatibilitylevel /t REG_DWORD /d 5 /f

# 禁用IPV6

C:> reg add HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetservicesTCPIP6Parameters /v DisabledComponents /t REG_DWORD /d 255 /f


# 禁用sticky键

C:> reg add “HKCUControlPanelAccessibilityStickyKeys” /v Flags /t REG_SZ /d 506 /f

# 禁用管理共享(Servers/Workstations)

C:> reg add HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesLanmanServerParameters /f /v AutoShareServer /t REG_DWORD /d 0

C:> reg add HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesLanmanServerParameters /f /v AutoShareWks /t REG_DWORD /d 0

# 禁用注册表编辑器和CMD命令提示符

C:> reg add HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

C:> reg add HKCUSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsSystem /v DisableCMD /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

# 启用UAC

C:> reg add HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

# 启用防火墙日志

C:> netsh firewall set logging droppedpackets = enable

C:> netsh firewall set logging connections = enable


4.2 LINUX系统篇

4.2.1 服务管理

# 查看服务状态

service -status-all

ps -ef OR ps -aux

initctl list

systemctl list-unit-files

# 启动,停止和禁用服务

# For Upstart services:

/etc/init.d/apache2 start | stop | status

service apache2 start | stop | status

update-rc.d apache2 disable

# For Systemd services

systemctl start | stop | status ntp.service

systemctl disable sshd.service

4.2.2 防火墙管理

# iptables 常用操作:

iptables-save > filewall_rules.bak # 导出当前规则

iptables -vnL -line # 列出所有规则

iptables -S # 同上

iptables -P INPUT DROP # 默认策略,禁止所有连接

iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP # 禁止单个ip

iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP # 禁止一个网段

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp –dport ssh -s -j DROP # 禁止某IP访问本机SSH服务

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp –dport ssh -j DROP # 禁止访问本机SSH服务

iptables -I INPUT 5 -m limit –limit 5/min -j LOG –log-prefix “

iptables denied: ” –log-level 7 # 启用日志

iptables -F # 清除所有已加载的工作

4.2.3 DNS缓存

# Unix/Linux系统没有系统级别DNS缓存

4.2.4 配置IPSEC

# 在两台服务器之间建立IPSEC通道


iptables -A INPUT -p esp -j ACCEPT

iptables -A INPUT -p ah -j ACCEPT

iptables -A INPUT -p udp –dport 500 -j ACCEPT

iptables -A INPUT -p udp –dport 4500 -j ACCEPT



apt -y install racoon




spdadd 主机A的IP地址 主机B的IP地址 any -P out ipsec


spdadd 主机B的IP地址 主机A的IP地址 any -P in ipsec



log notify;

path pre_shared_key “/etc/racoon/psk.txt”;

path certificate “/etc/racoon/certs”;

remote anonymous {

 exchange_mode main,aggressive;proposal {    encryption_algorithm aes_256;    hash_algorithm sha256;    authentication_method



     dh_group modp1024;



 generate_policy off;



sainfo anonymous{


 pfs_group 2;encryption_algorithm aes_256;authentication_algorithm hmac_sha256;compression_algorithm deflate;



主机A:echo 主机B 123 >> /etc/racoon/psk.txt

主机B:echo 主机A 123 >> /etc/racoon/psk.txt


service setkey restart

setkey -D

setkey -DP

5. 检测(Visibility)

5.1  网络安全监控

5.1.1 数据包捕捉与分析



snort -T -c /etc/snort/snort.conf # 测试配置文件配置

snort -dv -r 001.log # 分析数据包

snort -dvr 001.log icmp # 取icmp数据包


snort -K ascii -l 001 # 抓包,ASCII格式显示

snort -q -A console -i eth0 -c /etc/snort/snort.conf # 在终端打印

snort eventsecho ‘log tcp any -> 22 ( msg: “ssh access” ; sid:1618008; )’ > 001.rule && snort -T -c 001.rule # 规则测试

mkdir logs && snort -vd -c 001.rule -r 001.pcap -A console -l logs # 执行规则

4.)Bro NSM

apt -y install bro bro-aux

pip install bro-pkg

bro-pkg install bro/hosom/file-extraction

wget https://www.malware-traffic-analysis.net/2018/01/12/2018-01-12-NanoCore-RAT-traffic.pcap.zip

wget https://www.bro.org/static/exchange-2013/faf-exercise.pcap

bro -r 2018-01-12-NanoCore-RAT-traffic.pcap # 从pcap文件中读取数据并创建相关日志文件

bro -r faf-exercise.pcap /root/.bro-pkg/scratch/file-extraction/scripts/plugins/extract-pe.bro && ls -lhct ./extract_files/ # 提取exe文件

bro -r faf-exercise.pcap /usr/share/bro/policy/frameworks/files/extract-all-files.bro # 提取多个类型的文件

bro -C -r faf-exercise.pcap && cat ssl.log | bro-cut server_name , subject , issuer # 提取证书中的server_name,issuer和subjects字段


cat conn.log | bro-cut id.orig_h , id.orig_p , id.resp_h , id.resp_p , proto , conn_state # 提取源IP,源端口,目的IP,目的端口,协议类型,tcp标记

cat dns.log | bro-cut query | sort -u # 提取DNS查询namecat http.log | bro-cut id.orig_h , id.orig_p , id.resp_h , id.resp_p , host , uri , referrer # 提取源IP,源端口,目的IP,目的端口,host,uri,referrer字段


cat http.log | bro-cut user_agent | sort -u # 提取user_agent字段


editcap -F pcap -c 1000 orignal.pcap out_split.pcap # 以1000为单位进行分割

editcap -F pcap -t+3600 orignal.pcap out_split.pcap # 以1小时为单位进行分割


mergecap -w merged_cap.pcap capl.pcap cap2.pcap cap3.pcap # 合并多个文件





5.2  蜜罐技术

5.2.1 WINDOWS系统篇



# 原理: 监听一些端口,客户端成功建立TCP连接后,记录访问日志,然后添加防火墙规则封禁此IP

PS C:> certutil.exe -urlcache -split -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Pwdrkeg/honeyport/master/honeyport.ps1

PS C:> .honeyport.ps1 -Ports 4444,22,21,23 -WhiteList, -Block $true -Verbose

PS C:> Get-EventLog HoneyPort # 查看日志信息

PS C:> stop-job -name HoneyPort # 停止任务

PS C:> remove-job -name HoneyPort # 移除任务

5.3.2 LINUX系统篇


# 原理同上

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gchetrick/honeyports/master/honeyports-0.5.pypython honeyports-0.5.py -p 1234 -h -D

2.) (PASSIVE)监控DNS解析

apt -y install dnstop

dnstop -l 3 eth0

dnstop -l 3 001.pcap | out.txt


5.3 日志审计


# 增加日志文件大小进行日志审计

C:> reg add HKLMSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsEventlogApplication /v MaxSize /t REG_DWORD /d 0x19000

C:> reg add HKLMSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsEventlogSecurity /v MaxSize /t REG_DWORD /d 0x64000

C:> reg add HKLMSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsEventLogSystem /v MaxSize /t REG_DWORD /d 0x19000

# 查看Windows事件日志-安全日志的配置

C:> wevtutil gl Security

# 检查审核策略

auditpol /get /category:*

# 对所有项启用成功和失败的审核策略

C:> auditpol /set /category:* /success:enable /failure:enable

# 查看已配置的事件日志的概要信息

PS C:> Get-Eventlog -list

# 取最近5条应用程序日志

PS C:> Get-Eventlog -newest 5 -logname application | Format-List

# 取Eent ID:4672的所有日志

PS C:> Get-Eventlog Security | { $_.Eventid -eq 4672}


# 登录与注销事件

PS C:> Get-Eventlog Security

4625,4634,4647,4624,4625,4648,4675,6272,6273,6274,6275,6276,6277,6278,6279,6280,4649,4778,4779,4800,4801,4802,4803,5378,5632,5633,4964 -after ((get-date).addDays(-1))

# DPAPI行为,进程终止,RPC事件

PS C:> Get-EventLog Security 4692,4693,4694,4695,4689,5712 -after ((get-date).addDays(-1)

# 文件共享,文件系统,SAM,注册表,证书时间

PS C: Get-EventLog Security

4671,4691,4698,4699,4700,4701,4702,5148,5149,5888,5889,5890,4657,5039,4659,4660,4661,4663,4656,4658,4690,4874,4875,4880,4881,4882,4884,4885,4888,4890,4891,4892,4895,4896,4898,5145,5140,5142,5143,5144,5168,5140,5142,5143,5144,5168,5140,5142,5143,5144,5168,4664,4985,5152,5153,5031,5140,5150,5151,5154,5155,5156,5157,5158,5159 -after ((get-date).addDays(-1))

# 查看Eent ID:4672的详细信息

Get-Eventlog Security | { $_.Eventid -eq 4672} | Format-List

5.3.2 LINUX

# 认证日志

tail /var/log/auth. log


grep -i “fail” /var/log/auth. log

tail /var/log/secure

grep -i “fail” /var/log/secure

# samba,cron,sudo相关日志

grep -i samba /var/log/syslog

grep -i samba /var/log/messages

grep -i cron /var/log/syslog

grep -i sudo /var/log/auth. log

grep -i sudo /var/log/secure

# Apache 404错误日志

grep 404 apache.log | grep -v -E “favicon.ico|robots.txt”

# 监控新文件,5分钟刷新一次

watch -n 300 -d ls -lR /web_root

5.4 响应(取证)

5.4.1  WINDOWS系统篇


C:> echo %DATE% %TIME%

C:> hostname

C:> systeminfo

C:> systeminfo | findstr /B /C:”OS Name” /C:”OS Version”

C:> wmic csproduct get name

C:> wmic bios get serialnumber

C:> wmic computersystem list brief

C:> psinfo -accepteula -s -h -d


C:> whoamiC:> net users

C:> net localgroup administrators

C:> net group administrators

C:> wmic rdtoggle list

C:> wmic useraccount list

C:> wmic group list

C:> wmic netlogin get name,lastlogon,badpasswordcount

C:> wmic netclient list brief

C:> doskey /history > history.txt


C:> netstat -e

C:> netstat -naob

C:> netstat -nr

C:> netstat -vb

C:> nbtstat -s

C:> route print

C:> arp -a

C:> ipconfig /displaydns

C:> netsh winhttp show proxy

C:> ipconfig /allcompartments /all

C:> netsh wlan show interfaces

C:> netsh wlan show all

C:> reg query “HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet SettingsConnectionsWinHttpSettings”

C:> type %SYSTEMROOT%system32driversetchosts

C:> wmic nicconfig get descriptions,IPaddress,MACaddress

C:> wmic netuse get name,username,connectiontype, localname


C:> at

C:> tasklist

C:> tasklist /svc

C:> tasklist /SVC /fi “imagename eq svchost.exe”

C:> tasklist /SVC /fi “imagename eq svchost.exe”

C:> schtasks

C:> net start

C:> sc query

C:> wmic service list brief | findstr “Running”

C:> wmic service list conf ig


C:> wmic process list brief

C:> wmic process list status

C:> wmic process list memory

C:> wmic job list briefPS

C:> Get-Service | Where-



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下一篇 2021年1月19日
