

Earlier this week we asked you to share your multi-monitor workspace tips and tricks. Now we’re back with a roundup of helpful reader comments and awesome photos.

本周早些时候,我们要求您分享多监视器工作区的提示和技巧。 现在,我们回来了,提供了对读者有用的评论和很棒的照片的摘要。

Photo by A.D. Wheeler (Flickr/HTG Comment).

AD Wheeler摄( Flickr / HTG评论)。

Your comments covered everything from software and hardware choices, to physical arrangements, to extra tips on tweaking monitors and squeezing out extra functionality from peripheral devices like unused iPads. Read on as we take a look at what you use and how you use it.

您的评论涵盖了从软件和硬件选择到物理配置的所有内容,以及有关调整显示器和从未使用的iPad等外围设备中挤出额外功能的更多技巧。 请继续阅读,以了解您使用什么以及如何使用它。

将硬件与软件捆绑在一起 (Tying Your Hardware Together with Software)

Across setups, number of monitors, and hardware arrangements, the most common element among reader responses was the use of software to enhance their multi-monitor experience. What was the most cited reason for using softwareUnifying the taskbar across all the monitors. To this end the readers used both Ultramon and Display Fusion. Between the two Ultramon is more popular but the small lead in popularity can be attributed to Display Fusion’s late adoption of the multi-monitor taskbar (many people associate Display Fusion with multi-monitor wallpaper and screensavers, not realizing they’ve supported a robust taskbar system for quite some time).  Other people use both because they like features offered by each application. Cate’s comment highlights this trend:

在各种设置,显示器数量和硬件配置中,阅读器响应中最常见的元素是使用软件来增强其多显示器体验。 引用最多的使用软件的原因是什么在所有监视器上统一任务栏。 为此,读者同时使用了Ultramon和Display Fusion。 在这两个Ultramon之间更受欢迎,但受欢迎程度不高的原因可能是Display Fusion后期采用了多显示器任务栏(许多人将Display Fusion与多显示器墙纸和屏幕保护程序相关联,但并未意识到他们已经支持了强大的任务栏。系统相当长的时间)。 其他人同时使用这两种方法是因为他们喜欢每个应用程序提供的功能。 凯特(Cate)的评论突出了这一趋势:

I use UltraMon to get a toolbar on each of my three monitors. Central widescreen monitor is my main, and one square on either side are used as needed. I also use Display Fusion for backgrounds, to get a different image on each, or stretch a widescreen image across all three.

我使用UltraMon在三台显示??器上分别获得一个工具栏。 中央宽屏显示器是我的主要设备,并且根据需要在两侧使用一个正方形。 我还将Display Fusion用于背景,以在每个背景上获得不同的图像,或在所有三个图像上拉伸宽屏图像。

Big Ferret is a huge fan of Ultramon and gives us a quick over view of its features:

Big Ferret是Ultramon的忠实拥护者,可让我们快速了解其功能:

I use Ultramon. It puts a “move to other monitor” in the right click drop down as well as an additional button next to the minimize/maximize/close buttons on the top right of the windows. It comes with dual wallpaper capability and dual monitor screen saver. There are many options in the easy to access system tray icon link to customize the dual monitor experience. It places a separate task bar on each monitor for window icons displayed on that monitor, or no task bar at all. Allows use of your videos as screen savers.

我使用Ultramon。 右键单击下拉菜单中将“移至其他监视器”以及窗口右上方的“最小化/最大化/关闭”按钮旁边的其他按钮。 它具有双墙纸功能和双显示器屏幕保护程序。 易于访问的系统任务栏图标链接中有很多选项,可以自定义双显示器的体验。 它在每个监视器上放置一个单独的任务栏,用于在该监视器上显示窗口图标,或者根本没有任务栏。 允许将您的视频用作屏幕保护程序。

I couldn’t live without Ultramon.


A. D. Wheeler, whose HDR photo is the lead image for this article, shares his love of Display Fusion as a wallpaper and taskbar management system as well as highlights another popular app we heard a lot about: Synergy.

AD Wheeler的HDR照片是本文的主要图片,他分享了他对Display Fusion作为墙纸和任务栏管理系统的热爱,并重点介绍了我们听到很多的另一个流行应用程序:Synergy。

Two Samsung 23″ widescreens connected to a custom PC in a NVidia Case, Two NVidia 260GT SLI’d video cards, 12gigs of triple channel ram, Six 1TB drives, Two 2TB drives, Intel i7 920 processor OC’d to 3.0ghz. Bose sound. Dell XPS laptop. One keyboard/mouse across all three monitors which are linked using Synergy Plus. Display Fusion Pro for the 2nd monitor taskbar and widescreen wallpaper

将两个三星23英寸宽屏显示器连接到NVidia机箱中的定制PC,两个NVidia 260GT SLI视频卡,12igs三通道内存,六个1TB驱动器,两个2TB驱动器,Intel i7 920处理器OC达到3.0GHz。 玻色声音。 戴尔XPS笔记本电脑。 使用Synergy Plus连接的所有三台显示器上有一个键盘/鼠标。 在第二个监视器任务栏和宽屏墙纸上显示Fusion Pro

Synergy is a fantastic application that allows you to control multiple physical PCs via a single set of inputs. You can read more about it on the Synergy web site, but for the unfamiliar you install a small server app on your primary machine and then install client apps on all the auxiliary machines. The server app sends all your keyboard and mouse commands to the other machines when you’re actively using them, tricking all of them into thinking the keyboard and mouse are actually hooked up. If you work with multiple physical machines it’s a huge time saver.

Synergy是一款出色的应用程序,可让您通过一组输入来控制多台物理PC。 您可以在Synergy网站上了解有关它的更多信息,但对于陌生的用户,您可以在主计算机上安装小型服务器应用程序,然后在所有辅助计算机上安装客户端应用程序。 当您积极使用其他服务器时,服务器应用程序会将您的所有键盘和鼠标命令发送给其他计算机,从而欺骗所有计算机,使您认为键盘和鼠标实际上已挂接。 如果您使用多台物理机,则可以节省大量时间。

Although not as popular as Synergy, Input Director is a viable alternative—and one used by several readers. You can read more about configuring it here. DeepcoverNZ logs a vote for Input Director:

尽管不像Synergy那样受欢迎,但Input Director是一个可行的替代方案,并且被多个读者使用。 您可以在此处阅读有关配置它的更多信息。 DeepcoverNZ记录了Input Director的投票:

Input Director for the win. Way easier to add, manage and set up than Synergy. I run 3 PCs with monitors side by side but use only one keyboard and mouse. Input Director is at the heart of this set up.

获胜的输入主管。 比Synergy更容易添加,管理和设置。 我同时运行3台PC和显示器,但仅使用一个键盘和鼠标。 输入主管是此设置的核心。

Not many people made mention of tiling or snap-to applications, but those who made use of them certainly got their money’s worth out of it. Guilherma de Sousa shared a screenshot of the Linux tiling app Awesome:

很少有人提到平铺或管理应用程序,但是使用它们的人肯定会从中受益匪浅。 Guilherma de Sousa分享了Linux平铺应用Awesome的屏幕截图:


I use a dual monitor setup with ArchLinux and Awesome Window Manager.

我在ArchLinux和Awesome Window Manager中使用了双监视器设置。

Awesome is a tiling window manager, so I use 100% of my screen space, and have it configured to open specific apps in specific virtual desktops and monitor.


Switching between monitors is a two keyboard keys press process, which makes it very fast (a lot faster then alt+tabbing all windows until you find the one you want).

在显示器之间切换是两个键盘按键的过程,这使其非常快(快得多,然后alt + tab所有窗口,直到找到所需的窗口)。

硬件调整和技巧 (Hardware Tweaks and Tricks)


Several of you mentioned rotating monitors in order to take advantage of increased vertical space for document editing and coding.


Photo by Jack Swanborough.

杰克·斯旺伯勒(Jack Swanborough)摄影

If you have the space, the monitors, and your hardware/software supports it, rotating your monitors can be very useful. Bryan writes:

如果您有足够的空间,显示器以及硬件/软件支持,则旋转显示器会非常有用。 布莱恩写道:

I use two machines on a daily basis. An HP media-center connected to a 23″ LG and an HP 14″ laptop. My additional monitor is an older 19″ Acer LCD which is connected to either machine as needed. . Typically attached to desktop computer, the extra screen space displays a live cable TV news channel and any running chat windows, freeing the larger monitor for multiple browser or program instances. The laptop is usually running alongside and is connected manually when needed. Often when attached to the laptop it’s also rotated 90 degrees for editing documents or portrait oriented images.

我每天使用两台机器。 HP媒体中心连接到23英寸LG和HP 14英寸笔记本电脑。 我的另一台显示器是较旧的19英寸Acer LCD,可根据需要连接到任一台计算机。 。 通常,附加在台式计算机上的额外屏幕空间将显示直播有线电视新闻频道和所有正在运行的聊天窗口,从而将较大的监视器释放给多个浏览器或程序实例。 便携式计算机通常与计算机并排运行,并在需要时手动连接。 通常,当连接到笔记本电脑时,它也旋转了90度,用于编辑文档或纵向图像。

Steven Shaffer mixed monitors together, keeping his central monitor landscape while rotating the two side monitors to portrait mode. Check out the photo of his setup and his comments on it:

史蒂文·谢弗(Steven Shaffer)将显示器混合在一起,在将两个侧面显示器旋转到纵向模式的同时,保持中央显示器的水平。 查看他的安装照片以及对此的评论:


I have 3 monitors. I have a 28″ main surrounded on each side with a 19″ wide screen turned 90 degrees in portrait mode. I run 2-gtx460 is sli to the 28″, and I have a gt240 that runs the 2-19′s and also does dedicated Physx. I have the 19″ on the left setup with all my icons, shortcuts, and docks, the 28″ in the middle is where I do all my work and gaming, and the right 19″ holds all my sidebar gadgets, HTC home, and Aimp for playing music. This allows me to never have to minimize my main working area to get to, or to see anything that is going on. It also allows me to see all my system stats, Ventrillo, and or webcam while in a game.

我有3个显示器。 我有一个28英寸的主屏幕,四周各有一个19英寸的宽屏,在纵向模式下已旋转90度。 我运行2-gtx460是sli到28英寸,我有一个gt240,它运行2-19,也专用于Physx。 我在左侧的设置中有19英寸,上面有我的所有图标,快捷方式和底座,中间的28英寸是我进行所有工作和游戏的地方,而右侧的19英寸则存放了我所有的侧边栏小工具,HTC主页和Aimp用于播放音乐。 这使我永远不必最小化我的主要工作区域即可到达或看到正在发生的任何事情。 它还可以让我在游戏中查看我的所有系统统计信息,Ventrillo和/或网络摄像头。

Wayne puts his iPad to good use as a tertiary monitor:


Dual 21.5″ HP monitors using DisplayFusion Pro to manage desktop and task bars. Looking to add a third monitor maybe a 23″ in between them. Also use my iPad as a tertiary monitor using the Air Display app. Can move things like IRC and Skype to the iPad to keep them out of the way or watch a Hulu video their website and not be restricted to the Hulu+ app.

使用DisplayFusion Pro的双21.5英寸HP显示器来管理桌面和任务栏。 希望在它们之间添加第三个监视器,可能是23英寸。 还可以通过Air Display应用程序将我的iPad用作三级显示器。 可以将IRC和Skype之类的内容移到iPad上,以免干扰或观看Hulu网站上的视频,而不受限于Hulu +应用程序。

Extending the PC’s screen space to the iPad instead of relying on the iPad itself is a really clever way to put the screen to good use without being curtailed by the limitations of software available for iOS.


While the majority of readers stuck to using software to control their multiple monitor/multiple PC configurations, a few—mostly those working in IT/computer repair—used hardware switches. StarsLikeDust writes:

尽管大多数读者坚持使用软件来控制其多台显示器/多台PC配置,但少数人(大多数是从事IT /计算机维修工作的人)使用了硬件开关。 StarsLikeDust写道:

At work I have 3 19 inch Dell Monitors, side by side. Two are being used as a dual display for a Win7 box and the third is connected with two a Linux box with Synergy. The only twist is I threw a KVM switch into the mix on the third monitor that allows me to switch to other computers as they wander across my desk. This last is quite handy for desktop repair/configuration. At home I only have a 22 inch Acer connected to my desktop, though often I end up adding one of my laptops to that set-up, again with Synergy.

在工作中,我有3台19英寸戴尔显示器并排放置。 两个被用作Win7盒的双显示器,第三个与两个带有SynergyLinux盒连接。 唯一的变化是,我将KVM切换器插入了第三台显示器中的混合设备,这使我可以在其他计算机在桌子上徘徊时切换到其他计算机。 对于桌面维修/配置,这最后一个非常方便。 在家里,我只有22英寸的Acer连接到台式机,尽管经常我最终还是要通过Synergy将一台笔记本电脑添加到该设置中。

The combination of Synergy and a physical KVM switch is a good compromise between speed and ease of use and the necessity of adding in a physical machine when necessary.


For more tips, tricks, and a peek at how your fellow readers have their systems configured, hit up the comments on the original Ask the Readers post here. Have additional multi-monitor tips to shareSound off in the comments.

有关其他技巧,窍门以及如何配置其他读者的系统的更多信息,请点击此处的原始“询问读者”文章以获取评论。 还有其他多显示器技巧可以分享吗在评论中听起来不错。



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