oculus rift s_如何设置Oculus Rift并开始玩游戏

oculus rift s_如何设置Oculus Rift并开始玩游戏

The Oculus Rift offers a polished virtual reality experience, even though it doesn’t have the room-scale virtual reality or touch controllers like the HTC Vive–yet. Here’s how to set up your Oculus Rift, and what you’ll need to know ahead of time.

即使它没有像HTC Vive这样的房间规模的虚拟现实或触摸控制器, Oculus Rift也能提供优美的虚拟现实体验。 这是设置Oculus Rift的方法,以及您需要提前了解的内容。

The entire setup process should take you between 30 minutes and one hour. It’s much easier than preparing for and setting up the HTC Vive, as you don’t have to plan out a large space and arrange base stations. The Rift is intended as a seated and standing experience, not one where you walk around, so there are fewer “moving parts”, so to speak.

整个设置过程将花费您30分钟到一个小时。 这比准备和设置HTC Vive容易得多,因为您不必规划很大的空间即可布置基站。 “裂谷”旨在作为一种坐姿和站立的体验,而不是您四处走动的体验,因此可以说“活动部件”更少。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need )

Here’s what you’ll need to get started:


  • An Oculus Rift: The Oculus Rift package comes with a number of accessories you’ll need. In addition to the Rift headset, it comes with a single sensor camera that monitors the position of your head, a basic wireless remote, a wireless Xbox One controller, 2 AA batteries for the controller, a USB dongle for connecting that wireless controller to your PC, and a USB extension cable if you need it for the dongle. The Oculus Rift headset includes built-in headphones that work well.

    Oculus Rift :Oculus Rift软件包随附许多您需要的配件。 除了Rift耳机外,它还配备了一个用于监视头部位置的传感器摄像头,一个基本的无线遥控器,一个无线Xbox One控制器,用于该控制器的2节AA电池,一个用于将该无线控制器连接到您的USB加密狗。 PC和USB延长线(如果需要加密狗)。 Oculus Rift耳机包含效果很好的内置耳机。

  • A powerful gaming PC: The Oculus Rift requires a powerful gaming PC to deliver smooth performance. It’s more demanding than what you’d need for normal PC gaming. Here’s how to check if your PC is ready for virtual reality.

    强大的游戏PC :Oculus Rift需要强大的游戏PC才能提供流畅的性能。 它比普通PC游戏的要求更高。 这是检查您的PC是否已准备好用于虚拟现实的方法 。

  • Extra cables and extension cords (for some people): Depending on how far your computer is from the place where you plan on using your Rift, you may need one HDMI extension cable and two USB 3.0 extension cables to reach further. The HDMI and USB cables connected to the Rift headset reach 4 meters (about 13 feet), while the camera sensor’s USB cable reaches 2.5 meters (about 8 feet).

    额外的电缆和延长线 (适用于某些人):根据计算机与您打算使用Rift的位置的距离,您可能需要一根HDMI延长线和两根USB 3.0延长线才能到达。 连接到Rift耳机的HDMI和USB电缆长4米(约13英尺),而相机传感器的USB电缆长2.5米(约8英尺)。

  • A DisplayPort-to-HDMI or DVI-to-HDMI adapter (for some people): I ran into a problem here–my NVIDIA GTX 980 TI graphics card includes only a single HDMI port, and I already had my TV connected to the HDMI port. However, my NVIDIA graphics card does also include three DisplayPort ports. I needed a DisplayPort-to-HDMI adapter to connect my TV to the graphics card and free up the HDMI port for the Oculus Rift. Be sure to check if you have a spare HDMI port available on your GPU!

    一个DisplayPort-to-HDMI或DVI-to-HDMI适配器 (对于某些人):我在这里遇到了一个问题-我的NVIDIA GTX 980 TI图形卡仅包含一个HDMI端口,并且我已经将电视连接到HDMI港口。 但是,我的NVIDIA图形卡也包括三个DisplayPort端口。 我需要一个DisplayPort-to-HDMI适配器才能将电视连接到图形卡,并释放Oculus Rift的HDMI端口。 确保检查GPU上是否有可用的备用HDMI端口!

It’s a good idea to confirm you have all the required hardware in advance. It’s no fun to take time out of the process to run to Best Buy and buy a little adapter.

提前确认您具有所有必需的硬件是个好主意。 花一些时间去运行百思买并购买一个适配器的做法并不有趣。

启动Oculus设置工具 (Start the Oculus Setup Tool )

When you have all the hardware and are ready to set things up, visit the Oculus Rift Setup page in your web browser, download the Oculus Rift Setup tool, and run it on your computer. This tool will automatically download the required software and walk you through the entire setup process.

当您拥有所有硬件并准备好进行设置时,请在Web浏览器中访问Oculus Rift设置页面 ,下载Oculus Rift设置工具,然后在计算机上运行它。 该工具将自动下载所需的软件,并引导您完成整个设置过程。

The Oculus Setup Tool largely does an excellent job of walking you through unpacking your hardware, properly connecting it, adjusting the headset, creating an Oculus account for you, and setting up the software.


Be sure to take the protective plastic film off everything–you’ll find it both on the headset’s lenses and on the camera sensor.


oculus rift s_如何设置Oculus Rift并开始玩游戏

Connect the cables to your computer when requested. Both USB cables should be connected to USB 3.0 ports on your computer. These are usually blue inside (but not always). If you see USB ports without blue inside, they may just be USB 2.0 ports.

根据要求将电缆连接到计算机。 两条USB电缆都应连接到计算机上的USB 3.0端口。 这些通常内部为蓝色(但并非总是如此)。 如果看到USB端口内部没有蓝色,则可能只是USB 2.0端口。

When connecting the HDMI port, be sure to connect it to the HDMI port on your graphics card. Your computer may have an HDMI port that connects to the motherboard’s integrated graphics, but you don’t want to use that one for the Rift.

连接HDMI端口时,请确保将其连接到图形卡上的HDMI端口。 您的计算机可能有一个HDMI端口连接到主板的集成显卡,但是您不希望将其用于Rift。

If you do something wrong, the setup wizard won’t let you continue. As long as it says the connection status is “OK”, you know you’ve set it up properly.

如果您做错了什么,设置向导将不允许您继续。 只要显示连接状态为“ OK”,就表示您已正确设置。

oculus rift s_如何设置Oculus Rift并开始玩游戏

The rest of the process should be very clear. When you’re done, the wizard will instruct you to wear the headset, and will play some demos for you. After it’s done, it will enter the “Oculus Home” environment, a virtual room where you can launch games.

其余过程应该非常清楚。 完成后,向导将指导您佩戴耳机,并为您播放一些演示。 完成后,它将进入“ Oculus Home”环境,这是一个可以启动游戏的虚拟房间。

While using the remote, it’s helpful to wear the lanyard around your wrist so you won’t lose it or drop it.


如何配置Oculus Rift以减少模糊 (How to Configure Your Oculus Rift to Reduce Blurriness)

oculus rift s_如何设置Oculus Rift并开始玩游戏

There’s a good chance your Oculus Rift will still look a little blurry, even after you finish going through the wizard. Bear in mind that there are several ways you can adjust the headset:

即使您完成了向导的操作,您的Oculus Rift仍然很有可能看起来仍然有些模糊。 请记住,有几种方法可以调节耳机:

  • There are three velcro straps–one on each side of the headset and one on the top. Undo the straps, wear the headset, and then adjust the straps until it feels comfortable and secure. It should be secure and not move around, but you shouldn’t have to make it uncomfortably tight. You don’t have to loosen the straps to take the headset on and off, so you can adjust it once and leave it–unless other people will be using the headset, too. 共有3条维可牢尼龙搭扣带–耳机的每一侧一条,顶部一条。 松开皮带,戴上耳机,然后调节皮带,直到感觉舒适安全。 它应该是安全的,不能四处走动,但不必使它过紧。 您无需松开皮带即可打开和关闭耳机,因此您只需调整一下就可以放下耳机,除非其他人也将使用耳机。
  • The visor can be angled independently of the straps. You’ll also want to move it up and down on your face until you find the sweet spot. Don’t wear the headset like a pair of glasses resting on your nose. Move the visor down until the piece of foam on the top of the headset is around the middle of your forehead. The difference in clarity will be immediately apparent if you’re looking at something in the Rift while adjusting this. 遮阳板可以独立于皮带倾斜。 您还需要在脸上上下移动它,直到找到最佳位置。 不要像戴在鼻子上的眼镜那样戴耳机。 向下移动遮阳板,直到头戴式耳机顶部的泡沫片围绕在额头中间。 如果您在调整时在Rift中查看某些内容,则清晰度的差异将立即显而易见。
  • The IPD, or “interpupillary distance,” can be adjusted by moving the switch on the bottom of the headset to the left of or right. This adjusts how far apart the lenses are. Adjust this while wearing the headset until it looks best. 可以通过将耳机底部的开关向左或向右移动来调整IPD或“瞳距”。 这样可以调整镜头的间隔。 戴上耳机时进行调整,直至看起来最佳。

While wearing the headset, you can press the “Oculus” button on the bottom of the remote or the “Xbox” button at the center of your Xbox One controller. On the universal menu that appears, select the “Adjust Your Lenses” icon at the right side of the screen. You’ll see an “Adjust Your Lenses” screen that will guide you through moving the headset up and down and adjusting the IPD using the sliding switch until it looks best.

戴着耳机时,您可以按遥控器底部的“ Oculus”按钮或Xbox One控制器中央的“ Xbox”按钮。 在出现的通用菜单上,选择屏幕右侧的“调整镜头”图标。 您会看到一个“调整镜头”屏幕,该屏幕将指导您上下移动耳机,并使用滑动开关调整IPD,直到看起来最佳为止。

如何使用Oculus Home和通用菜单 (How to Use Oculus Home and the Universal Menu)

oculus rift s_如何设置Oculus Rift并开始玩游戏

To enter the Oculus Home environment, just put on the headset while the Oculus application is running on your PC. You’ll automatically enter the “Oculus Home” environment, a virtual room which you can launch games and apps from, as well as browse the store. The center of your view appears as a cursor, so just look at something and then press the “Select” button on the remote or “A” button on the controller to activate it.

要进入Oculus Home环境,只需在PC上运行Oculus应用程序时戴上耳机即可。 您将自动进入“ Oculus Home”环境,这是一个虚拟房间,您可以从中启动游戏和应用程序,以及浏览商店。 视图的中心显示为光标,因此只需查看某物,然后按遥控器上的“选择”按钮或控制器上的“ A”按钮将其激活即可。

You can browse available software and install it from within the Oculus Home environment on your headset, or use the Oculus application on the Windows desktop.

您可以浏览可用的软件,并从头戴式耳机的Oculus Home环境中安装它,或使用Windows桌面上的Oculus应用程序。

If you’re looking for something to play, you can get “Lucky’s Tale” from the store–it’s included free with every Oculus Rift. It’s a fun little 3D platformer that will ease you into the Rift very nicely.

如果您正在寻找玩的东西,可以从商店中获得“ Lucky’s Tale ”-每个Oculus Rift都免费提供。 这是一个有趣的小3D平台游戏,可以使您非常轻松地进入Rift。

If you want to revisit the demos you saw when you first put on the headset–or you want to show them to someone else–you can download the free “Oculus Dreamdeck” application from the Oculus store. It includes these demos and more.

如果您想重新观看首次戴上头戴式耳机时看到的演示,或者想将它们展示给其他人,则可以从Oculus商店下载免费的“ Oculus Dreamdeck ”应用程序。 它包括这些演示以及更多内容。

To access the universal menu, press the Oculus button on the bottom of the remote or press the “Xbox” button on the center of your Xbox One controller while wearing the headset. You’ll see a menu with a variety of options, including a volume control, time, and indicators that tell you whether the remote and controller are connected or not.

要访问通用菜单,请在戴着耳机的同时按遥控器底部的Oculus按钮或按Xbox One控制器中央的“ Xbox”按钮。 您会看到一个菜单,其中包含各种选项,包括音量控件,时间和指示器,这些指示器可以告诉您是否已连接遥控器和控制器。

There are many other free virtual reality experiences and demonstrations on the Oculus Store, as well as larger paid games. Browse the store to find more VR content.

Oculus商店还有许多其他免费的虚拟现实体验和演示,以及大型付费游戏。 浏览商店以查找更多VR内容。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/259429/how-to-set-up-the-oculus-rift-and-start-playing-games/

oculus rift s

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