

Do you know the new “Are you winning sonmeme going around these days/p>


I had a moment that exactly felt like it when my dad walked in and asked me if I was done with work and could come for dinner.


Well, he didn’t exactly say “Are ya winning sonbut it felt close enough that I laughed for a while later. I told him I was working on the syntax errors in my project.

好吧,他并没有确切地说“你是优胜者的儿子吗但感觉足够近,我稍后笑了一下。 我告诉他我正在处理项目中的语法错误。

The puzzled look on his face when I said ‘syntax error’ prompted me to say “It’s a grammatical mistake in the code.” He nodded and left. It took me quite a while to figure out that the culprit was a missing comma but then I got to thinking about how other dads would need things explained better.

当我说“语法错误”时,他脸上困惑的表情促使我说“这是代码中的语法错误。” 他点点头离开了。 我花了好一会儿才知道罪魁祸首是逗号,但后来我开始思考其他父亲如何需要更好地解释事情。

STEM Education (Science Technology Engineering and Math) has brought with it an age where young children begin to learn programming as part of their curriculum and more parents might face what my dad did so our team decided to write this article where we explain programming terms with examples and in layman words.


Let us consider a school classroom paradigm for some of these terms for ease of explanation. We will now check out the different terms revolving the world of code and define them in layman’s terms.

为了便于说明,让我们考虑一些术语的学校教室范式。 现在,我们将检查涉及代码世界的不同术语,并以通俗易懂的术语对其进行定义。

计算机程序;电脑程序 (Computer Program)


Technical Definition: A program is a set of instructions coded to make a machine perform a task.


Ninja Definition: A computer program is a fully functioning software that is a compilation of all the different ways and instructions that can be followed to do something. It might not be written to achieve a goal and stop, rather continue following the steps forever.

忍者(Ninja)定义:计算机程序是一种功能全面的软件,它是可以遵循的所有不同方式和说明的汇编。 它可能不会写成达到目标并停止,而是永远继续执行这些步骤。

In our classroom paradigm, teachers “program” children to learn and do things. Endless programs here would be programs to “be curious and ask questions” while programs like “study this concept” would be finite ones.

在我们的课堂范例中,教师“计划”孩子学习和做事。 这里无休止的程序将是“好奇并提出问题”的程序,而“研究这个概念”的程序将是有限的程序。

电脑密码 (Computer Code)

Technical Definition: Computer code is the symbolic arrangement of data or instructions in a computer program.

技术定义: 计算机代码是计算机程序中数据或指令的符号排列。

Ninja Definition: Computer code is the textual or symbolic translation of our instructions from common language into a language that the computer can understand because we can’t talk to it in regular English.


In our classroom paradigm, teachers translate “subtract 8 and 15” to “open 10 fingers and keep 5 in your mind. Now close 8 fingers and add 5 to the 2 fingers that remain”

在我们的课堂范例中,老师将“减8和减15”转换为“张开10根手指,并牢记5根手指”。 现在合上8根手指,然后在剩下的2根手指上增加5根。”

Computer Coding is technically not the same as computer programming because coding only requires you to translate commands into code for a simple program but programming requires knowledge of algorithms and data processing because a consumer-friendly program has to be built.


算法 (Algorithm)


Technical Definition: An algorithm is a process or set of rules followed by a program to accomplish a task.


Ninja Definition: An algorithm is like the recipe or instruction manual that one feeds into a program to make it do things in a single way to achieve a specific goal.


In school, our classroom paradigm, the seating arrangement and the teacher saying “Open your books to this page and look at the diagram” can be examples of an algorithm.


流程图 (Flow charts)

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Technical Definition: Flowcharts are visual depictions of algorithms that are used to find bugs or prepare the concept of a program.

技术定义: 流程图是用于查找错误或准备程序概念的算法的直观描述。

Ninja Definition: Flowcharts are diagrams made from linking copies of 4 distinct shapes that show how a program will proceed in its path from the beginning of execution to the goal. A rectangle with rounded corners or an oval denotes the beginning and the end of the program, a regular rectangle signifies a step in the process, a rhombus refers to a decision to be taken while a parallelogram denotes input/output.

忍者定义:流程图是通过链接4种不同形状的副本制作的图,这些图显示了程序从执行开始到实现目标的过程。 带有圆角或椭圆的矩形表示程序的开始和结束,规则的矩形表示过程的一步,菱形表示要进行的决策,而平行四边形表示输入/输出。

声明 (Statement)

Technical Definition: A statement is a syntactic unit of an imperative programming language that expresses some action to be carried out

技术定义: 语句是命令式编程语言的语法单元,表示要执行的某些操作

Ninja Definition: A statement is a step in the instruction manual or recipe that has proper grammar and punctuations (syntactic) and tells you how to do something (imperative programming).

忍者定义: 声明是使用手册或食谱中具有适当语法和标点符号(语法)的步骤,并告诉您如何执行操作(命令式编程)。

In our classroom paradigm, “Open your book”, “Turn to page number x”, “Look at this diagram” are the three statements of the algorithm. If the grammar isn’t right, “Look at this. Diagram” would not lead to the same result.

在我们的课堂范例中,“打开书本”,“翻到页码x”,“看这张图”是该算法的三个陈述。 如果语法不正确,请“看一下。 图”将不会导致相同的结果。

句法 (Syntax)

Technical Definition: The syntax is the set of rules that defines the combinations of symbols that are considered to be correctly structured statements or expressions in that language.


Ninja Definition: As I told my dad, Syntax is the grammar of the programming language. It’s the punctuation mark and locations of the verbs, adjectives, nouns and conjunctions that link everything.

忍者定义: 正如我告诉父亲的那样,语法是编程语言的语法。 连接所有内容的动词,形容词,名词和连词的标点符号和位置。

执行/运行程序 (Execute/ Run a Program)


Technical Definition: Execution is the process by which a computer executes the instructions of a computer program

技术定义: 执行是计算机执行计算机程序指令的过程

Ninja Definition: Executing a program means you’re telling the computer to start following the instructions you’ve given it in the form of the program and perform the task it was meant to.


The exams are a way of executing the “study” program where children begin studying to accomplish the goal of learning and then applying the knowledge to solve problems in them.


汇编 (Compilation)

Technical Definition: Compilation is the process of translating higher-level programming languages to low-level programming languages i.e. machine language.

技术定义: 编译是将高级编程语言转换为低级编程语言(即机器语言)的过程。

Ninja Definition: Compilation is the process of breaking down your code into 0s and 1s i.e. its how the computer understands what you told it in the more human-friendly code.

忍者定义: 编译是将代码分解为0和1的过程,即计算机如何理解您在更人性化的代码中所说的内容。

虫子 (Bug)


Technical Definition: A software bug is an error, flaw, or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways


Ninja Definition: A bug is a mistake in the code that means giving the wrong instructions to the computer or missing a part of the instructions that end up not giving out the proper result. It’s like when Rachel from F.R.I.E.N.D.S misses a page and ends up making a non-vegetarian dessert.

忍者(Ninja)定义:错误是代码中的错误,这意味着向计算机提供错误的指令或丢失部分指令,最终导致其无法给出正确的结果。 就像当朋友的蕾切尔(Rachel)错过一页并以制作非素食甜点而告终时一样。

In our classroom paradigm, bugs can be seen in the form of errors in behavior or understanding of lessons in students. They can also be seen as inefficiencies in teaching.

在我们的课堂范例中,错误可以表现为行为错误或对学生课程的理解。 也可以将它们视为教学效率低下。

调试 (Debugging)

Technical Definition: Debugging is the process of finding and resolving bugs within computer programs.

技术定义: 调试 是查找和解决计算机程序中的错误的过程。

Ninja Definition: Well this one doesn’t really require a Ninja Definition but it can be defined as de-bugging i.e. ditching the bugs.

忍者定义: 好吧,这实际上并不需要Ninja定义,但可以将其定义为调试(debugging),即消除bug。

In our classroom paradigm, debugging is done by teachers talking it out with students and addressing issues thereby removing the bugs.


命令行界面 (Command-line interface)

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Technical Definition: A command-line interface (CLI) processes commands to a computer program in the form of lines of text

技术定义: 命令行界面(CLI)以文本行的形式处理到计算机程序的命令

Ninja Definition: Command-line interface is the place where we can write the code for programs. It provides us an interface to talk to the basic processing unit of the computer by compiling and executing the commands that we give it. Examples are command prompt on windows and other programs like Python.

忍者定义: 命令行界面是我们可以编写程序代码的地方。 它通过编译和执行提供给计算机的命令,为我们提供了与计算机的基本处理单元进行通讯的界面。 示例是Windows和其他程序(例如Python)上的命令提示符。

The classroom itself in our classroom paradigm is the Command-Line Interface since it’s where the program can be written while the teacher teaches and executed during the examination.


编辑 (Editor)


Technical Definition: A source-code editor is a text editor program designed specifically for editing source code of computer programs.


Ninja Definition: An editor works like a special magnifying glass through which you can view the source code i.e. the statements that form the algorithms of a program. It also lets you change the code and thereby give the program different functions. Notepad on windows is an example of program-editors.

忍者定义:编辑器的作用就像一个特殊的放大镜,通过它您可以查看源代码,即构成程序算法的语句。 它还使您可以更改代码,从而为程序提供不同的功能。 Windows上的记事本是程序编辑器的示例。

In our classroom paradigm, the role of an editor is done by the children’s parents who can edit teachers’ programming of their children by editors called parent-teacher-interactions.


And we conclude the first part of our Ninja Glossary here. Part two and Part three will be coming soon and they will contain more terms that we provide Ninja Definitions for.

我们在这里总结了《忍者词汇表》的第一部分。 第二部分和第三部分将很快推出,它们将包含我们为Ninja提供的更多术语。

These are the basic terms that most parents would hear from their children who are learning coding at a young age like our Ninjas. We made this article so that parents can have clarity about the “jibber-jabber” that programmers use and they can easily interact with their programmer-children.

这些是大多数父母会从他们的孩子(像我们的忍者)那儿学习编码的孩子听到的基本术语。 我们写这篇文章的目的是,使父母可以清楚地了解程序员使用的“笨蛋”,并且他们可以轻松地与他们的程序员孩子互动。

I’m going to forward this article to my dad and I hope you share it with people you know as well so that we all develop computer literacy.


翻译自: https://medium.com/turing-ninjas/we-found-a-way-to-explain-basic-programming-terms-to-your-dad-1a9afb5942b7


文章知识点与官方知识档案匹配,可进一步学习相关知识算法技能树首页概览33877 人正在系统学习中 相关资源:PHP寄生虫繁殖劫持程序V3.0_寄生虫程序-PHP代码类资源-CSDN文库



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