什么是微服务(James Lewis原文翻译)

  • “Microservices” – yet another new term on the crowded streets of software architecture.


  • Although our natural inclination is to pass such things by with a contemptuous glance, this bit of terminology describes a style of software systems that we are finding more and more appealing.


  • We’ve seen many projects use this style in the last few years, and results so far have been positive, so much so that for many of our colleagues this is becoming the default style for building enterprise applications.


  • Sadly, however, there’s not much information that outlines what the microservice style is and how to do it.


  • In short, the microservice architectural style [1] is an approach to developing a single application as a suite of small services, each running in its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms, often an HTTP resource API.

  • 简而言之,[1]微服务架构风格是一种将单个应用程序作为一组小服务来开发的方法,每个小服务都在自己的进程中运行,并使用轻量级机制(通常是HTTP资源API)进行通信。

  • These services are built around business capabilities and independently deployable by fully automated deployment machinery.


  • There is a bare minimum of centralized management of these services, which may be written in different programming languages and use different data storage technologies.


  • My Microservices Resource Guide provides links to the best articles, videos, books, and podcasts about microservices.

  • 我的微服务资源指南提供了关于微服务的最好的文章、视频、书籍和播客的链接。

  • To start explaining the microservice style it’s useful to compare it to the monolithic style: a monolithic application built as a single unit.

  • 要开始解释微服务风格,将其与单片风格进行比较是很有用的:单片应用程序构建为单个单元。

  • Enterprise Applications are often built in three main parts: a client-side user interface (consisting of HTML pages and javascript running in a browser on the user’s machine) a database (consisting of many tables inserted into a common, and usually relational, database management system), and a server-side application.


  • The server-side application will handle HTTP requests, execute domain logic, retrieve and update data from the database, and select and populate HTML views to be sent to the browser.


  • This server-side application is a monolith – a single logical executable[2].


  • Any changes to the system involve building and deploying a new version of the server-side application.


  • Such a monolithic server is a natural way to approach building such a system.

  • 这样一个单片服务器是构建这样一个系统的自然方法。

  • All your logic for handling a request runs in a single process, allowing you to use the basic features of your language to divide up the application into classes, functions, and namespaces.


  • With some care, you can run and test the application on a developer’s laptop, and use a deployment pipeline to ensure that changes are properly tested and deployed into production.


  • You can horizontally scale the monolith by running many instances behind a load-balancer.


  • Monolithic applications can be successful, but increasingly people are feeling frustrations with them – especially as more applications are being deployed to the cloud .

  • 单片应用程序可以获得成功,但越来越多的人对它们感到失望——特别是随着越来越多的应用程序部署到云上。

  • Change cycles are tied together – a change made to a small part of the application, requires the entire monolith to be rebuilt and deployed.


  • Over time it’s often hard to keep a good modular structure, making it harder to keep changes that ought to only affect one module within that module.


  • Scaling requires scaling of the entire application rather than parts of it that require greater resource.


  • 什么是微服务(James Lewis原文翻译)


  • These frustrations have led to the microservice architectural style: building applications as suites of services.


  • As well as the fact that services are independently deployable and scalable, each service also provides a firm module boundary, even allowing for different services to be written in different programming languages.


  • They can also be managed by different teams .


  • We do not claim that the microservice style is novel or innovative, its roots go back at least to the design principles of Unix.


  • But we do think that not enough people consider a microservice architecture and that many software developments would be better off if they used it.


  • 总结:

  • 微服务就是将一个单体架构的应用按业务划分为一个个的独立运行的程序即服务,它们之间通过HTTP协议进行通信(也可以采用消息队列来通信,如RoocketMQ,Kafaka等),可以采用不同的编程语言,使用不同的存储技术,自动化部署(如Jenkins)减少人为控制,降低出错概率。服务数量越多,管理起来越复杂,因此采用集中化管理。例如Eureka,Zookeeper等都是比较常见的服务集中化管理框架。

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