

OS X uses touch gestures throughout to better facilitate navigation and allow users to expedite normally tedious tasks in a quick and convenient fashion. Today, we want to show you a few cool tricks to use gestures in the Finder’s preview pane.

OS X始终使用触摸手势来更好地促进导航,并允许用户以快速便捷的方式加快通常繁琐的任务。 今天,我们想向您展示一些使用Finder预览窗格中的手势的绝妙技巧。

The Finder has all kinds of cool trick up its sleeve. For example, you can customize its folder views allowing you to change the size of icons and arrangements, or you can tweak the sidebar so it conforms to your liking.

Finder袖手旁观。 例如,您可以自定义其文件夹视图,以更改图标和排列的大小,或者可以调整侧边栏,使其符合您的喜好。

One of the other nice features of the Finder is the preview pane, which lets you see a file’s content without opening it. You could use the Quick Look feature by highlighting a file and pressing the spacebar, obviously, but the preview pane allows you to simply click through files in the Finder without any further key presses.

Finder的另一个不错的功能之一是预览窗格,它使您无需打开即可查看文件的内容。 您可以通过突出显示文件并按空格键来使用“快速查找”功能,但是显然,预览窗格使您可以简单地单击Finder中的文件,而无需任何进一步的按键操作。


But, the preview pane has other powers that you may not have known about. With a few gestures, you can scrub through multimedia files, pinch to zoom on pictures, and scroll through documents.

但是,预览窗格具有您可能不了解的其他功能。 用几个手势,您就可以浏览多媒体文件,捏捏以放大图片以及滚动浏览文档。

Let’s take a look at these preview pane powers and explain how to harness them to improve your Finder experience.


First, if the preview pane is hiding, you can show it from the “View” menu or using the keyboard shortcut Shift+Command+P.

首先,如果预览窗格处于隐藏状态,则可以从“查看”菜单或使用键盘快捷键Shift + Command + P进行显示。


With the preview pane now showing, let’s find some files that we can manipulate using gestures.


Here’s a PDF file. You see we can view the entire document from the preview pane, but if you pinch with two fingers on the trackpad, you can zoom in and out.

这是PDF文件。 您会看到我们可以从预览窗格中查看整个文档,但是如果用两个手指在触控板上捏一下,则可以放大和缩小。


This pinch and scroll ability works equally well with photographs, as you can imagine.



Scrubbing through videos using the preview pane is a fun little trick, too, allowing you to zip through videos so you can find that crucial or favorite scene without having to open each file in its own separate app window. Simply hover over the Finder preview and drag two fingers right or left to scrub forward or backward, respectively.

使用预览窗格浏览视频也是一个有趣的小技巧,它允许您浏览视频,这样您就可以找到关键或喜欢的场景,而不必在单独的应用程序窗口中打开每个文件。 只需将鼠标悬停在Finder预览上,然后左右拖动两个手指即可分别向前或向后滑动。


You can track your progress through the video by using the indicator in the center of the video preview. Keep in mind that you can also do this with other media files, including audio.

您可以使用视频预览中心的指示器跟踪视频的进度。 请记住,您也可以对其他媒体文件(包括音频)执行此操作。

The ability to use the preview pane to zoom and speed through files can conceivably save you a lot of time, especially if you have a lot of files that are similar. There’s little else more frustrating or tedious than having to go through many files one by one trying to find exactly which one you’re seeking.

可以使用预览窗格缩放和快速浏览文件的功能可以为您节省大量时间,尤其是当您有很多相似的文件时。 除了必须逐个浏览许多文件以试图准确找到要查找的文件之外,没有什么比这更令人沮丧或乏味了。



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