
1. 辅修专业的近义词

1. 凡修完第二专业计划规定的全部课程,参加相应的考试,成绩合格者,颁发四川外语学院辅修第二专业毕业证书。

Certificate of Minor Specialty Graduation will be issued by Sichuan International Studies University to the ones who have learned all the required courses and passed relevant examinations.

2. 五、授予学位:工学学士Ⅴ Degree Conferred:Bachelor of Engineering 六、辅修专业说明Ⅵ Conferral of Minor Certificate:选修并通过本专业如下所有课程:模拟电子线路、数字电子线路、信号与系统、高频电路、数字信号处理、通信原理、单片机原理与应用、电磁场理论、自动控制原理,共30个学分可获得本专业辅修证书。

Credits earned from successful completion of the courses such as Analogue Electronic Circuits, Digital Electronic Circuits, Signal %26amp; system, High-Frequency Circuit, Digital Signal Processing, Communication Principle, Mono-computers Principle and Application, Theory of Electromagnetic Field, Automatic Control Principle will entitle one the conferral of minor certificate.

3. 我的专业是经济,辅修了汉语。

I majored in Economics and minored in Chinese.

4. 我的主修专业是工业工程,辅修专业是管理,还修了120学时的计算机课程。

I majored in Industrial Engineering and minored in Management, and I took 120 hours` computer courses.

5. 选择辅修专业的原因有二

Many students choose a minor for one of two reasons

6. 我应该出示什么样的证书来证明辅修的专业,出版的论文和研发的软件呢/p>

What kind of certificates should I show you to prove my minor, published papers and software/p>

7. 他主修专业是计算机科学,但他对莎士比亚的戏剧很感兴趣,所以他辅修了文学专业。

V He majors in computer science, but he is also interested in Shakespeare`s plays, so he minors in literature.

8. 如果军校学生的专业是人文学科,他们还必须辅修工程专业。

If cadets major in the humanities, they must have an engineering minor.

9. 我成绩非常好,我是班里最优秀的学生之一I:你辅修过什么专业吗/p>

I did well in university. I was one of the top students in the class. I: What subject did you minor in/p>

10. 在学好计算机专业知识的同时,我辅修了空中交通管理专业。

At the time of learning good calculator professional knowledge, my minor the air transportation management is professional.

11. 辅修课程:计算方法、画法几何与工程制图、数字系统仿真与VHDL语言、专业外语、电子电路CAD、电子测试技术、计算机应用基础、概率论与数理统计并自学了Protel软件。

Complement course of majoring in: Computing technology, descriptive geometry and project make maps, digital systematic emulation and VHDL language, specialized foreign language, electronic circuit CAD, electron have tested technology, computer application foundation, probability theory and mathematical statistics and taught oneself Protel software.

12. 我大学的时候专业是英语,辅修法语。

B:I majored in English and minored in French in my college.

13. 我大学的时候专业是英语,辅修法语。

I majored in English and minored French at my college.

14. 我是徐州工业职业技术学院,08界毕业生,专业是数控技术及应用,辅修英语本科专业,本人喜欢英语,经常收听BBC和VOA等国际广播,提高自己的口语和听力,本人通过了大学英语六级考试,英语综合实力较强。

I love english and, i have an opportunity to practice my spoken englisn, I listen to VOA and BBC internatial broadcast in english regularly to improve my listening english.

15. 我的专业是英语,我的辅修科目是商务学习,在2004年我得到了艺术文学学位。

My major was English, and my minor was business studies. I completed my BA in2004.

16. 我是毕业于山东工商学院,拥有经济学和管理学的双学位,我的主修专业是金融,辅修专业是会计。

I was graduated from Shandong Institute of business and technology, with a dual degree in economics and management, and my Major is finance subsidiary majors are accounting.

17. 太阳能光合生物制氢光转化效率的影响因素研究主辅修制生物专业动物学实验教学规格初探

Study on the influencing factors of light conversion efficiency in biological hydrogen production from solar energy A Fundamental Research on the Zoological Experiment Teaching

18. 关于复合型人才培养模式的探索&商贸英语辅修专业的实践研究报告

On the exploration of the educational pattern for qualified personnel with compound abilities & A research report on the practice in subsidiary speciality of business English

19. 现代种植专业活模块板块课程,可分为主修模块和辅修模块。

” Flexible module ” consisted of ” major subject module ” and ” assistant subject module “.

20. 我叫齐好运,在天津大学学习,明年7月份毕业,主修专业是国际贸易,辅修专业是计算机。

I am Qi haoyun, a student studying at Tianjin university. I’ll be graduating from the university next july. I major in international trade with a minor in computer science.




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