abaqus黑盒猜测和理论学习: S4R 单元的实现方式 板壳、梁理论


abaqus黑盒猜测和理论学习: S4R 单元的实现方式 板壳、梁理论
看了一下abaqus 《theory》 3.6.5。
此外还有上图开始讲了能预防剪切自锁的strain field formulation,并推导出了S4R这一类finite strain单元的
stiffness matrix,这是我真正需要的。但是Ks并不是刚度,它的单位是应力。Cs is the transverse shear stiffness

finite strain单元 3.6最后:

Element S4 is a fully integrated finite-membrane-strain shell element. Since the element’s stiffness is fully integrated, no spurious membrane or bending zero energy modes exist and no membrane or bending mode hourglass stabilization is used. Drill rotation control, however, is required. Element S4 uses the same drill stiffness formulation as used for element S4R. Similarly, element S4 assumes that the transverse shear strain (and force, since the transverse shear treatment is elastic based on the initial elastic modulus of the material) is constant over the element. Therefore, all four stiffness integration locations will have the same transverse shear strain, transverse shear section force, and transverse shear stress distribution. The transverse shear treatment for S4 is identical to that for S4R.

It is well known that a standard displacement formulation will exhibit shear locking for applications dominated by in-plane bending deformation. However, a standard displacement formulation for the out-of-plane bending stiffness is not subject to similar locking response.Hence, S4 uses a standard displacement formulation for the element’s bending stiffness, and the theory presented above for the rotation kinematics and bending strain measures applies to S4. The primary difference between the element formulations for S4 and S4R is the treatment of the membrane strain field. This formulation is the topic of the following discussion.

The membrane formulation used for S4 does not rely on the fact that S4 is a shell element. Hence, the discussion below details the formulation from the point of view that the membrane response is governed by the equilibrium for a three-dimensional body in a state of plane stress.

1.standard displacement formulationbr> 2.why “a standard displacement formulation for the out-of-plane bending stiffness is not subject to similar locking response”br> 3.What is a membrane formulation, what is finite-membrane-strain br> 薄膜应变就是面内的那三个应变。剩下三个叫transverse shear strain。
abaqus theory前面40页也很重要,很基本的.

abaqus黑盒猜测和理论学习: S4R 单元的实现方式 板壳、梁理论



想要参考abaqus壳更多的内容,可以看analysis 29章,里面对于各类单元的讲解很详细。

经典的板壳力学教材和上课讲的东西能否成为突破口合看一下 abaqus黑盒猜测和理论学习: S4R 单元的实现方式 板壳、梁理论
abaqus黑盒猜测和理论学习: S4R 单元的实现方式 板壳、梁理论


abaqus黑盒猜测和理论学习: S4R 单元的实现方式 板壳、梁理论


abaqus黑盒猜测和理论学习: S4R 单元的实现方式 板壳、梁理论



考虑层间应力无法直接应用S4R,但可以加弹簧 abaqus黑盒猜测和理论学习: S4R 单元的实现方式 板壳、梁理论

abaqus黑盒猜测和理论学习: S4R 单元的实现方式 板壳、梁理论

在下边界,我试了一阶剪切的strain formulation是符合abaqus的结果的,在里面-0.6667的位置,我的小算例是符合的,而大规模则暂时不符合:

abaqus黑盒猜测和理论学习: S4R 单元的实现方式 板壳、梁理论



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