

by Googley as Heck


经过几个月的Google面试准备,我被亚马逊录用 (After months of preparing for the Google interview, I got hired by Amazon)

As you may know, the last 11 months have been very difficult for me. As a self-taught web developer of 15 years, my computer science study plan took me months to get through, and the main motivator was to start a new career as a software engineer, tackling large problems at a large tech company.

您可能知道,最近11个月对我来说非常困难。 作为一名15年的自学成才的网络开发人员,我的计算机科学学习计划花了我几个月的时间才得以完成,其主要动机是开始新的软件工程师职业,以解决大型科技公司中的大问题

Google was the company I had audaciously set my sights on, but in the end that turned into disappointment. If you haven’t read about my story, you’re missing out. Go ahead and read it first.

谷歌是我曾大胆地瞄准的公司,但最终变成了失望 。 如果您还没有读过我的故事,那您就错过了。 继续阅读它 。

Well, I reached out to my network, and made a lot of new friends. I got connected with every tech giant in the Pacific northwest. Of all of them, Amazon had always stood out — even more than Google — as the most innovative company over the last 10 years. I applied via a referral, whom I had met at a startup event in 2013, and got the process rolling.

好吧,我接触了我的网络,结识了许多新朋友。 我与太平洋西北地区的每个科技巨头都有联系。 在所有这些公司中,亚马逊一直是过去10年中最具创新力的公司-甚至比Google还要出色。 我是通过推荐来申请的,我在2013年的一次启动活动上遇到了这位推荐人,并且整个过程都在进行。

After so many months of non-stop effort, sacrifice, and worry, I’m pleased to announce that I finally made it!


Today I accepted an offer to be a Software Development Engineer at


Working at Amazon is a dream come true, and I’ll be working on the Amazon Web Services Config team. I’ve wanted to work on AWS for years, but was never qualified, until now. I’ve been using AWS since 2012, when I got started using CloudFormation to automate infrastructure build-out and scaling.

在Amazon工作是梦想成真,我将在Amazon Web Services Config团队工作。 我想在AWS上工作多年,但直到现在一直没有资格。 自2012年开始使用CloudFormation自动化基础架构扩展和扩展以来,我一直在使用AWS。

AWS Config is a fully managed service that provides operations teams with AWS resource inventory, configuration history, and configuration change notifications to enable security and governance. Config Rules enables administrators to create rules that automatically check the configuration of AWS resources recorded by AWS Config, as well as define actions AWS can take to fix issues automatically.

AWS Config是一项完全托管的服务,可为运营团队提供AWS资源清单,配置历史记录和配置更改通知,以实现安全性和治理。 使用配置规则,管理员可以创建规则以自动检查由AWS Config记录的AWS资源的配置,以及定义AWS可以采取的自动修复问题的措施。

Here’s a video with some cool automation tricks you can do with AWS Config Rules, CloudTrail, and Lambda:

这是带有一些很酷的自动化技巧的视频,您可以使用AWS Config Rules,CloudTrail和Lambda进行操作:

Thanks to everyone for your support!


在哪里找到我 (Where to Find Me)

Since I won’t be posting on this “Googley” account any more, feel free to follow my adventures at Startup Next Door, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

由于我将不再在该“ Googley”帐户上发帖,所以请随时关注我在Startup Next Door , LinkedIn和Twitter上的冒险经历。



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