

Your eyes are important, and staring at a monitor all day does them no favors. There are a number of preventative measures you can take to avoid eyestrain—organizing a functional workspace and modulating light exposure, for example. Let’s take a closer look.

您的眼睛很重要,整日盯着监视器看对他们没有帮助。 您可以采取许多预防措施来避免眼睛疲劳,例如,组织一个功能正常的工作区并调节曝光。 让我们仔细看看。

眼睛疲劳的基础 (The Basics of Eye Strain)

Eyestrain is a symptom that manifests when you over-exert your eyes for an extended period of time. This can happen with any prolonged activity where you’re focused in at one distance for long enough, but is especially true when you’re viewing an electronically-lit screen.

眼睛疲劳是长时间过度使用眼睛时出现的症状。 任何长时间的活动都可能会发生这种情况,因为您将注意力集中在一个距离上足够长的时间,但是当您查看电子照明的屏幕时尤其如此。

Eyestrain can bring on any of the following symptoms:


  • Pain and tension around the eyes and/or temples (which can spread to the head, neck and back)


  • Eye dryness and/or redness


  • Fatigue


  • Sensitivity to light


  • Headache


  • Difficulty performing visual tasks


  • Blurred vision


  • Double vision


Eyestrain doesn’t typically lead to permanent damage of the visual system, but it’s unpleasant and can keep you from getting your work done. The causes of eyestrain vary for everybody, and can change over time. The three main types of causes of eyestrain are an inadequate workspace setup, inefficient lighting, and lack of proper eye care.

眼疲劳通常不会对视觉系统造成永久性损害,但是令人不快,可能使您无法完成工作。 眼睛疲劳的原因因人而异,并且会随着时间而改变。 引起眼疲劳的三种主要类型是工作空间设置不足,照明效率低下以及缺乏适当的眼部护理。

Let’s look at how to address all three to avoid eyestrain.


修改您的工作习惯 (Modify Your Work Habits)

Desktop browsers can zoom in for larger text with a keyboard shortcut.

Eyestrain may cause you a lot of strife, through painful headaches and blurred vision. But simply modifying a few of your work habits can go a long way to alleviating eyestrain.

眼睛疲劳可能会导致剧烈的头痛,头痛和视力模糊。 但是,简单地修改一些工作习惯可以大大减轻眼睛疲劳。

Enlarge text: Your eyes have to strain to read small text, so keep text large to give your eyes a break. When working in text editors or viewing online materials, use the keyboard shortcut to magnify text as needed. (This is usually holding down the Ctrl or Command button on your keyboard and zooming with the mouse scroll wheel, or though a touchpad gesture.) For those webpage text areas that tend to be too cramped—pull them over to your favorite text editor to have more space. Always magnify to a size that feels comfortable. If you have to move your head closer to the screen, squint, or don’t feel relaxed while reading , then the text is still too small (or your monitor is too far away). And while you’re at it, make sure your screen resolution is set high.

放大文本:您的眼睛必须费力才能阅读小文本,因此,请保持大文本才能让您的眼睛休息一下。 在文本编辑器中工作或查看在线资料时,请根据需要使用键盘快捷键来放大文本。 (这通常是按住键盘上的Ctrl或Command按钮并用鼠标滚轮或触摸板手势进行缩放。)对于那些过于狭窄的网页文本区域,请将其拖到您喜欢的文本编辑器上以有更多的空间 。 始终放大到舒适的尺寸。 如果您在阅读时不得不将头移到靠近屏幕,斜视或不放松的地方,则文本仍然太小(或显示器距离太远)。 并且在使用时,请确保将屏幕分辨率设置为较高。

Read offline: Intense reading on a computer monitor isn’t ideal for productivity because eventually, your eyes will tire out. When you come across a long article or document, print it out (in large-enough print of course). Then read it at your own pace and in the right lighting. If you’d rather not use a printer and you happen to have an e-reader, with a screen that’s closer to paper text and doesn’t need a backlight, you can use a service like Send to Kindle to move it over to the other device. Note that reading text on a mobile LCD, like a phone or a conventional tablet, isn’t really any better than a computer monitor.

离线阅读:在计算机显示器上进行大量阅读对于提高生产力而言并不是理想的选择,因为最终您的眼睛会疲惫不堪。 当您遇到较长的文章或文档时,请将其打印出来(当然要用大字体打印)。 然后按照自己的步调和适当的光线阅读。 如果您不想使用打印机,而碰巧拥有一个电子阅读器,其屏幕更接近纸质文字并且不需要背光,则可以使用“发送至Kindle”之类的服务将其移至其他设备。 请注意,在手机或传统平板电脑等移动LCD上阅读文字并没有比计算机显示器更好。

Sending a large article to your Kindle makes for easier reading.

Work in spurts: Your computer is set up for virtually nonstop work, but you aren’t a machine. You need to take breaks to recharge, and so do your eyes. The 20-20-20 rule is easy to remember: take a 20-second break every 20 minutes, and look at something at least 20 feet away. If you work in an office and don’t want to look like you’re spacing out, take frequent but brief trips to the water cooler or restroom to give your eyes a break.

突如其来的工作:您的计算机已设置为几乎不间断的工作,但您不是计算机。 您需要休息一下才能恢复活力,眼睛也一样。 20-20-20规则很容易记住:每20分钟休息20秒,观察至少20英尺远的地方。 如果您在办公室工作而又不想看起来像是在外面闲逛,请经常但短暂地去一下饮水机或洗手间,让您休息一下。

Re-position your monitor: When you stare at your computer monitor, you naturally blink less often. So your eyes don’t get naturally lubricated as often. This leads to eye dryness and redness. To reduce this effect, position your monitor slightly below eye-level. That way your eyes won’t have to be as open (and exposed) in order for you to see. The ideal ergonomic position for a monitor is to have your eye level approximately one third of the way from the top edge of the screen, but having it a little lower might help if you frequently feel your eyes tiring.

重新放置显示器:凝视计算机显示器时,您自然会眨眼次数减少。 因此,您的眼睛不会像平常那样自然润滑。 这会导致眼睛干燥和发红。 为了减少这种影响,请将显示器的位置略低于眼睛的水平。 这样,您的眼睛就不必睁着(露出)就能看到。 显示器的人体工程学理想位置是使视线水平距离屏幕顶部大约三分之一,但是如果您经常感到眼睛疲劳,则将视线水平降低一点可能会有所帮助。


Relax: Work is important, but you need to be relaxed enough so that tension and stress don’t get in the way. Take frequent short breaks during the day, and longer breaks one to two times per day so that you can get your mind off work. Walks are good because you also get some exercise and fresh air. At your desk, you can do neck rolls, shoulder shrugs and arm swings to stretch out your neck and shoulders. Rub your temples to release any head tension. Give your eyes periods of darkness for rest by closing your eyes or cupping your palms over your eyes (preferably in a quiet environment).

放松:工作很重要,但是您需要足够放松,以免紧张和压力无法阻挡。 在一天中,请经常短暂休息一下,每天较长时间休息一到两次,这样您就可以下定决心了。 散步是件好事,因为您还可以锻炼身体和呼吸新鲜空气。 在您的办公桌上,您可以做颈托,耸肩和手臂摆动来伸展脖子和肩膀。 擦拭太阳穴以释放头部的紧张感。 闭上眼睛或将手掌托在眼睛上(最好在安静的环境中),让眼睛处于黑暗中休息。

注意照明 (Pay Attention to Lighting)


Wear sunglasses: When you’re not in front of your computer, you can still protect your eyes from incoming light. This helps them endure longer periods in front of the monitor. Wear sunglasses outdoors (or even indoors if necessary). Make sure that the lenses have UV protection. If they don’t, they’ll have the opposite effect and just tire out your eyes. (This is because the darker environment created by the tinted lenses will cause your irises to dilate and receive more light.) Polarized lenses (that also have UV protection) are ideal because they minimize glare. If you need corrective glasses to see text, your optometrist can make you a pair with an extra layer of UV protection added.

戴墨镜:当您不在电脑前时,仍然可以保护眼睛免受入射光的伤害。 这可以帮助他们在显示器前忍受更长的时间。 在户外(或必要时在室内)戴墨镜。 确保镜片具有防紫外线功能。 如果不这样做,它们将产生相反的效果,只会使您的眼睛疲劳。 (这是因为有色镜片造成的较暗环境会导致您的虹膜散开并接收更多的光线。)偏光镜片(也具有防紫外线功能)是理想的选择,因为它们可最大程度地减少眩光。 如果您需要矫正眼镜才能看到文字,您的验光师可以为您提供一副额外的防紫外线保护层。

保持眼睛健康 (Keep Your Eyes Healthy)

In addition to modifying your work habits and paying attention to lighting, follow these tips to keep your eyes healthy:


  • Have your eyes checked yearly.


  • If you wear corrective lenses, ask your optometrist if they’re a good fit for your degree of computer use.


  • If you wear contact lenses, keep a bottle of hydrating eye drops handy at work and at home. (The “watch pocket” in jeans and slacks is perfect for this.)

    如果您戴隐形眼镜,请在工作和在家中随身携带一瓶保湿眼药水。 (牛仔裤和休闲裤的“手表口袋”非常适合。)

  • Get enough rest, maintain a healthy diet, and stay hydrated. This will give you an overall boost so you’re not tired or susceptible to extra stress or tension.

    充分休息,保持健康饮食,并保持水分。 这将为您带来全面的提升,因此您不会感到疲劳或承受额外的压力或紧张。

  • Exercise your eyes when you’re not working on the computer by focusing on a close object (within 6 inches) for a few seconds and then focusing on a far-away object. This contracts and expands your lenses.

    当您不在计算机上工作时,请先对近距离物体(6英寸以内)聚焦几秒钟,然后对较远的物体聚焦,以锻炼您的眼睛。 这会收缩并扩大您的镜片。

  • Give your eyes a break after work-hours. Apply chilled tea bags or cucumber slices at the end of your day. And don’t overload on more stimulation that can tire out your eyes, by watching TV or reading a small-font book without the right magnification and lighting.

    下班后休息一下。 一天结束时,请放入冷藏的茶叶袋或Cucumber片。 而且,不要看电视或看一本小字体的书而没有适当的放大和照明,而使更多的刺激使您的眼睛疲劳。

在计算机和电话上试用滤光片 (Try Out A Light Filter On Your Computer And Phone)

In the last few years, Microsoft, Apple, and Google have all made some handy accommodations to help users keep eye stain at bay. The most dramatic of these is colloquially known as a “Night Light,” a software filter that lowers the blue and white light coming from a screen and boosts red light, putting less direct strain on your eyes.

在过去的几年中,Microsoft,Apple和Google都做出了一些方便的调整,以帮助用户避免眼部斑点。 其中最引人注目的是俗称的“夜灯”,一种软件过滤器,它可以降低屏幕上的蓝光和白光并增强红光,从而减少对眼睛的直接负担。


In Windows 10, the feature is known as “Night Light.” In MacOS and iOS, it’s “Night Shift.” On Android, the feature is “Night Mode.” For Samsung phones, it’s called the “Blue Light Filter.” All of them allow you to set a daily schedule for turning the feature on and off, and adjusting the intensity of the effect higher or lower. And if you don’t find those features sufficient, you might want to try something like Flux, which is more customizable.

在Windows 10中,此功能称为“ 夜灯 ”。 在MacOS和iOS中 ,它是“夜班”。 在Android上,该功能为“ 夜间模式” 。 对于三星手机,它称为“蓝光滤镜”。 所有这些都允许您设置每日时间表,以打开和关闭该功能以及将效果的强度调高或调低。 而且,如果您发现这些功能不足,则可能需要尝试像Flux这样的可定制性更高的东西。

Image source: Shutterstock/fizes, Shutterstock/ruigsantos

图片来源: Shutterstock / fizes , Shutterstock / ruigsantos

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/54872/how-to-avoid-computer-eye-strain-and-keep-your-eyes-healthy/


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