

video conferencing. Like most of our services, it is free of charge. It is built on a reliable open-source solution, it is mostly based on WebRTC, which allows communicating in the browser by just clicking on a link. Below we’ll tell you more about its features and some of the problems we’ve run into. 视频会议 。 像我们的大多数服务一样,它是免费的。 它基于可靠的开源解决方案构建,主要基于WebRTC,该WebRTC允许通过单击链接即可在浏览器中进行通信。 下面我们将向您详细介绍其功能以及我们遇到的一些问题。


With this integration, you can combine audio and video conferences (both via Zadarma PBX or your own PBX if you have it). You just need to dial 00300 and enter PIN displayed under video conference room link.

通过这种集成,您可以将音频和视频会议(通过Zadarma PBX或您自己的PBX进行组合)组合在一起。 您只需要拨打00300并输入视频会议室链接下方显示的PIN码即可。

In Zadarma PBX you can create an audio conference (by dialing 000) and adding a “participant” with a number 00300.

在Zadarma PBX中,您可以创建音频会议(通过拨打000)并添加带有号码00300的“参与者”。

You can also join the conference by calling a phone number (numbers in 40 countries are available).


你为什么需要它(Why do you need itspan style=”font-weight: bold;”>)

It is not the first or the last service offered by Zadarma for free. Before we’ve offered PBX, CRM, Callback widget, Call tracking, and Click-to-call widgets. There is only one reason – attracting clients in the hope that part of them will start using paid services (virtual numbers and outgoing calls). So instead of investing in advertising, we are developing free products. Free services have already helped us to attract over 1.6 million clients, and the successful model keeps on working.

它不是Zadarma免费提供的第一个或最后一个服务。 在我们提供PBX , CRM ,回调小部件,呼叫跟踪和点击通话小部件之前。 只有一个原因–吸引客户希望他们的一部分将开始使用付费服务(虚拟号码和去电)。 因此,我们不投资广告,而是开发免费产品。 免费服务已经帮助我们吸引了超过160万客户,并且成功的模式一直在起作用。

聚苯乙烯 (P.S.)

As you can see, we’ve already been through balancing, fault tolerance, additional security. Aside from that, there was quite some debugging and small twitching. We’ve also tried to make VoIP integration as convenient as possible. App moderation for both iOS and Android had become quite a hassle (but it was worth it, Android downloads surpassed 1000 in one week).

如您所见,我们已经经历了平衡,容错和额外的安全性。 除此之外,还有很多调试和小的抽搐。 我们还尝试使VoIP集成尽可能方便。 适用于iOS和Android的应用程序审核工作非常麻烦(但值得,Android下载量在一周内超过了1000次)。

You can try and set up your server or use our free video conferencing.


Any suggestions for future updates or other free tools are welcome in the comments.


翻译自: https://habr.com/en/company/zadarma/blog/499734/


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