
If you’ve gone to a BDConf (more on the recent Orlando event very soon!), you know we keep the focus pretty tight: web design and development for beyond the desktop. No native discussion, just web. We thought it would be fun to get even more focused. So on June 4th in Minneapolis, we’ll host the first ever BDConf:focus on event and do a deep dive into responsive design: all day, all responsive.

如果您参加了BDConf会议(即将在奥兰多举行的近期活动上有更多报道!),您就会知道我们的工作重点非常紧:除了台式机之外的Web设计和开发。 没有本地讨论,只有网络。 我们认为更加集中精力会很有趣。 因此,在6月4日于明尼阿波利斯(Minneapolis),我们将举办有史以来的首届BDConf:关注事件 ,并深入探讨响应式设计:全天候,响应式。

The lineup is amazing. Seriously.

阵容很棒。 说真的

Dave Rupert, lead developer at Paravel, co-host of the ShopTalk podcast, and creator of awesome tools like FitVids and FitText, will get the day kicked off with a four hour workshop.

Dave Rupert是Paravel的首席开发人员,ShopTalk播客的共同主持人,FitVids和FitText等出色工具的创建者,将在一个为期四个小时的研讨会上拉开帷幕。

After lunch, Mat Marquis will get the afternoon started with his presentation, “Next Steps for Responsive Design”. Mat worked on the Boston Globe project and heads up the Responsive Images Community Group for the W3C, so he’s got some hard-earned experience to pull from. He’s also a seriously funny guy.

午餐后,Mat Marquis将以他的演讲“响应式设计的后续步骤”开始下午的演讲。 Mat曾在Boston Globe项目中工作,并领导W3C的Responsive Images Community Group,因此他有一些来之不易的经验。 他也是一个非常有趣的家伙。

Then, Kristofer Layon will present “The Minimal Viable Web”. Kristofer is the author of two books, most recently the excellent “Mobilizing Web Sites”. I love how practical and pragmatic that book is and I expect his talk will keep the same tone.

然后,Kristofer Layon将展示“最小可行的网络” 。 克里斯托弗(Kristofer)是两本书的作者,最近的著作是出色的“动员网站”。 我喜欢这本书的实用性和实用性,我希望他的演讲能保持不变。

I’ll close the day with a new talk for me, “Creating Responsive Experiences”. I’ve been on a kick for awhile now that I think responsive design has to be about more than just layout, and I’ll try to make my case (and back it up with a few examples).

我将以新话题“创建响应式体验”结束一天的讨论。 现在我已经踢了一段时间,因为我认为响应式设计不仅要涉及布局,而且我将尽我所能(并提供一些示例)。

It should be an awesome day! The venue, Open Book, has a cool feel to it and we’re going to keep attendance low—you won’t be lost in a huge ballroom of people.

这应该是很棒的一天! Open Book场馆给人一种凉爽的感觉,我们将保持出席率低—在庞大的舞厅里,您不会迷路。

There are still passes available. If you want to make the trip (and you do!), code ‘KADLEMN’ will shave $100 off the cost of registration.

仍然有通行证。 如果您想旅行(而且愿意!),代码“ KADLEMN”将使注册成本节省100美元。

I hope to see you in Minneapolis—it’s going to be awesome!



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