


This was just too good not to share…emphasis is mine.


Via Peter Provost, I came upon Kris Syverstad’s post drawing an analogy between great software developers and great athletes. Kris’s post in two sentences: Great developers and great athletes strive to be the best, and have the talent and drive to become so. The best developers are the ones who seek out help when they need it, and take steps to actively seek out learning opportunities on their own.
I think Kris’s analogy is right on. I found it ironic that Kris very clearly lays out the attitude one needs to excel in this business, and the absolute antithesis of this attitude is displayed in one of his comments. The comment I’m referring to was “[Building your skills on your own] takes time outside of your 40 hour work week and it is unpaid. So, what is the incentive 

通过Peter Provost ,我遇到了Kris Syverstad的帖子,在伟大的软件开发人员和伟大的运动员之间进行了类比。 克里斯(Kris)的帖子有两句话:优秀的开发人员和优秀的运动员努力做到最好,并拥有成为这样的才能和动力。 最好的开发人员是那些在需要时寻求帮助,并采取措施主动寻求学习机会的人。
我认为Kris的比喻是正确的。 讽刺的是,克里斯(Kris)非常清楚地提出了在这项业务中需要精益求精的态度,而这种态度的绝对对立体现在他的评论中。 我指的是“ [自行建立技能]花费了您每周40小时的工作时间,并且没有薪水。 那么,激励措施是什么

Hrmm…investing in yourselfPersonal prideThe desire to be the bestLoving what you do 


I’ve had the privilege of working with some really, really great developers. I’ll tell you one thing they all have in common: software isn’t something they just do for 40 hours a week to pay the bills. [Brain.Save()]

我有幸与一些非常非常出色的开发人员一起工作。 我将告诉您它们都有一个共同点:软件不是他们每周仅花40个小时来支付账单的事情。 [ Brain.Save() ]

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/who-ever-said-software-development-was-just-another-job


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