



Simulation of Brushless DC Motor Control System Based on

Abstract:This thesis mainly focuses on the speed control system of Brushless DC motor, the motor learning operation principle and PWM control method, the speed of the concept, principle and control method, the status quo, and learning and control method of Brushless DC motor, and the design of the brushless DC motor speed control system. And through Simulink to simulate the simulation and experimental simulation of the operation of the motor, and according to the simulation results on the brushless DC motor began to learn and analyze, so as to achieve the brushless DC motor speed law to understand.

Key words: speed regulation; PWM control brushless DC motor;Simulation



摘要    Ⅰ

Abstract    Ⅱ

1引言    1

2工作原理    1

2.1无刷直流电动机的概述    1

2.2无刷直流电机本体    3

2.3 转子位置检测    4

2.3.1 位置传感器检测法    4

2.3.2 无位置传感器检测法    4

2.4 PWM调制技术    4

2.5无刷直流电机换相器    5

2.6无刷直流电机的基本方程    5

3.调速系统的设计    7

3.1主电路供电方案选择    8

3.2逆变电路的选择    9

3.3基于MC33035的无刷直流电动机调速系统    10

3.3.1无刷直流电动机控制芯片MC33035    10

3.3.2基于MC33035的无刷直流电动机调速系统设计    11

4调速系统在MATLAB里仿真    12

4.1 电源、逆变桥和无刷直流电机模型    12

4.2 换相逻辑控制模块    13

4.3 控制器和控制电平转换及PWM发生环节设计    18

4.4系统的仿真、仿真结果的输出及结果分析    19

4.4.1系统建模与起动,阶跃负载仿真    20

4.4.2 可逆调速仿真    24

5论文总结与未来展望    27

5.1论文总结    27

5.2未来展望    28

参考文献    29

致谢    30

相关资源:凯利公司 KDZ 系列有刷串励、永磁、他励电机控制器设置软件.rar



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