

I have been going through a shift in my own business and looking to grow beyond Quicken as my accounting tool. As most know – Quicken is an invaluable package for home and home office accounting – however if a small business grows Intuit would prefer the natural evolution to migrate toward Quick Books.

我一直在进行自己的业务转变,并希望超越Quicken成为我的会计工具。 众所周知-Quicken是家庭和家庭办公室会计的无价之宝-但是,如果小型企业发展,Intuit宁愿自然发展向Quick Book迁移。

Initially starting out using a manual system for invoices and growing into Quicken, I needed to go to the next level. However I did not want to use a web-based app as I would likely sync details to my iBook and take details on the road and work on planes and in airports (yes I know about WiFi!). In addition, as many already know from reading Open Sourcery, I would be loading the system on my Macs running OS X.

最初从使用人工发票系统开始,然后发展为Quicken,我需要进入下一个层次。 但是,我不想使用基于Web的应用程序,因为我可能会将详细信息同步到iBook,并获取有关道路的详细信息以及在飞机上和机场工作的信息(是的,我知道WiFi!)。 另外,正如许多人从阅读Open Sourcery中已经知道的那样,我将在运行OS X的Mac上加载系统。

As a bit of due diligence I begain exploring what else was available for a growing small business that has custom needs but remains largely virtual. I was pleased to ultimately select GnuCash. As of release 1.8, and perhaps earlier as it has been a long time since I revisited the program, now supports OS X (by way of Fink) as well as a PostgreSQL back end.

作为一点点的尽职调查,我开始探索对于具有自定义需求但仍然基本上是虚拟的成长型小型企业可用的其他工具。 我很高兴最终选择了GnuCash 。 从1.8版本开始,也许是自从我重新访问该程序以来已经很长时间了,它现在支持OS X(通过Fink )和PostgreSQL后端。

GnuCash supports the invoicing and account management functions I seek to implement as well as obviously enabling me to continue supporting open source through other avenues.


Perhaps this is also a project I can contribute to (practicing what I preach), writing documentation or some other function (as I do not write in C!).


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/open-source-accounting/


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