
My neck and shoulders have bothered me since high school. Nothing debilitating, but a constant soreness and dull ache. I’m not 100% sure why but certainly my work environment is a very likely candidate. My posture can be questionable and for the longest time, I didn’t give even the slightest thought to the ergonomics of my setup. I did grab a standing desk a couple of years back in the hopes it would help my back in some way. I love it. It didn’t make a significant impact on my back (the most notable effect was helping me to avoid the post-lunch sleepiness), but I honestly don’t think I could work for an extended period of time at a sitting desk anymore.

自高中毕业后,我的脖子和肩膀就困扰了我。 不会使人衰弱,但会持续出现酸痛和钝痛。 我不是100%知道为什么,但是我的工作环境很可能是候选人。 我的姿势可能会令人怀疑,而且最长的时间里,我丝毫没有想到我的装置的人体工程学。 几年前,我确实抓住了一张办公桌,希望它能以某种方式对我的背部有所帮助。 我喜欢它。 它并没有对我的背部产生重大影响(最显着的效果是帮助我避免了午餐后的嗜睡),但老实说,我认为我不能再在办公桌旁长时间工作了。

Recently, I decided to invest in myself a bit more by grabbing a new mouse and keyboard in an attempt to make my work environment a bit more ergonomic. The mouse didn’t make a huge difference (at least, I didn’t notice one) but I loved it immediately. The keyboard, on the other hand, had more of an impact on my comfort than any other purchase I’ve ever made but was far from love at first type.

最近,我决定通过购买新的鼠标和键盘来增加自己的投入,以使我的工作环境更加符合人体工程学。 鼠标并没有太大的改变(至少我没有注意到),但是我立即喜欢它。 另一方面,键盘对我的舒适感的影响要比我以前购买的任何其他产品都要大,但与第一类产品相去甚远。

升级鼠标 (Upgrading the mouse)

The first thing I did was ditch the Magic Mouse. I’ve been using a Magic Mouse since they were first released. I had no strong affinity for it. The multi-touch surface was pretty handy, but mostly I stuck with it because it just worked. That being said, it’s not remotely close to being ergonomic. I rarely had any wrist stress, but I figured I’d get ahead of the game a little bit on this one and grab something a bit more comfortable. I looked at vertical mouses but wasn’t sure I wanted to go quite that far yet. Instead, I picked up an MX Master 2s.

我做的第一件事是抛弃魔术鼠标。 自从它们首次发布以来,我就一直在使用Magic Mouse。 我对此没有很强的亲和力。 多点触摸表面非常方便,但是我坚持使用它是因为它可以正常工作。 话虽如此,它还远不是人体工程学。 我很少有手腕压力,但是我认为我可以在比赛中领先一点,并能获得一些舒适感。 我看着垂直鼠标,但不确定我想走那么远。 相反,我选择了MX Master 2s 。

The ErgoDox EZ Shine in all its shiny glory.

The ErgoDox EZ Shine in all its shiny glory.

ErgoDox EZ闪耀着所有闪亮的光彩。

The impact of the ErgoDox for me was, by far, the most noticeable out of everything I’ve tried. More than the standing desk, more than the better mouse. It didn’t take long at all for my shoulders and neck to feel significantly less tense. It’s not all gone, but certainly better than it used to be by a sizeable amount.

到目前为止,ErgoDox对我的影响是我尝试过的一切中最明显的。 比站立的桌子更多,比更好的鼠标更多。 很快,我的肩膀和脖子的紧张感就大大减轻了。 它并没有全部消失,但肯定比以前要好得多。

It’s a good thing too because otherwise, I’m not sure how long I would have stuck with it. I have a very low tolerance for making changes that slow down my productivity, and the first few days of the ErgoDox were brutal. I thought I had solid touch typing skills, but wow, was I wrong. The linear layout of the keys (versus the slightly staggered arrangement you get with most keyboards) really exposed a couple of letters I have apparently been cheating on this entire time.

这也是一件好事,因为否则,我不确定我会坚持多久。 我对更改的容忍度很低,这会降低我的工作效率,而ErgoDox的前几天很残酷。 我以为我有扎实的触摸打字技能,但是哇,我错了。 键的线性布局(与大多数键盘上的交错排列相对)实际上暴露了我在整个过程中一直在作弊的几个字母。

I tested my typing on my wireless keyboard before plugging in the ErgoDox so I could compare. After accounting for errors, I ended up with 93 words per minute which I thought was pretty decent. I plugged in the ErgoDox and took the same test. After accounting for errors, I tested out at five words per minute.

在插入ErgoDox之前,我已经测试了在无线键盘上的打字,以便进行比较。 在考虑了错误之后,我以每分钟93个单词的速度结束,我认为这是相当不错的。 我插入了ErgoDox,并进行了相同的测试。 考虑到错误后,我每分钟测试五个单词。

Yeah. Not a typo. Five.

是的 不是错字。 五。

I went with blank keys, but that wasn’t the issue. I knew where the keys were. My problem was that for some letters, I have apparently been cheating this entire time. Using the wrong finger to get to, for example, “C”. On a staggered layout (like most keyboards) that’s easy to get away with. On a linear keyboard, like the ErgoDox, it’s not. So there were typos galore.

我使用了空白键,但这不是问题。 我知道钥匙在哪里。 我的问题是,对于某些信件,我似乎一直都在作弊。 使用错误的手指到达例如“ C”。 在交错的布局(如大多数键盘)上,很容易摆脱。 在线性键盘上,例如ErgoDox,不是。 因此有错别字。

But I stuck with it partly, again, because I did notice a difference in my neck and shoulders but also because I had laid down so much on this thing darn it I was going to give it a proper try.


In a week I was back up to about 30 words per minute. In two, I was around 60. Now, about a month after I first set it up, I’m back up to my original typing speed. (For those curious, my typing on a standard keyboard has regressed, though not as much as I feared. I was at 93 at the start, and I’m now testing around 80 words per minute.)

一周之内,我每分钟能回到大约30个单词。 有两次,我大约60岁。现在,在我第一次设置它大约一个月后,我又恢复了原来的打字速度。 (对于那些好奇的人,我在标准键盘上的打字已经退步了,尽管没有我担心的那么大。刚开始时我是93岁,现在每分钟测试大约80个单词。)

In addition to the obvious benefit to my neck and shoulders, the ErgoDox has a few other nice features. For one, it’s a mechanical keyboard. I know there are a lot of folks who swear by the superiority of mechanical keyboards. I’m not quite there myself, but I will say there’s something oddly satisfying about the tactile and audial experience of typing on one.

除了给我的脖子和肩膀带来明显好处之外,ErgoDox还具有其他一些不错的功能。 首先,它是机械键盘。 我知道有很多人对机械键盘的优越性发誓。 我不太有我自己,但我会说有奇怪的满足对触觉和打字的一个可听的经验的东西。

The other feature I really enjoy is the customization of the ErgoDox. The ErgoDox lets you customize literally every key on your keyboard. Want to use Dvorak or some other setupNot a problem. Want to get rid of the caps lock keyEasy. More than that though, the ErgoDox has this concept of layers. You can set up a key to toggle a layer (or make it persist, up to you) and once that other layer is active, you can have an entirely different set of keys configured.

我真正喜欢的另一个功能是ErgoDox的自定义。 ErgoDox可让您从字面上自定义键盘上的每个键。 是否要使用Dvorak或其他设置没问题 想要摆脱大写锁定键吗简单。 不仅如此,ErgoDox还具有分层的概念。 您可以设置一个密钥来切换一个层(或由您自己决定是否持久),并且一旦该其他层处于活动状态,就可以配置一组完全不同的密钥。

So, for example, I have four layers. My base layer (Layer 0) is pretty typical. ASDF letters, numbers on top, some symbols, space, tab, delete-pretty plain. The only exceptions are a few keys to help me toggle on other layers, and a couple of keys set up for specific shortcuts I use a lot. One toggles my iTerm window, the other is set to open Chrome DevTools (I spend a lot of time there).

因此,例如,我有四个层次。 我的基础层(第0层)非常典型。 ASDF字母,顶部数字,一些符号,空格,制表符,非常简单的删除。 唯一的例外是一些帮助我在其他层上切换的键,以及我经常使用的针对特定快捷方式设置的几个键。 一个切换我的iTerm窗口,另一个设置为打开Chrome DevTools(我在那里花了很多时间)。


Layer 2 has my arrows under my right hand (where IJKL would be) and then a bunch of keys for controlling the Ergodox’s lighting (super essential stuff, as you’d imagine).



I certainly didn’t start there. The thing about the customization is that it can take a while to settle on something that works for you. It was pretty apparent early on that the default Mac layout was not going to work well for me. So I dug through reviews and videos and found one layout I didn’t hate and used it as my starting point. I talked to Ally Palanzi, and she was much smarter about finding her starting point than I was. She searched the online configurator for “javascript” to see what some developers were using for theirs. Handy.

我当然不是从那里开始的。 关于自定义的事情是,可能需要一段时间才能确定对您有用的东西。 早期很明显,默认的Mac布局对我来说效果不佳。 因此,我浏览了评论和视频,发现了一个我不讨厌的布局,并将其用作起点。 我和Ally Palanzi进行了交谈 ,她比我更聪明地找到起点。 她在在线配置器中搜索了“ javascript”,以了解一些开发人员正在为其使用什么。 便利。

From that base layout, I then kept changing and tweaking until things stopped being annoying. I don’t know if this is good advice or not, but what worked well for me was to watch for where my fingers wanted to go anyway. If my fingers kept going to the same spot, for example, to find the delete key, I would change my configuration to put the delete key there. I must have gone through a dozen different layouts before I settled on one that seems to work pretty well. There are still a few keys I haven’t found an ideal spot for, but I’d say I’m at the last 10% of optimization.

然后从该基本布局开始,不断更改和调整,直到一切不再烦人为止。 我不知道这是否是个好建议,但是对我来说,行之有效的是注意我的手指想去哪里。 例如,如果我的手指一直走到相同的位置以找到删除键,那么我将更改配置以将删除键放在此处。 在确定一个看起来效果很好的布局之前,我必须经过十几种不同的布局。 还有一些键我还没有找到理想的位置,但是我想说我处于优化的最后10%。

It took a bit longer than my transition to using a new mouse, but I’m now at the point where I absolutely the ErgoDox and wish I could type on it all the time. (I’ve seen some people travel with it, but I don’t know how much sense that makes for me personally). The adjustment period was painful, but the payoff was significant.

这比我改用新鼠标花了更长的时间,但现在我处在绝对使用ErgoDox的地步,希望我能一直在上面打字。 (我见过有人旅行,但我不知道这对我个人有多大意义)。 调整期很痛苦,但回报却很可观。

翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/remembers/2018-11-16-more-ergonomic-setup/

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