linux教程 唐凯,[计算机硬件及网络]Linux文件系统.doc



Currently, Linux IT technology has become a hot development technology. Participating in Linux technology research communities, research institutes and software enterprises are in support of Linux more and more, software and hardware manufacturers and solution providers have increased rapidly, in the development of the information industry the Linux application is also increasing, Linux industry chain has taken shape, and is sustained improvidently. With the entire industry in the development of Linux, and Linux is also at the rapid development process, formed a number of technical points.

In order to assist teaching to help students better understand the Linux system, Linux file management module for the simulation of the subject function, design a simple file system. Simulation file system data structure design and the overall framework, given the division of the system to achieve the function of each functional module and its complete function. System by calling the function the user’s login, creates directories, change directory, create files, modify files, and user rights management.

In the interface design using MFC visual design, will realize the code to load MFC interface, in response to the news of the mouse function call simulating system design code, which finally operation is in Windows interface operation, the response of the mouse command. The interface is simple and easy to operate.

This system can be used as the experimental course of the operating system instance.

Keyword: Operating System; File System; UNIX; Linux; Simulation

第1章 绪论

1.1 选题背景和意义




文章知识点与官方知识档案匹配,可进一步学习相关知识CS入门技能树Linux入门初识Linux24909 人正在系统学习中 相关资源:凯歌软件安装管理器1.0-其它文档类资源-CSDN文库



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