每天学点English Email(贺词1)


I wish you and your company the best of luck in the future.

1) I wish you and your company continued success in the future.


I hope everything goes well for you in the upcoming year.

1)I wish you all the best in the next year.

2)I hope everything will work out for you in the new year.

3)I hope everything goes according to plan in the coming year.

(三)祝您来年兴旺 [word] prosperous adj.繁荣的,兴旺的 prosperity n. 繁荣,成功

May the coming year be prosperous.


We wish you great success in the coming year.


May peace,love,and prosperity follow you always. Happy Holidays!


Wish you all the best of luck!


We wish you every happiness in your new home.


May your holiday season be filled with happiness.



上一篇 2014年1月8日
下一篇 2014年1月8日
