

by Den McHenry

丹·麦克亨利(Den McHenry)

捆绑您的收件箱以更好地开发 (Bundle-Up Your Inbox to be a Better Dev)

前端民间最佳新闻通讯七 (Seven of the Best Newsletters for Front End Folks)

We may never return to those halcyon days of listservs and forums that built communities and shared knowledge in the early days of the web, but newsletters are back in vogue. The best of them perform a great function in the new, massively multi-channel social web. They’re focused, curated by knowledgable people who care, and they both filter and distill the important stuff we’d never have time to get through on our own.

我们可能永远不会回到那些在网络早期建立社区和共享知识的列表服务和论坛的平日里度过的日子,但是新闻通讯又重新流行了。 他们中的佼佼者在新的大规模多渠道社交网站中发挥了重要作用。 他们专注,由关心的有识之士精心策划,并且他们过滤和提炼我们从未有时间独自经历的重要事物。

So here’s a collection of some of those truly rewarding newsletters, covering a swath of areas of interest to people who work on the web, especially front end developers.


Hot tip: bundle these in your inbox with a common tag like “newsletters.” This is easy to accomplish in Gmail and even better in Inbox.

热门提示:将 这些标签与“时事通讯”之类的常用标签捆绑在收件箱中。 这在Gmail中很容易实现,而在收件箱中甚至更好。

在一般的Web开发中 (On Web Dev in General)

Web Development Reading List (WDRL) by Anselm HannemannFront-End Dev Weekly by Galen Vinter

Web开发阅读清单 (WDRL), Anselm Hannemann 前端开发周刊 , Galen Vinter

Topics for each of these lists run the gamut, from JavaScript to Sass, from web performance to accessibility, and everything in between.


WDRL boasts some impressive endorsements from folks like Addy Osmani, who say they find something of interest every week. It offers tons of links with a good amount of quality commentary and regularly hits on the work of some of the biggest names across the field.

WDRL得到了像Addy Osmani这样的人的令人印象深刻的认可,他们说他们每周都会发现一些有趣的东西。 它提供了大量具有高质量评论的链接,并经常在该领域的一些知名人士的工作中受到关注。

Front-End Dev Weekly is the less well-known of the two but worth a look. The design of the newsletter itself is easier on the eyes on mobile. (Vinter is definitely thinking about the mobile experience in HTML email, so double bonus there.) But the quality extends beyond design, and the newsletter deserves a wider readership.

《前端开发周刊》在这两个杂志中鲜为人知,但值得一看。 在移动设备上,时事通讯本身的设计更加容易。 (Vinter绝对在考虑HTML电子邮件的移动体验,因此在这里获得双倍奖励。)但是质量超出了设计范围,这本新闻通讯值得更广泛的读者。

It’s a briefer, more easily digestible alternative, but there’s surprisingly little overlap and the choices of these two curators tend to complement each other well.


WDRL – Web Development Reading List | Web Development Reading ListA handcrafted, carefully selected list of web development related resources. Published usually every week.wdrl.infoFront-end Dev WeeklyFront-end developer news, tools and inspiration hand-picked each week. Subscribe and never miss an issue.frontenddevweekly.com

WDRL-Web开发阅读列表| Web开发阅读列表 精心制作的精心选择的Web开发相关资源列表。 通常每周发布一次。 wdrl.info 前端开发每周一次每周 精选 前端开发 者新闻,工具和灵感。 订阅,绝不会错过任何问题。 frontenddevweekly.com

在CSS上 (On CSS)

CSS Weekly by Zoran JamborCSS Layout News by Rachel Andrew

Zoran Jambor撰写的 CSS Weekly由Rachel Andrew 撰写的 CSS Layout News

With endorsements from the likes of Sara Soueidan and Rachel Nabors, you really don’t need me to sell you on CSS Weekly. The format is very consistent: two featured articles, a list of about five tutorials and other useful articles, two recommended tools, and one site to inspire your own work with CSS. You’re guaranteed to learn something every week.

有了Sara Soueidan和Rachel Nabors之类的认可,您真的不需要我在CSS Weekly上卖给您。 格式非常一致:两篇特色文章,约五篇教程和其他有用文章的列表,两种推荐工具以及一个启发您自己使用CSS的网站。 您一定会每周学习一些东西。

CSS Layout News is more specifically focused, but incredibly instructive, and not only covers a topic of fundamental importance in building pages—especially across devices—but consistently features high quality content. The focus is generally on a list of learning resources with brief commentary followed by a shorter list of interesting reads, and the pieces selected cover topics from flexbox to grid layouts to responsive images.

“ CSS布局新闻”的重点更加明确,但具有令人难以置信的指导意义,不仅涵盖了构建页面(尤其是跨设备)中至关重要的主题,而且始终具有高质量的内容。 通常将重点放在具有简短评论的学习资源列表上,然后是有趣的阅读的简短列表,所选内容涵盖从Flexbox到网格布局再到响应图像的主题。

CSS WeeklyWeekly e-mail roundup of latest css articles, tutorials, tools and experiments.css-weekly.comCSS Layout NewsLast week I presented on CSS grid at TopConf in Linz, Austria. You can find the slides and links from the presentation…csslayout.news

CSS Weekly 每周电子邮件摘要,包括最新CSS文章,教程,工具和实验。 css-weekly.com CSS布局新闻 上周,我在奥地利林茨的TopConf上CSS网格上发表了演讲。 您可以从演示文稿中找到幻灯片和链接… csslayout.news

在JavaScript上 (On JavaScript)

JavaScript Weekly by Pete Cooper

Pete Cooper撰写的 JavaScript Weekly

This one puts me in mind of an academic review journal, pared down to the brevity demanded by the format of an email newsletter. It opens with a set of brief synopses of recommended articles, often with a note as to the quality, nature, or importance of the article and its approach.

这使我想到了一本学术评论期刊,该期刊精简了电子邮件通讯的格式所要求的简洁性。 它以一组简短的推荐文章概要开头,通常带有关于文章及其方法的质量,性质或重要性的注释。

Next is a brief list of JavaScript jobs, and finally a comprehensive list of “brief” items: links without a review or synopsis, but coded with tags like, ‘tutorial,’ ‘tool,’ ‘news,’ and ‘opinion.’ Cooper has a bevy of other newsletters available, and it’s baffling how he does it all.

接下来是JavaScript作业的简要列表,最后是“简要”项目的完整列表:没有评论或提要,但使用诸如“教程”,“工具”,“新闻”和“观点”之类的代码进行编码的链接。 库珀还有其他一些新闻通讯可供选择,这令人困惑。

JavaScript Weekly: A Free, Weekly Email NewsletterA free, once-weekly e-mail round-up of JavaScript news and articles.javascriptweekly.com

JavaScript Weekly:每周免费的电子邮件新闻稿,每周 一次JavaScript新闻和文章免费 电子邮件摘要 javascriptweekly.com

网络动画 (On Web Animation)

Web Animation Weekly by Rachel NaborsThe UI Animation Newsletter by Val Head

Rachel Nabors撰写 Web动画周刊 Val Head 的UI动画通讯

Web Animation Weekly usually opens with a paragraph or so (or occasionally a brief essay) on the author’s personal experiences, from lessons learned in the field, to important projects, to recommended books and more. What follows is a wonderfully concise list of tagged links (e.g., UX, interaction design, inspiration) with a brief note on why the resource is worth looking into.

《网络动画周刊》通常以一段关于作者个人经历的段落(有时是简短的文章)开头,从实地经验教训到重要项目,再到推荐书籍等等。 接下来是标记链接(例如UX,交互设计,灵感)的简洁明了的列表,并简要说明了为什么值得研究该资源。

The UI Animation Newsletter opens with a little lesson of its own, written in a personal voice and usually chock full of useful links. What follows is more than a list of links. Every resource is given a well-considered summary and separated into categories like tools, inspiration, tutorials, and even upcoming workshops.

UI动画新闻快讯会以自己的一小节课开始,以个人声音编写,通常会塞满有用的链接。 接下来的内容不仅仅是链接列表。 每个资源都有经过深思熟虑的摘要,并分为工具,灵感,教程甚至即将举行的研讨会之类的类别。

Once again, these are two newsletters that complement one another more than they compete.


Mailing Lists and Newsletters I RunHowdy! I’m Rachel Nabors, Award-winning cartoonist, international speaker, making stories with code.rachelnabors.comUI Animation Monthly – resources & tips | Val Head – Designer & UI Animation ConsultantA curated collection resources plus advice on how to make web animation work for you hitting your inbox each month…valhead.com

邮件列表和新闻通讯,我运行您好 我是屡获殊荣的漫画家,国际演讲者Rachel Nabors,他用代码创作故事。 rachelnabors.com UI动画月刊-资源和提示| Val Head-设计师和UI动画顾问 精选的收藏资源,以及有关如何使您的Web动画正常工作的建议,每个月都可以打入收件箱…… valhead.com

Which points up an important fact: the field is big enough for all of us. We can’t parse it alone, and we all have something to contribute. So go ahead and take what you can from the efforts of others, but don’t forget to give back.

这就指出了一个重要的事实:这个领域对我们所有人来说足够大。 我们不能单独解析它,我们都有一些贡献。 因此,继续前进,并从他人的努力中获取最大的收益,但不要忘记回馈。

适用于Mac / iOS类型的奖金热提示。 (Bonus hot tip for Mac/iOS types.)

You could develop a workflow to pull together the links most relevant or interesting to you by, say, opening and then sending them from the browser to an app like Pocket or Instapaper. Link after link. Switching from email to browser, and loading pages you’re not yet ready to read. But if you’re looking for a cleaner, more efficient way to get through your inbox and cull from the lists to curate for your own later reading, Safari is your friend.

您可以开发一个工作流,例如打开并从浏览器发送到Pocket或Instapaper之类的应用程序,以将与您最相关或最有趣的链接组合在一起。 链接后链接。 从电子邮件切换到浏览器,并加载尚未准备好阅读的页面。 但是,如果您正在寻找一种更清洁,更有效的方式来浏览收件箱并从列表中剔除并整理以供日后阅读,则Safari是您的朋友。

Any email client on iOS will let you send a hyperlink to your Safari Reading List. Just long press the link and select Add to Reading List from the dialog. You don’t need to open the page, and you never leave your email client. With iCloud set to sync, you can now read the articles you’ve chosen from any of your Apple devices.

iOS上的任何电子邮件客户端都可以让您将超链接发送到Safari阅读列表。 只需长按链接,然后从对话框中选择“ 添加到阅读列表 ”。 您无需打开页面,也永远不会离开电子邮件客户端。 将iCloud设置为同步后,您现在可以从任何Apple设备上阅读您选择的文章。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/bundle-up-your-inbox-to-be-a-better-dev-f9f52e6d6bf/





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