Transvalor has developed an extensive suite of high performance simulation software that addresses a wide range and variety of forming processes, for metallic solid and liquid materials as well as for polymers :

FORGE? for extensive hot, warm and cold metal forming
COLDFORM? for cold metal forming
THERCAST? for ingot casting and continuous casting
REM3D? for plastic injection molding
Transvalor products provide the manufacturing and engineering intelligence to a wide range of industries: Automotive, Aerospace, Energy, Medical, Oil and Gas and many others.

Transvalor success comes from a comprehensive expertise of the forming processes and an unyielding capability to innovate. The value of Transvalor Material Forming Simulation Solutions can also be measured in business terms as they dramatically reduce production costs, shorten the time to market and accelerate the delivery of innovative products. As such we help our customers:

Gain a deeper and broader understanding of their material behavior as well as their processes,
Optimize and shorten their design process by almost eliminating the slow and painful “trials and errors” in the shop-floor,
Increase manufacturing quality
Transvalor is born of Research and has maintained a strong association with the Center for Material Forming (CEMEF), a research center of prestigious MinesParisTech, whose main activities are centered around material forming and numerical computation. This partnership provides a constant flow of advanced scientific developments that translate into innovative new functionalities to Transvalor’s products for the benefit of our customers.

Besides its headquarter located in France, Transvalor has a worldwide presence throughout a comprehensive network of distributors, offices and subsidiaries for both marketing and support activities :

  • European customers are served directly by Transvalor headquarters or by a network of high skilled and specialized distributors (Italy, Czech Republic, Scandinavia),
  • American customers are managed by Transvalor Americas Corp. and its Value Added Resellers network,
  • Customers in Asia are served by a network of high skilled and specialized distributors (Japan, India, Korea, China, Thailand).



A premium service based on 30 years’ experience

Transvalor is a world leader for simulation software in the field of material forming. Thanks to its continuous R&D policy, Transvalor’s software solutions are always at the cutting edge of technology.

More than 500 customers throughout the world – including major players in the automotive, aeronautics and energy industries, and prestigious universities – place their trust in Transvalor and in its software, thereby guaranteeing their efficiency and reliability.

To allow you to gain easy access to these technologies, Transvalor offers a team of simulation experts in the various fields of material forming. This team will conduct the kind of simulation studies for your company that you cannot or may not wish to carry out internally.

A department dedicated to your simulations

Your requirements effectively translated
Based on exchanges with your specialists, Transvalor will translate your industrial requirements in terms of digital  simulation to accurately describe our proposed service.
Our offer will match your requirements as closely as possible in terms of lead times, budget and expected results.

Unique resources at your disposal
For the delivery of your service, we provide you with:

  • Transvalor’s expertise in simulation
  • the most recent software versions
  • latest-generation computational resources

Analyzed and interpreted results
Throughout the study, we maintain contact with you to keep you informed of the project’s progress. On completion of the study, we present our main conclusions to you via a Web conference.
At your request, we can also provide you with the resulting files and the means with which to analyze them.

Advice and training
TRANSVALOR can also provide you with support to allow you to gain proficiency in the aspects highlighted during the execution of your study.
You can benefit from tailored thematic training either on your company premises, on Transvalor premises, or via Web conference.

人员规模 –
国家地区 法国


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