Jonas Frantz

System architecture planning and design. Creating a vision for the overall system architecture, building reference architectures and proofs of concept. Providing architectural support during system delivery. Architecture audit and preparation of plan for architectural improvements.

Delivery of project-based work. Managing software projects and leading small teams delivering projects. Working with clients during all phases of project delivery. Ensuring fulfillment of requirements, business needs and managing client expectations.

Development and analysis of systematic investment strategies. Extensive experience in building solutions for electronic trade of financial derivatives using computer modeling and simulations. Insight into the characteristics of trading financial derivatives and the hedge fund business in general.

Modeling and simulation of physical systems. Development and programming of numerical analysis algorithms. Simulation of atomistic systems using Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo methods.

Presentation of results and progress. Preparation of reports of results and progress. Ability to present reports according to audience context.

Insights into open source development and communities. Several years of experience with Linux system administrating, including hardware and software configuration. Insights into the workings of open source communities, practicalities of open source software development, and open source licenses and licensing models.

Jonas Frantz
国家地区 芬兰


上一篇 2016年10月21日
下一篇 2016年10月22日


