
  World class leadership in flow cytometry bionformatics.

  Cytapex is led by Dr. Ryan Brinkman (Distinguished Scientist, British Columbia Cancer Agency and Professor, Medical Genetics University of British Columbia). Dr. Brinkman is a recognized leader in the area of flow cytometry bionformatics, having published over 50 peer-reviewed papers in the field. He has led ISAC’s Data Standards Task Force since 2005, including the development of the latest versions of the FCS standard used by all cytometers as well as the MIFlowCyt standard recommended by several journals including from Nature, PLOS and Wiley. In 2012 Dr. Brinkman launched FlowRepository, the only public repository for FCM data under the auspices of the International Society for the Advancement of Cytometry, now with over 250,000 FCS files, 1,900 registered users and 31,000 downloads. Dr. Brinkman has been recognized as an ISAC, a Terry Fox Research Institute and a Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research Scholar, and was honoured in 2018 with an ISAC Distinguished Service Award.

  Our team includes bioinformaticians who have developed top-performing flow cytometry bioinformatics algorithms in peer-reviewed literature.

  Here we show how easy it is to do autogating the Cytapex way, leveraging your manual gating hierarchy and with cell population identification performance better than any other automated approach and takes just seconds per file.

人员规模 –
国家地区 中国


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