APERAK – Application error and acknowledgement message 应用程序错误和确认消息
AUTHOR – Authorization message 授权消息
AVLREQ – Availability request – interactive message 可用性请求–互动信息
AVLRSP – Availability response – interactive message 可用性响应–互动信息
BALANC – Balance message 平衡消息
BANSTA – Banking status message 银行状态消息
BAPLIE – Bayplan/stowage plan occupied and empty locations message占用和空位信息
BAPLTE – Bayplan/stowage plan total numbers message bay plan/积载图总数信息
BERMAN – Berth management message 泊位管理信息
BMISRM – Bulk marine inspection summary report message 散装海运检验汇总报告消息
BOPBNK – Bank transactions and portfolio transactions report message 银行交易和投资组合交易报告消息
BOPCUS – Balance of payment customer transaction report message 国际收支客户交易报告报文
BOPDIR – Direct balance of payment declaration message 直接国际收支申报报文
BOPINF – Balance of payment information from customer message 来自客户消息的支付余额信息
BUSCRD – Business credit report message 商业信用报告消息
CALINF – Vessel call information message 船舶呼叫信息消息
CASINT – Request for legal administration action in civil proceedings message 民事诉讼中的法律行政诉讼请求消息
CASRES – Legal administration response in civil proceedings message 民事诉讼中的法律行政回应
CHACCO – Chart of accounts message 会计科目表消息
CLASET – Classification information set message 分类信息集消息
CNTCND – Contractual conditions message 合同条件消息
COACSU – Commercial account summary message 商业帐户摘要消息
COARRI – Container discharge/loading report message 集装箱卸货/装载报告消息
CODECO – Container gate-in/gate-out report message 集装箱进出报告消息
CODENO – Permit expiration/clearance ready notice message 许可到期/许可就绪通知消息
COEDOR – Container stock report message 集装箱库存报告消息
COHAOR – Container special handling order message 集装箱特殊处理订单信息
COLREQ – Request for a documentary collection message 跟单托收报文请求
COMDIS – Commercial dispute message 商业纠纷信息
CONAPW – Advice on pending works message 关于待定工程信息的建议
CONDPV – Direct payment valuation message 直接付款估价报文
CONDRA – Drawing administration message 绘图管理消息
CONDRO – Drawing organization message 绘图组织消息
CONEST – Establishment of contract message 合同信息的建立
CONITT – Invitation to tender message 邀请投标信息
CONPVA – Payment valuation message 付款评估消息
CONQVA – Quantity valuation message 数量评估信息
CONRPW – Response of pending works message 待定工程消息的响应
CONTEN – Tender message 招标信息
CONWQD – Work item quantity determination message 工作项目数量确定消息
COPARN – Container announcement message 集装箱公告消息
COPAYM – Contributions for payment 付款捐款
COPINO – Container pre-notification message 集装箱预先通知消息
COPRAR – Container discharge/loading order message 集装箱卸货/装货订单信息
COREOR – Container release order message 集装箱放行订单信息
COSTCO – Container stuffing/stripping confirmation message 集装箱装箱/拆箱确认信息
COSTOR – Container stuffing/stripping order message 集装箱装箱/拆箱订单信息
CREADV – Credit advice message 信用通知消息
CREEXT – Extended credit advice message 扩展信用通知消息
CREMUL – Multiple credit advice message 多信用通知消息
CUSCAR – Customs cargo report message 海关货物报告信息
CUSDEC – Customs declaration message 海关申报信息
CUSEXP – Customs express consignment declaration message 海关快递托运申报信息
CUSPED – Periodic customs declaration message 定期海关申报信息
CUSREP – Customs conveyance report message 海关运输报告信息
CUSRES – Customs response message 海关回复信息
DEBADV – Debit advice message 借方通知消息
DEBMUL – Multiple debit advice message 多重借方通知消息
DEBREC – Debts recovery message 债务回收信息
DELFOR – Delivery schedule message 交货计划消息
DELJIT – Delivery just in time message 及时传递消息
DESADV – Dispatch advice message 调度通知消息
DESTIM – Equipment damage and repair estimate message 设备损坏和修理估计信息
DGRECA – Dangerous goods recapitulation message 危险品概述信息
DIRDEB – Direct debit message 直接借记消息
DIRDEF – Directory definition message 目录定义消息
DMRDEF – Data maintenance request definition message 数据维护请求定义消息
DMSTAT – Data maintenance status report/query message 数据维护状态报告/查询消息
DOCADV – Documentary credit advice message 跟单信用证通知信息
DOCAMA – Advice of an amendment of a documentary credit message 跟单信用证信息的修改通知
DOCAMI – Documentary credit amendment information message 跟单信用证修改信息报文
DOCAMR – Request for an amendment of a documentary credit message 跟单信用证信息的修改请求
DOCAPP – Documentary credit application message 跟单信用证申请信息
DOCARE – Response to an amendment of a documentary credit message 对跟单信用证信息修改的回复
DOCINF – Documentary credit issuance information message 跟单信用证发行信息报文
ENTREC – Accounting entries message 会计分录消息
FINCAN – Financial cancellation message 财务取消消息
FINPAY – Multiple interbank funds transfer message 多银行间资金转账报文
FINSTA – Financial statement of an account message 帐户消息的财务报表
GENRAL – General purpose message 通用消息
GESMES – Generic statistical message 通用统计信息
HANMOV – Cargo/goods handling and movement message 货物/货物处理和移动信息
ICASRP – Insurance claim assessment and reporting message 保险索赔评估和报告信息
ICSOLI – Insurance claim solicitor’s instruction message 保险索赔律师的指示信息
IFCSUM – Forwarding and consolidation summary message 转发和合并摘要消息
IFTCCA – Forwarding and transport shipment charge calculation message 转运和运输装运费用计算报文
IFTDGN – Dangerous goods notification message 危险品通知消息
IFTFCC – International transport freight costs and other charges message 国际运输运费和其他费用报文
IFTIAG – Dangerous cargo list message 危险货物清单信息
IFTICL – Cargo insurance claims message 货物保险索赔信息
IFTMAN – Arrival notice message 到达通知消息
IFTMBC – Booking confirmation message 预订确认消息
IFTMBF – Firm booking message 确认预订消息
IFTMBP – Provisional booking message 临时预订信息
IFTMCA – Consignment advice message 寄售通知消息
IFTMCS – Instruction contract status message 指令合同状态消息
IFTMFR – International Forwarding And Transport 国际货运和运输
IFTMIN – Instruction message 指令信息
IFTRIN – Forwarding and transport rate information message 转发和传输速率信息报文
IFTSAI – Forwarding and transport schedule and availability information me 运输时间表和可用性信息
IFTSTA – International multimodal status report message 国际多式联运状态报告信息
IFTSTQ – International multimodal status request message 国际多式联运状态请求信息
IHCEBI – Interactive health insurance eligibility and benefits inquiry and 交互式健康保险资格和福利查询
IHCLME – Health care claim or encounter request and response – interactive 医疗保健索赔或遭遇请求和响应-交互式
IMPDEF – EDI implementation guide definition message EDI实施指南定义消息
INFCON – Infrastructure condition message 基础设施状况消息
INFENT – Enterprise accounting information message 企业会计信息报文
INSDES – Instruction to dispatch message 发送消息的指令
INSPRE – Insurance premium message 保险费消息
INSREQ – Inspection request message 检验请求消息
INSRPT – Inspection report message 检验报告消息
INTCHG – Interchange Control Structures 交换控制结构
INVOIC – Invoice message 发票消息
INVRPT – Inventory report message 库存报告消息
IPPOAD – Insurance policy administration message 保险单管理消息
IPPOMO – Motor insurance policy message 汽车保险单信息
ISENDS – Intermediary system enablement or disablement message 中间系统启用或禁用消息
ITRRPT – In transit report detail message 在途报告详细信息
JAPRES – Job application result message 职务申请结果消息
JINFDE – Job information demand message 工作信息需求信息
JOBAPP – Job application proposal message 工作申请建议消息
JOBCON – Job order confirmation message 工单确认消息
JOBMOD – Job order modification message 工单修改消息
JOBOFF – Job order message 工单消息
JUPREQ – Justified payment request message 合理付款请求消息
LEDGER – Ledger message 分类帐消息
LREACT – Life reinsurance activity message 人寿再保险活动消息
LRECLM – Life reinsurance claims message 人寿再保险索赔信息
MEDPID – Person identification message 个人识别信息
MEDPRE – Medical prescription message 医疗处方消息
MEDREQ – Medical service request message 医疗服务请求消息
MEDRPT – Medical service report message 医疗服务报告消息
MEDRUC – Medical resource usage and cost message 医疗资源使用和成本信息
MEQPOS – Means of transport and equipment position message 运输工具和设备位置信息
MOVINS – Stowage instruction message 装载指令信息
MSCONS – Metered services consumption report message 计量服务消费报告消息
ORDCHG – Purchase order change request message 采购订单更改请求消息
ORDERS – Purchase order message 采购订单消息
ORDRSP – Purchase order response message 采购订单回应消息
OSTENQ – Order status enquiry message 订单状态查询消息
OSTRPT – Order status report message 订单状态报告消息
PARTIN – Party information message 当事人信息消息
PASREQ – Travel tourism and leisure product application status request – i 旅游和休闲产品应用状态请求-I
PASRSP – Travel tourism and leisure product application status response – 旅游和休闲产品应用状态响应-
PAXLST – Passenger list message 乘客名单信息
PAYDUC – Payroll deductions advice message 工资单扣减通知消息
PAYEXT – Extended payment order message 扩展支付指令消息
PAYMUL – Multiple payment order message 多重支付指令消息
PAYORD – Payment order message 支付指令消息
PRICAT – Price/sales catalogue message 价格/销售目录信息
PRIHIS – Pricing history message 定价历史消息
PROCST – Project cost reporting message 项目成本报告消息
PRODAT – Product data message 产品数据消息
PRODEX – Product exchange reconciliation message 产品交换对帐消息
PROINQ – Product inquiry message 产品查询消息
PROSRV – Product service message 产品服务信息
PROTAP – Project tasks planning message 项目任务计划消息
PRPAID – Insurance premium payment message 保险费支付报文
QALITY – Quality data message 质量数据消息
QUOTES – Quote message 报价信息
RDRMES – Raw data reporting message 原始数据报告消息
REBORD – Reinsurance bordereau message 再保险博德罗信息
RECADV – Receiving advice message 接收通知消息
RECALC – Reinsurance calculation message 再保险计算消息
RECECO – Credit risk cover message 信用风险保障信息
RECLAM – Reinsurance claims message 再保险索赔信息
RECORD – Reinsurance core data message 再保险核心数据信息
REGENT – Registration of enterprise message 企业报文注册
RELIST – Reinsured objects list message 再保险对象列表消息
REMADV – Remittance advice message 汇款通知消息
REPREM – Reinsurance premium message 再保险保费信息
REQDOC – Request for document message 文档消息请求
REQOTE – Request for quote message 询价消息
RESETT – Reinsurance settlement message 再保险结算消息
RESMSG – Reservation message 预订消息
RESREQ – Reservation request – interactive message 预订请求–互动信息
RESRSP – Reservation response – interactive message 预订响应–互动信息
RETACC – Reinsurance technical account message 再保险技术账户信息
RETANN – Announcement for returns message 退货通知消息
RETINS – Instruction for returns message 返回消息的说明
RPCALL – Repair call message 维修呼叫消息
SAFHAZ – Safety and hazard data message 安全和危险数据信息
SANCRT – International movement of goods governmental regulatory message 国际货物运输政府监管信息
SKDREQ – Schedule request – interactive message 计划请求–交互式消息
SKDUPD – Schedule update – interactive message 日程更新–互动信息
SLSFCT – Sales forecast message 销售预测消息
SLSRPT – Sales data report message 销售数据报告消息
SOCADE – Social administration message 社会管理信息
SSIMOD – Modification of identity details message 身份详细信息的修改
SSRECH – Worker’s insurance history message 员工的保险历史信息
SSREGW – Notification of registration of a worker message 工人消息注册的通知
STATAC – Statement of account message 对帐单报文
STLRPT – Settlement transaction reporting message 结算交易报告消息
SUPCOT – Superannuation contributions advice message 退休金缴款通知消息
SUPMAN – Superannuation maintenance message 退休金维护消息
SUPRES – Supplier response message 供应商回应消息
TANSTA – Tank status report message 储罐状态报告信息
TAXCON – Tax control message 税收控制信息
TIQREQ – Travel tourism and leisure information inquiry request – interactive 旅游和休闲信息查询请求-交互式
TIQRSP – Travel tourism and leisure information inquiry response – interactive 旅游观光和休闲信息查询回复-互动
TPFREP – Terminal performance message 终端性能信息
TSDUPD – Timetable static data update – interactive message 时间表静态数据更新-互动信息
TUPREQ – Travel, tourism and leisure data update request – interactive message 旅行、旅游和休闲数据更新请求-交互式消息
TUPRSP – Travel, tourism and leisure data update response – interactive message 旅行、旅游和休闲数据更新响应-互动信息
UTILMD – Utilities master data message 实用程序主数据信息
UTILTS – Utilities time series message 实用程序时间序列消息
VATDEC – Value added tax message 增值税信息
VESDEP – Vessel departure message 船只离港信息
WASDIS – Waste disposal information message 废物处理信息报文
WKGRDC – Work grant decision message 工作授权决定消息
WKGRRE – Work grant request message 工作授权请求消息



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