.NET版PPT处理控件Aspose.Slides v19.12全新来袭! 添加支持文档数字签名

Aspose.Slides for .NET更新至v19.12,开始进行安全性审查,添加对文档数字签名的支持,为DataPoints添加颜色,修复了转换为PDF时的一些问题,欢迎下载体验。

Aspose.Slides for .NET是一个独特的演示处理API,它允许应用程序读取、写入、修改和转换PowerPoint演示文稿。作为一个独立的API,它提供了管理PowerPoint关键功能的功能,如管理文本、形状、表格和动画、向幻灯片添加音频和视频、预览幻灯片等,而不需要Microsoft PowerPoint。

Aspose.Slides for .NET更新至v19.12,开始进行安全性审查,添加对文档数字签名的支持,为DataPoints添加颜色,修复了转换为PDF时的一些问题,欢迎下载体验。

key 概述 类别
SLIDESNET-41570 将PPTM保存到PPT时在保存中出现随机NullReferenceException 调查
SLIDESNET-41354 Aspose.Slides的安全性审查 调查
SLIDESNET-33820 添加对文档数字签名的支持 增强功能
SLIDESNET-41274 为DataPoints添加颜色 增强功能
SLIDESNET-41487 支持生成的PDF以限制打印 增强功能
SLIDESNET-41510 PDF访问权限 增强功能
SLIDESNET-41184 幻灯片未放置在适当的部分 增强功能
SLIDESNET-38950 导出的PDF中缺少ODP参议院项目符号编号 增强功能

更多更新细则请参考:【Aspose.Slides for .NET v19.12更新说明】

Aspose.Slides for .NET v19.12的API更改

  • 添加IDigitalSignatureCollection 接口和DigitalSignatureCollection类 


    /// <summary>/// Represents a collection of digital signatures attached to a document./// </summary> public interface IDigitalSignatureCollection : IGenericCollection<IDigitalSignature> { /// <summary> /// Returns the signature by index. /// </summary> IDigitalSignature this[int index] { get; } /// <summary> /// Adds the signature at the end of collection. /// </summary> /// <param name="digitalSignature">Signature to add.</param> void Add(IDigitalSignature digitalSignature); /// <summary> /// Removes the signature at the specified index. /// </summary> /// <param name="index">Index of the signature that should be deleted.</param> void RemoveAt(int index); /// <summary> /// Removes all signatures from collection. /// </summary> void Clear(); }
  • 添加IDigitalSignature接口和DigitalSignature

    根据使用的或将用于对演示文稿进行签名的证书存储有关数字签名的信息。IDigitalSignature 声明:

    /// <summary>/// Digital signature in signed file./// </summary> public interface IDigitalSignature { /// <summary> /// Certificate object that was used to sign the document. /// Read-only <see cref="X509Certificate2"/>. /// </summary> X509Certificate2 Certificate { get; } /// <summary> /// If this digital signature is valid and the document has not been tampered with, this value will be true. /// Read-only <see cref="bool"/>. /// </summary> bool IsValid { get; } /// <summary> /// The time when the document was signed. /// Read-only <see cref="DateTime"/>. /// </summary> DateTime SignTime { get; } /// <summary> /// The purpose of signature. /// Read/write <see cref="string"/>. /// </summary> string Comments { get; set; } }




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