可视化报告生成器FastReport VCL功能指南:从Delphi / C ++ Builder / Lazarus制作PDF

通常,我们需要从Pascal应用程序(Delphi或Lazarus)中获取PDF文档。在本文中,将演示使用FastReport VCL的Delphi中用于PDF输出的FastReport VCL的功能。

通常建议使用专门的解决方案,PDF转换器(例如itext,Synopse PDF Engine,PowerPDF,HotPDF,PDF Creator Pilot,PDFtoolkit VCL,Debenu Quick PDF库等)。



可视化报告生成器FastReport VCL功能指南:从Delphi / C ++ Builder / Lazarus制作PDF

双击TfrxReport,输入FR设计器。创建一个新报告(文件->新建报告)。将TfrxMemoView和文本“ Test text”添加到MasterData1。

可视化报告生成器FastReport VCL功能指南:从Delphi / C ++ Builder / Lazarus制作PDF

设置MasterData1.RowCount = 200,退出设计器并为Button1编写OnClick处理程序:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);begin {Generate a report. The report must be generated before exporting} if frxReport1.PrepareReport then frxReport1.ShowPreparedReport; {and show preview window}end;


可视化报告生成器FastReport VCL功能指南:从Delphi / C ++ Builder / Lazarus制作PDF


点击按钮–在下面的预览中调用导出,将展示如何通过代码执行所有操作,只需点击链接即可– 从代码发送到PDF)。随即,我们看到出现的PDF设置对话框。

可视化报告生成器FastReport VCL功能指南:从Delphi / C ++ Builder / Lazarus制作PDF




可视化报告生成器FastReport VCL功能指南:从Delphi / C ++ Builder / Lazarus制作PDF

保存到:我们将确切发送PDF(本地文件或电子邮件或云)的位置。导出后打开-默认情况下,分配给操作系统的PDF查看器将在导出后立即打开结果文件(例如,Adobe Acrobat Reader)。

我们可以将生成的文档导出为存档格式,例如PDF / A-1a,PDF / A-1b,PDF / A-2a,PDF / A-2b,PDF / A-3a,PDF / A-3b。设计用于以电子形式保持文档不变。例如,在此标准中,文档中存在的字体,图像,第三方对象会自动嵌入到文档中。这些标准之一经常在大型组织中用于电子文档管理。

可视化报告生成器FastReport VCL功能指南:从Delphi / C ++ Builder / Lazarus制作PDF


可视化报告生成器FastReport VCL功能指南:从Delphi / C ++ Builder / Lazarus制作PDF


可视化报告生成器FastReport VCL功能指南:从Delphi / C ++ Builder / Lazarus制作PDF


可视化报告生成器FastReport VCL功能指南:从Delphi / C ++ Builder / Lazarus制作PDF



procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);begin{Generate a report. The report must be generated before exporting}frxReport1.PrepareReport();{Set the range of pages to export. By default, all pages of the generated report are exported.}frxPDFExport1.PageNumbers := '2-3';{Set the PDF standard TPDFStandard = (psNone, psPDFA_1a, psPDFA_1b, psPDFA_2a, psPDFA_2b, psPDFA_3a, psPDFA_3b);It is required to add the frxExportPDFHelpers module to the uses list:uses frxExportPDFHelpers;}frxPDFExport1.PDFStandard := psNone;{You can set the PDF standard version for PDFStandard = psNoneTPDFVersion = (pv14, pv15, pv16, pv17);It is required to add the frxExportPDFHelpers module to the uses list:uses frxExportPDFHelpers;}frxPDFExport1.PDFVersion := pv17;{To get smaller file size, you can set the compression}frxPDFExport1.Compressed := True;{Set whether to embed fonts in the resulting document. Embedding fonts significantly increases the size of the resulting document}frxPDFExport1.EmbeddedFonts := False;{Set whether we need to export the background image}frxPDFExport1.Background := True;{Disable export of objects with optimization for printing. With option enabled images will be high-quality but 9 times larger in volume}frxPDFExport1.PrintOptimized := False;{Set whether the resulting PDF will contain an external table of contents, as in the original report}frxPDFExport1.Outline := False;{Set whether to export images with transparency}frxPDFExport1.Transparency := True;{You can set the desired DPI of images. Enabling this option disables SaveOriginalImages option, which allows you to save images in theiroriginal form} frxPDFExport1.PictureDPI := 150; {Set the compression ratio of bitmap images} frxPDFExport1.Quality := 95; {Set whether to open the resulting file after export} frxPDFExport1.OpenAfterExport := False; {Set whether to display export progress  (show which page is currently being exported)} frxPDFExport1.ShowProgress := False; {Set whether to display a dialog box with export filter settings} frxPDFExport1.ShowDialog := False;{Set the name of the resulting file. Please note that if you do not set the file name and disable the export filter dialog box, the file name selection dialog will still be displayed}frxPDFExport1.FileName := 'C:Outputtest.pdf';{Fill in the corresponding fields of the Information tab}frxPDFExport1.Title := 'Your Title';frxPDFExport1.Author := 'Your Name'; frxPDFExport1.Subject := 'Your Subject'; frxPDFExport1.Keywords := 'Your Keywords'; frxPDFExport1.Creator := 'Creator Name'; frxPDFExport1.Producer := 'Producer Name'; { Fill in the corresponding fields of the Security tab } frxPDFExport1.UserPassword := 'User Password'; frxPDFExport1.OwnerPassword := 'Owner Password'; frxPDFExport1.ProtectionFlags := [ePrint, eModify, eCopy, eAnnot]; {Set the Viewer settings (Viewer tab)} frxPDFExport1.HideToolbar := False; frxPDFExport1.HideMenubar := False; frxPDFExport1.HideWindowUI := False; frxPDFExport1.FitWindow := False; frxPDFExport1.CenterWindow := False; frxPDFExport1.PrintScaling := False; {Export the report} frxReport1.Export(frxPDFExport1);end;


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