【版本升级】DevExpress VCL Controls全新发布v16.2.6|附下载

VCL界面控件DevExpress VCL Controls v16.2.6全新发布,赶紧下载新版试用哦~

DevExpress VCL Controls是 Devexpress公司旗下最老牌的用户界面套包。所包含的控件有:数据录入,图表,数据分析,导航,布局,网格,日程管理,样式,打印和工作流等,让您快速开发出完美、强大的VCL应用程序!DevExpress广泛应用于ECM企业内容管理、 成本管控、进程监督、生产调度,在企业/政务信息化管理中占据一席重要之地。

【版本升级】DevExpress VCL Controls全新发布v16.2.6|附下载

【适用范围】:Delphi / C++Builder XE2 / XE3 / XE4 / XE5 / XE6 / XE7 / XE8 / XE10 , Embarcadero Delphi , C++Builder 10 Seattle

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【DevExpress VCL Controls v16.2.6下载】


此列表包含了在 v16.2.6中解决的所有问题:

ExpressBars Suite
  • T513540 – A bar item link’s ViewLevels property value is incorrectly stored to an INI file or the registry
  • T505762 – An AV occurs when closing the TdxRibbonForm descendant form containing any TMS Advanced Toolbars & Menus components
  • T497935 – TcxBarEditItem – An AV occurs when displaying a modal window in response to posting a value to a linked LookupComboBox editor
  • T503120 – The secondary and MDI child forms containing a Ribbon UI are created slowly
  • T501391 – The TdxRibbonForm descendant form displayed via RemoteApp on Windows Server 2016 becomes invisible when the form’s caption is changed
ExpressDocking Library
  • T497102 – The TdxTabContainerDockSite.AutoHideBarExpandAllTabs property value is not stored in an INI file or the registry
ExpressEditors Library
  • T495291 – All data-aware editors – The error icon is removed after another field in the same record has been modified
  • T518954 – All DevExpress editors – The Esc keystroke doesn’t discard changes made to the edit value if a form contains a TCustomButton descendant whose Cancel property is set to True
  • T495570 – All TcxCustomDropDownEdit descendants – The read-only editor’s edit value can be modified by pressing Tab while the drop-down window is open if the Properties.PostPopupValueOnTab property is set to True
  • T507965 – An AV occurs on creating the cxMemo and cxRichEdit control instances by calling the CreateParented constructor
  • T508418 – cxDateEdit – The Today button is not visible if the cxCalendarUseClassicViewAsDefault global constant is set to True and the editor’s Properties.View is set to cavDefault
  • T506752 – cxImageComboBox – The editor’s drop-down window is too narrow to completely display its items if the Properties.ShowDescriptions property is set to False
  • T497074 – dxBarCode – An AV occurs on displaying characters whose ASCII code is less than 32 if the Code 128 symbology is applied and the CharacterSet property is set to csAuto or csA
  • T508073 – TcxCustomDropDownEdit descendants – The editor’s popup window appears transparent when displayed in a form whose handle is recreated and the AlphaBlend property is set to True in Windows 8.1 or later
  • T508234 – TdxCameraControl stops rendering the camera output if the camera manager’s StartRecording function call fails to create a video file to store it
ExpressExport Library
  • T497491 – Export to Excel – Table and Banded Table Views – Footer summary formulas in an output file may exceed Excel limits
  • T495118 – Export to XLSX or XLS – Data formatting applied to cells containing the Null value is ignored in the corresponding cells of the resulting document
  • T502394 – Projects containing a TdxCustomSpreadSheet descendant do not compile if the “Emit runtime type information” option is enabled in Delphi compiler settings
ExpressGauge Control
  • T420490 – In RAD Studio XE or later, scale labels and captions are painted with antialiasing regardless of the OptionsView.Font.Quality property setting
ExpressLayout Control
  • T494817 – A tabbed group whose TabbedOptions.HideTabs property is set to True can be focused using the Tab key
  • T505296 – Passing a custom item created by calling the TdxNavBarItems.Add function as the TdxNavBarGroup.CreateLink function’s parameter results in a compilation error

DevExpress VCL v16.2.6详细更新(英文)

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