C++图形用户界面开发框架Qt 6.x入门级教程:用例 – QML中的动画



QML旨在促进流畅UI的创建,这些是用户界面,其中UI组件具有动画效果,而不是突然出现、消失或跳跃。Qt Quick提供了两种简单的方法让UI组件随着动画移动,来替代立即出现在新的位置上。


Qt Quick允许您在State对象中声明各种UI状态,这些状态由基本状态的属性更改组成,可以作为组织UI逻辑的有用方式。Transitions是您可以与项目关联的对象,用来定义其属性因状态更改而更改时将如何设置动画。

可以使用 Item::states 和 Item::transitions 属性声明项的状态和转换,状态在项目的状态列表属性内声明,通常是组件的根项目。 在同一项目上定义的转换用于动画状态的变化。以下是一个示例:

Item {id: containerwidth: 320height: 120Rectangle {id: rectcolor: "red"width: 120height: 120TapHandler {onTapped: container.state === '' container.state = 'other' : container.state = ''}}states: [// This adds a second state to the container where the rectangle is farther to the rightState { name: "other"PropertyChanges {target: rectx: 200}}]transitions: [// This adds a transition that defaults to applying to all state changesTransition {// This applies a default NumberAnimation to any changes a state change makes to x or y propertiesNumberAnimation { properties: "x,y" }}]}


Behaviors可用于指定属性更改时要使用的动画,然后这将应用于所有更改,无论其来源如何。 以下示例使用behaviors为在屏幕上移动的按钮设置动画。

Item {width: 320height: 120Rectangle {color: "green"width: 120height: 120// This is the behavior, and it applies a NumberAnimation to any attempt to set the x propertyBehavior on x {NumberAnimation {//This specifies how long the animation takesduration: 600//This selects an easing curve to interpolate with, the default is Easing.Lineareasing.type: Easing.OutBounce}}TapHandler {onTapped: parent.x == 0 parent.x = 200 : parent.x = 0}}}

并非所有动画都必须绑定到特定的属性或状态,您还可以更一般地创建动画,并在动画中指定目标项目和属性。 以下是执行此操作的不同方法的一些示例:

Item {width: 320height: 120Rectangle {color: "blue"width: 120height: 120// By setting this SequentialAnimation on x, it and animations within it will automatically animate// the x property of this elementSequentialAnimation on x {id: xAnim// Animations on properties start running by defaultrunning: falseloops: Animation.Infinite // The animation is set to loop indefinitelyNumberAnimation { from: 0; to: 200; duration: 500; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad }NumberAnimation { from: 200; to: 0; duration: 500; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad }PauseAnimation { duration: 250 } // This puts a bit of time between the loop}TapHandler {// The animation starts running when you click within the rectangleonTapped: xAnim.running = true}}}Item {width: 320height: 120Rectangle {id: rectanglecolor: "yellow"width: 120height: 120TapHandler {// The animation starts running when you click within the rectangleonTapped: anim.running = true;}}// This animation specifically targets the Rectangle's properties to animateSequentialAnimation {id: anim// Animations on their own are not running by default// The default number of loops is one, restart the animation to see it againNumberAnimation { target: rectangle; property: "x"; from: 0; to: 200; duration: 500 }NumberAnimation { target: rectangle; property: "x"; from: 200; to: 0; duration: 500 }}}

用例 - QML中的动画
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