Gantt图表DhtmlxGantt分配资源使用教程:自定义第三方 Duration 控件

在DhtmlxGantt中自定义第三方 Duration 控件。

此功能仅在 Gantt PRO 版本中可用。

DhtmlxGantt中自定义第三方 Duration 控件。

需要将自定义 Duration 控件添加到灯箱,以指定任务的开始日期和天数。

DhtmlxGantt是针对您的解决方案的交互式JavaScript HTML5甘特图

考虑如何在 jQuery 的基础上添加自定义的 Duration 控件:

  • 在页面上包含 jQuery 库的源文件:
    <script src=""></script><script src=""></script><link  rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"    href="">
  • 描述控制逻辑:
    (function () {    function startDatepicker(node){        return $(node).find("input[name='start']");    }    function durationInput(node){        return $(node).find("input[name='duration']");    }    function endDateLabel(node){        return $(node).find("span.gantt-lb-datepicker-label");    }    var formatter = gantt.ext.formatters.durationFormatter({        enter: "day",        store: "day",        format: "auto"    });    gantt.form_blocks["datepicker_duration"] = {        render: function (sns) { //sns - the section's configuration object            return "<div class='gantt-lb-datepicker'>"+                "<label>Start:<input type='text' name='start'></label>"+                "<label>Duration: <input type='text' name='duration'></label>"+                "<span class='gantt-lb-datepicker-label'></span>"                "</div>";        },        set_value: function (node, value, task, section) {            //node - an html object related to the html defined above            //value - a value defined by the map_to property            //task - the task object            //section- the section's configuration object            startDatepicker(node).datepicker({                dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd",                onSelect: function (dateStr) {                    var endValue = durationInput(node).datepicker('getDate');                    var startValue = startDatepicker(node).datepicker('getDate');                    if(startValue && endValue){                        if(endValue.valueOf() <= startValue.valueOf()){                            durationInput(node).datepicker("setDate",                                gantt.calculateEndDate({                                    start_date: startValue, duration: 1, task:task                                })                            );                        }                    }                }            });            startDatepicker(node).datepicker("setDate", task.start_date);            durationInput(node).val(formatter.format(task.duration));            endDateLabel(node).text(                "Ends: " + gantt.templates.task_date(task.end_date)            );        },        get_value: function (node, task, section) {            if(task.start_date && task.end_date) {                var start = startDatepicker(node).datepicker('getDate');                var end = task.end_date;                var duration = formatter.parse(durationInput(node).val());                if(duration && !isNaN(Number(duration))){                    end = gantt.calculateEndDate({                        start_date: start, duration: duration, task:task                    });                }                task.start_date = start;                task.duration = duration;                task.end_date = end;            }            task.duration = gantt.calculateDuration(task);            return {                start_date: task.start_date,                end_date: task.end_date,                duration: task.duration            }        },        focus: function (node) {        }    }})();
  • 将控件用作灯箱部分,类型为:“datepicker_duration”:
    gantt.config.lightbox.sections = [  { name: "description", height: 70, map_to: "text", type: "textarea", focus: true },  { name: "time", height: 72, map_to: "auto", type: "datepicker_duration" }];


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