【版本更新】DevExtreme v17.1.5正式发布|附下载

移动、Web开发框架DevExtreme Complete Subscription v17.1.5全新发布,赶紧来下载新版使用吧!

DevExtreme Complete Subscription是性能最优的 HTML5,CSS 和 JavaScript 移动、Web开发框架,可以直接在Visual Studio集成开发环境,构建iOS,Android,Tizen和Windows Phone 8应用程序。DevExtreme包含 PhoneJS 和 ChartJS 两个原生UI组件,并且提供源代码。目前,DevExtreme支持VS2010/2012/2013集成开发环境,兼容Android 4+、iOS5+、Windows 8、Window Phone 8、Tizen五大移动平台,是Visual Studio开发人员开发跨平台移动产品的首选工具。

【DevExtreme v17.1.5下载】



Data Grid
  • T532658 – A click on the Save button on the edit form closes the detail area
  • T532629 – dxDataGrid – A layout is incorrect in Firefox when native scrolling and width restriction are enabled
  • T538954 – dxDataGrid – A row is not added if the master-detail mode is active
  • T531265 – dxDataGrid – Adaptivity – The cellTemplate content is lost on an attempt to resize the details element when the columnHidingEnabled option is enabled
  • T533190 – dxDataGrid – An adaptive row doesn’t disappear after the Delete command link is clicked in a new row in batch editing mode
  • T534503 – dxDataGrid – Cascading lookup columns do not work when the Popup edit form is enabled
  • T528181 – dxDataGrid – Cell data is not displayed in lookup columns if the grid’s state is initially loaded
  • T535738 – dxDataGrid – Changes in the grid state are not reflected in Column Chooser
  • T536324 – dxDataGrid – Load Panel is not displayed on searching in Infinite scrolling mode
  • T526167 – dxDataGrid – Long help text overlaps the next Edit Form editor in Edge
  • T535329 – dxDataGrid – Not all editors are validated by a click on a checkbox cell
  • T528684 – dxDataGrid – The “A binary operator with incompatible types was detected” error is thrown when a filter expression is restored from its saved state for a lookup column
  • T531189 – dxDataGrid – The “No Data” caption is displayed in certain conditions when the grid’s datasource is assigned dynamically
  • T535101 – dxDataGrid – The client-side error (RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded) occurs on keyboard navigation when virtual scrolling is enabled
  • T529043 – dxDataGrid – The first cell is switched to the editing state on clicking dxDataGrid inside cellTemplate in cell editing mode
  • T534059 – dxDataGrid – The header filter does not respect the ‘trueText’ and ‘falseText’ option values
  • T531154 – dxDataGrid – The rowRemoving event is raised continuously on a cell click if jQuery.promise is used to return the result in cell editing mode
Data Visualization
  • T538405 – Definition for SeriesTemplate.customizeSeries is wrong
  • T533995 – dxChart – A browser hangs if a data source has very small values and synchronizedValue is enabled
  • T537955 – dxChart – Bar series disappear when two bars are too close
  • T532528 – dxChart – The order of data points can be incorrect in multiple Line series
  • T534207 – The “widget.getSize is not a function” error occurs on an attempt to pass a dxVectorMap, dxRangeSelector, dxTreeMap instance to the getMarkup method
  • T537934 – The DevExpress.viz.exportFromMarkup method draws a custom title with incorrect alignment in the exported image if the title is rendered using nested span elements
DevExtreme Core
  • T527293 – DevExtreme widgets don’t pass the Content Security Policy
  • T538542 – dxDataGrid – Setting a column’s format=”year” throws an error
  • T535621 – dxResponsiveBox – The Angular sample from documentation does not work
  • T504705 – dxTileView – Scrolling using a drag action doesn’t work on Mac OS
  • T531137 – MVC – A widget is not initialized when it has a dot in its id field
DevExtreme Tools
  • T530774 – Project Converter throws an exception when processing the config.xml file

DevExtreme v17.1.5详细更新(英文)


标签:DevExpressJavaScript HTML5移动开发HTML5/JS



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