VC界面库Xtreme Toolkit Pro使用教程:如何通过代码调整窗格的大小


Xtreme Toolkit Pro是MFC开发中最全面界面控件套包,它提供了Windows开发所需要的11种主流的Visual C++ MFC控件,包括Command Bars、Controls、Chart Pro、Calendar、Docking Pane、Property Grid、Report Control、Shortcut Bar、Syntax Edit、Skin Framework 和Task Panel。如果对产品感兴趣的话欢迎下载Xtreme Toolkit Pro最新试用版!


  • BCGControlBar Professional Edition for MFC | 下载试用: 是一个MFC扩展库,使您可以创建具有完全自定义的选项以及一组专业设计的丰富Microsoft Office和Microsoft Visual Studio的应用程序 GUI控件,例如图表、日历、网格、编辑器、甘特图和许多其他控件。
  • BCGControlBar for .NET | 下载试用 :包含有大量高度自定义、完全可设计的.NET界面控件,用户可以使用这些来创建精致美观的图形用户界面。



Dim A As Pane'Add a pane that is 50x50Set A = DockingPaneManager.CreatePane(1, 50, 50, DockLeftOf)A.Title = "Pane A"'Only needs to be called if setting the size in Form_LoadDockingPaneManager.RecalcLayout'setting the minimum and maximum track size to the same size'will resize the pane to the specified widthheight and lock'the pane to the specified size.''Below, the pane will be resized to 100x100 and can not be'resizedDockingPaneManager.FindPane(1).MinTrackSize.SetSize 100, 100DockingPaneManager.FindPane(1).MaxTrackSize.SetSize 100, 100'Only needs to be called if setting the size in Form_LoadDockingPaneManager.RecalcLayout'NOTE:'If the pane is docked to the LeftRight, then the "Width" will'be used, if docked to the TopBottom, then the "Height"'specified will be used. The only time both width and height'are used to size a pane is when the pane is floating.'Remembers previous pane size settings so that the next call'to SetSize will not resize the paneDockingPaneManager.NormalizeSplitters'sets the minimum and maximum sizes the splitter can move'Note, this will not resize the pane since NormalizeSplitters'was called before the call to SetSize.  Now SetSize will'only specify how large/small the user can resize the pane.'Below, the pane can be resized between 0x0 and 500x500.DockingPaneManager.FindPane(1).MinTrackSize.SetSize 0, 0DockingPaneManager.FindPane(1).MaxTrackSize.SetSize 500, 500

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