AnyBody Technology

About AnyBody Technology

We have strong and valuable links to the research communities around the world. Our customers are typically top tier commercial companies and prestigious universities worldwide.


The AnyBody Modeling System? is an outstanding musculoskeletal software simulation solution and a breakthrough invention for simulating man-machine and man-environment interaction. It includes the simulation software and a repository containing a body model with example applications. With the AnyBody Modeling System? you can determine muscle and joint forces and other biomechanical aspects of the body’s interaction with its environment.

We believe

Musculoskeletal Analysis will evolve into an important and indispensable part of Simulation Based Product Development.


AnyBody Technology is the market leader with the dominant and inevitable tool within Musculoskeletal Analysis.


AnyBody Technology enables solutions with optimal integration of the human musculoskeletal system into new products (filling the void).

AnyBody Technology
国家地区 中国


上一篇 2022年6月2日
下一篇 2022年6月2日


