




Key projects of national water network

1. 重大引调水

Major water diversion projects


Promote follow-up project of the eastern and central routes of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project and deepen the proposal comparison and selection for the western route. Develop water resource allocation projects in the Pearl River Delta, western Chongqing, and northwest Hainan, develop water diversion projects from Yangtze River to Huaihe River, from Han River to Wei River, as well as projects of Kuitun River in Xinjiang, of Xiong’an trunk canal in Hebei, and in Central Yunnan. Accelerate the preliminary demonstration of the water resource allocation project in diverting water from the Yellow River to Xining, and the connection of the three rivers of Heilongjiang and Beibu Gulf Rim.

2. 供水灌溉

Water supply and irrigation

推进新疆库尔干、黑龙江关门嘴子、贵州观音、湖南犬木塘、浙江开化、广西长塘等大型水库建设。实施黄河河套、四川都江堰、安徽淠史杭等大型灌区续建配套和现代化改造,推进四川向家坝、云南耿马、安徽怀洪新河、海南牛路岭、江西大坳等大型灌区建设。Promote the construction of large reservoirs such as Kurgan in Xinjiang, Guanmenzuizi in Heilongjiang, Guanyin in Guizhou, Quanmutang in Hunan, Kaihua in Zhejiang, and Changtang in Guangxi. Implement the continued development and modernization of large-scale irrigation areas such as the Hetao region near the Yellow River, Dujiangyan in Sichuan, and Pishihang in Anhui, and promote the development of large-scale irrigation areas such as Xiangjiaba in Sichuan, Gengma in Yunnan, Huaihongxinhe in Anhui, Niululing in Hainan, and Da’ao in Jiangxi.

3. 防洪减灾Flood control and disaster reduction

建设雄安新区防洪工程、长江中下游崩岸治理和重要蓄滞洪区、黄河干流河道和滩区综合治理、淮河入海水道二期、海河河道治理、西江干流堤防、太湖吴淞江、海南迈湾水利枢纽等工程。加强黄河古贤水利枢纽、福建上白石水库等工程前期论证。Build flood control works in Xiong’an New Area, bank collapse control, and important flood storage and detention basins in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Ensure comprehensive control of river courses and beach areas in the mainstream of the Yellow River, phase II of Huaihe River sea channel, Haihe river channel, dikes in the mainstream of Xijiang River, Wusong River in Taihu Lake, Maiwan water control project in Hainan, etc. Strengthen the preliminary demonstration of Guxian Water Control Project in the Yellow River and Shangbaishi reservoir in Fujian Province.


Key industries in the digital economy

1. 云计算

Cloud computing


Accelerate the upgrade of cloud operating systems, promote technological innovation in ultra-large-scale distributed storage, elastic computing, and virtual isolation of data, and raise the level of cloud security. Foster cloud service industries including industry solutions, system integration, operation and maintenance management focusing on hybrid clouds.

2. 大数据

Big data

推动大数据采集、清洗、存储、挖掘、分析、可视化算法等技术创新,培育数据采集、标注、存储、传输、管理、应用等全生命周期产业体系,完善大数据标准体系。Promote technological innovation in big data collection, cleaning, storage, mining, analysis, and algorithm visualization; foster a full life cycle industrial system of data collection, annotation, storage, transmission, management, and application; and improve the system of big data standards.

3. 物联网Internet of Things

推动传感器、网络切片、高精度定位等技术创新,协同发展云服务与边缘计算服务,培育车联网、医疗物联网、家居物联网产业。Promote technological innovation in sensors, network slicing, and high-precision positioning; develop both cloud services and edge computing services; and foster the Internet of Vehicles, medical IoT, and home IoT industries.

4. 工业互联网Industrial Internet


Create independent and controllable identification analysis systems, standard systems, and safety management systems, and boost the R&D and application of industrial software. Establish internationally influential industrial internet platforms. Promote the building of an industrial ecosystem featuring “Industrial Internet + smart manufacturing”.

5. 区块链Blockchain

推动智能合约、共识算法、加密算法、分布式系统等区块链技术创新,以联盟链为重点发展区块链服务平台和金融科技、供应链管理、政务服务等领域 应用方案,完善监管机制。

Boost innovation in blockchain technology such as smart contracts, consensus algorithms, encryption algorithms, and distributed systems; develop blockchain service platforms and application solutions in the fields of financial technology (fintech), supply chain management and government services focusing on consortium blockchains and improve the regulatory mechanism.

6. 人工智能Artificial Intelligence (AI)

建设重点行业人工智能数据集,发展算法推理训练场景,推进智能医疗装备、 智能运载工具、智能识别系统等智能产品设计与制造,推动通用化和行业性人工智能开放平台建设。

Build AI data sets for key industries, develop algorithmic reasoning training scenarios, and promote the design and manufacturing of smart products such as smart medical equipment, smart vehicles, and smart recognition systems, as well as the development of open AI platforms for general and industrial purposes.

7. 虚拟现实和增强现实Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)


Promote innovation in 3D graphics generation, dynamic environment modeling, real-time motion capture, fast rendering, etc. Develop VR machines and equipment for perceptual interactions and content collection and production, and develop software tools and industry solutions.




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