每日新闻播报(October 29)

每日新闻播报(October 29)


>Diamond stolen from fair


A stunning, 50-carat diamond, worth an estimated $1.84 million, was allegedly stolen at an international jewelry trade show in Yokohama, Japan.


The diamond was last seen sitting inside a glass showcase at 5 pm Thursday. An hour later, just after closing time, an employee found the diamond was gone and the jewelry case was unlocked, according to police.


Authorities said Saturday that they suspect the alleged theft took place during the final hour of the exhibition.


Surveillance footage appears to show an unidentified male reaching toward the display case around the suspected time of the thievery.


The three-day exhibition concluded Friday. In total, approximately 410 companies from numerous nations took part. Show organizers estimated the numbers of attendees exceeded 10,000.


每日新闻播报(October 29)

[Photo/Daily Mail]

>Future coworker model debuts


A report dubbed The Work Colleague Of The Future revealed that more than 90% of UK office workers suffering from work-related health issues have more difficulty doing their job.


Based on surveys of more than 3,000 workers in France, Germany and the UK, a team led by behavioral futurist William Higham predicted how offices might change the human body over the next 20 years.


They created a life-size model named “Emma” to illustrate how the set up of a work station can lead to office workers physically and visually changing.


The model developed a permanently bent back caused by sitting for hours in a bad position, varicose veins from poor blood flow, a rotund stomach caused by a sedentary position, dry and red eyes from long hours staring at a computer screen and sallow skin for spending years trapped under the glare of artificial light.


Higham said: “Unless we make radical changes to our working lives, such as moving more, addressing our posture at our desks, taking regular walking breaks or considering improving our work station set up, our offices are going to make us very sick.”


每日新闻播报(October 29)

Beijing’s CBD area. [Photo/VCG]

>Business climate improved


China’s business environment showed one of the strongest improvements worldwide in the 12 months ending May 1 thanks to its robust reform agenda, the World Bank Group said on Thursday.


China’s ranking in the World Bank Group’s Doing Business 2020 study climbed to 31st place in terms of ease of doing business, up from 46th a year earlier and 78th in 2017, the bank said.


Laudable progress has been achieved on a number of Doing Business indicators in China, particularly in the area of construction permitting, said the report.


The report also credited China with improving protections for investors, strengthening procedures for enforcing contracts and making trade easier with changes to customs administration and port infrastructure.


每日新闻播报(October 29)

A screen grab from an undated video released by Al-Furqan on April 29 shows ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi speaking in a recorded video. [Photo/IC]

>IS leader has been killed


Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the militant group Islamic State (IS), was killed on Saturday in a US special forces raid in north-western Syria, US President Donald Trump announced Sunday.


Baghdadi, who had led the jihadist group since 2010, killed himself by detonating a suicide vest after fleeing into a dead-end tunnel as US forces closed in, Trump said in a televised address from the White House.


Trump said the operations had been weeks in the planning, adding that no US personnel were injured.


Baghdadi was arguably the world’s most wanted man. In 2016, the US Department of State offered a reward of up to $25 million for information leading to his capture or death.


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