


Why doesn’t Japan excel in software as they did in hardware?


Yumashish Subba
, Software Developer
Ah… Finally. My time has come.
Where to begin?
In Japan software development is not held to the same standard as other engineering positions.
Japan has always had a custom where every year, new university graduates in their thousands march through giant career fairs searching for a job. This is something I call the March of the Penguins – every one of them is adorned with a new black suit with a pristine white shirt.
There the companies will take their resumes, interview them and perhaps extend an invitation to the next interview. None of these companies care about what you studied or what your passions are. They might perk up if they hear that you are from one of the top flight schools (Todai, Keio, Waseda, Tokyo Tech et al).
The whole idea here is that everything you need to know about doing your job will be taught to you.
Now I know people working at somewhat (emphasis on somewhat) internationalized companies like Mercari or Rakuten (the Japanese eBay and Amazon respectively) will tell you that this is not how tech companies hire.
The sad truth is that they do. While there are enough foreigners who will stand up to being told to hire and train clueless graduates and mold them into proper software developers in more international companies – the huge majority of software development firms don’t operate like that.
Naturally, many Japanese software development firms have engineering teams of pitiful quality.
Software development is looked at as any other skill that can be picked up in a few months to a year: accounting, secretarial work, project management, business analysis etc.
They don’t speak English
Naturally when you cannot read or speak English, the tools you use to develop software as well as the methods you use to develop them will be those that have managed to percolate downwards from English sources due to the magnanimity of people willing to volunteer their time to translate documentation and articles.
At any given time, the cutting edge of software development in Japan is 6 months to 7 years behind the rest of the world.
Software development is a reversed pyramid scheme
Most technology consulting firms who are awarded contracts do not actually have developers – or have only a handful at hand. They will sub-contract their work to firms down the totem pole who will in turn sub-sub-contract their work to a lesser firm.
The actual developer working on your product could be a sub-contract 5 contract levels removed from you.
Good luck managing changes in business requirements.
All this works because the people who award the contracts are as technologically illiterate as the ones proposing them. If there ever was an apropos time to use the word circlejerk this would be it.
Consumers have extremely conservative tastes
Anyone asking this question by now will have seen the absolutely antediluvian website designs that are still being employed by Japanese firms. (Behold the largest online travel agency site in Japan: www.jalan.net).
We have actually done user testing and A/B testing with non-trivial sample sizes.
Japanese websites don’t look like trash because the designers wanted to do this. They look this way because the Japanese audiences like this. They like the huge and distracting flashing banners. They like the overwhelming amount of text. They like what you and I might call crass and unpolished advertising masquerading as website content.
So you can either create modern designs that will bring in international attention, but alienate domestic users, or serve your existing customers as you have been doing for decades.
That’s an easy choice for many companies.

1 在日本,软件开发与其他工程职位的标准不同。
2 他们不会说英语
3 软件开发是一个反向的金字塔计划
4 消费者的口味极其保守



我们实际上已经用非平凡的样本量进行了用户测试和 A/B 测试。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Dan Lenski
Interesting answer!
Regarding Japanese consumers’ taste in websites… you wrote that Japanese consumers prefer crass/loud websites. That certainly comports with the Japanese websites I’ve seen, but do you think it is really those consumers’ preference, or just what they’ve become accustomed to?
It’s confusing to me because Japanese people seem to generally have tastes that I’d describe as rather minimalist and subtle in many areas: restaurant decor, hotel rooms, parks, gardens, museums, menus, clothing…
It seems to be only in advertising and commercial sites (whether online or real-world) that Japan prefers loud and garish things. Why is that? ˉ\\\\_(ツ)_/ˉ

Thorsten Schmidt
I think the idea that Japanese people prefer “minimalist and subtle” things is based on hearsay and myths. If you live in Japan, you will understand that people who like these things are a small niche minority, similar to how there might be a niche minority of connoisseurs of 18th century Icelandic literature in the US.
Just walk through any Japanese city, browse department stores, supermarkets, watch any Japanese TV channel, go to any Hotel etc. etc. – you will find that loud and garish things are the norm, especially compared to Western Europe.
The image of “minimal an subtle Japanese culture” is basically limited Western travel magazines or coffee table books that cater to the this mythical image of Japan but is not reality. It is a way to “sell” Japan because that’s what Western people’s escapist dream of Japan is. But nothing more.

只要走过任何一个日本城市,逛逛百货商店和超市,看任何一个日本电视频道,去任何一家酒店,等等 – – 你会发现,喧闹和花哨的东西是常态,特别是与西欧相比。



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