双语——家庭团聚(Family Reunion)

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Family Reunion
【专有名词】Reunion [ree-‘yoon-yuh?n][?ri?’ju?ni?n] n. 团聚;联合

双语——家庭团聚(Family Reunion)

Paul Martin didn’t like going to his family reunion.
【单词】reunion 名词 [ree-‘yoon-yuh?n][?ri?’ju?ni?n] n. 团聚;联合
【专有名词】Paul 人名/人物 [pawl for 1–3, 5; poul for 4][p?:l] n. 保罗(男子名) Pauline
【专有名词】Martin 人名/人物 [‘mahr-tn][‘ma:t?n] n. 马丁(男子名);圣马丁鸟

He didn’t know most of them, and he didn’t even like the people he did know.
【短语】most of … 大部分,大多数的;绝大多数;例句:I think most of these obstacles can be surmounted. 我认为这些障碍大多数都是可以克服的。

Paul had always been a loner.
【单词】loner 名词 [‘loh-ner][‘l??n?] n. 孤独的人;不合群的人或动物;<美口>独立自主的人

He liked doing things alone; he went to the movies alone; he went to concerts alone; he liked to go eat alone.
【单词】movies 原型:movie 名词复数形式 [‘moo-vee][‘mu?vi] n. 电影
【单词】concerts 原型:concert 名词复数形式 [noun, adjective ‘kon-surt, -sert; verb kuh?n-‘surt][‘k?ns?t] n. 音乐会;一致;和谐 vt. 协定;协同安排 vi. 合作
【单词】eat 动词一般现在时(除第三人称单数) [eet][i?t] v. 吃;吃饭;喝

So, at the family reunion, it was no surprise to see that Paul was sitting alone at a table where no one was sitting at.
【单词】sitting 原型:sit 动词现在进行式或动名词 [sit][s?t] v. 坐;栖息;使就座 n. 坐;栖息

Occasionally, an aunt or uncle of his would come up to say hello, but none of his cousins ever said hello to him.
【固定用法】up to … 是多意短语,可能的意思主要有:“一直到”,“多达…/最多到”,“忙于…”,“正在做…”,“由…决定”等;当然如果前面是get等与up固定搭配的词,up是它的基本意思(向上的);例句:She can count up to one hundred and backward. 她能数到一百然后再倒着数回来。Our history textbooks only go up to the World War Ⅱ. 我们的历史教科书仅写到第二次世界大战。The figures add up to 450. 这些数字加起来的总数是450。
【单词】Occasionally 原型:occasionally 副词 [uh-‘key-zhuh-nl-ee][?’ke??n?li] adv. 偶尔地
【单词】aunt 名词 [ant, ahnt][ɑ?nt] n. 伯母;姑;婶;姨
【单词】uncle 名词 [‘uhng-kuh?l][‘??kl] n. 伯;姑父;舅;叔;姨父
【单词】hello 名词 [he-‘loh, huh-, ‘hel-oh][h?’l??] int. (打招呼)喂;你好
【单词】none 名词 [nuhn][n?n] pron. 没有人;没有任何东西,一个也没有,毫无 adv. 决不
【单词】cousins 原型:cousin 名词复数形式 [‘kuhz-uh?n][‘k?zn] n. 堂(或表)兄弟(姐妹)
【单词】hello 语气词 [he-‘loh, huh-, ‘hel-oh][h?’l??] int. (打招呼)喂;你好

Paul was fine with it; he didn’t care, because he didn’t like talking to them, either.

During his last family reunion, Paul decided to play a trick on his cousins.
【单词】decided 原型:decide 动词过去式 [dih-‘sahyd][d?’sa?d] v. 决定;判断;断定
【单词】trick 名词 [trik][tr?k] n. 诡计;花招;把戏;诀窍 vt. 欺骗;戏弄 adj. 有诡计的;有阴谋的

His cousins had been playing Nintendo in his uncle’s room.
【专有名词】Nintendo,日本任天堂株式会社于1889年9月23日成立,电子游戏业三巨头之一,是具有全球影响力的游戏生产商,创始人是山内房治郎。任天堂是最有影响和有名的游戏平台生产商,是便携式游戏机平台的主要领导者。任天堂株式会社总部位于日本京都市。任天堂已经在全球销售超过20亿份游戏软件,缔造了多名游戏史上著名人物,例如马里奥(Mario),大金刚(Donkey Kong)和创造了游戏史上最为经典的游戏,例如《塞尔达传说》(The Legend of Zelda),《口袋妖怪》(Pokémon)。任天堂(Nintendo)生产和销售家用游戏机和游戏软件,包括 Nintendo GameCube 和 世界上销量最好的掌上游戏机Game Boy系列。
【专有名词】Nintendo n. 任天堂(一游戏品牌)

双语——家庭团聚(Family Reunion)

Paul knew how to turn off all the power in the house.

He locked the door to his uncle’s room, and then went to turn off the power.
【单词】locked 原型:lock 动词过去式 [lok][l?k] n. 锁;水闸;一缕头发;一簇;一束 v. 固定;锁(住);抓牢;过闸

When all the lights turned off, he could hear his cousins begin to yell.
【单词】begin 动词一般现在时(除第三人称单数) [bih-‘gin][b?’ɡ?n] v. 开始;着手
【单词】yell 动词原形 [yel][jel] v. 大叫 n. 大喊

They were upset because the game was going really well.
【单词】upset 动词过去分词 [verb, adjective uhp-‘set; noun ‘uhp-set][?p’set] adj. 心烦的;苦恼的;不安的;不适的 v. 推翻;翻倒;颠覆;打乱;使心烦 n. 混乱;推翻

When his cousins tried to leave, they realized that the door was locked.
【单词】realized 原型:realize 动词过去式 [‘ree-uh-lahyz][‘ri??la?z] vt. 实现;了解;意识到;变卖
【单词】locked 原型:lock 动词过去分词 [lok][l?k] n. 锁;水闸;一缕头发;一簇;一束 v. 固定;锁(住);抓牢;过闸

They began to yell for help, and Paul started laughing.
【单词】began 原型:begin 动词过去式 [bih-‘gin][b?’ɡ?n] v. 开始;着手
【单词】laughing 动词现在进行式或动名词 [‘laf-ing, ‘lah-fing][‘lɑ?f??] n. 笑;笑声 adj. 可笑的;带笑的 动词laugh的现在分词形式.

All of his aunts and uncles were outside enjoying the party, so no one could hear the yells.
【单词】aunts 原型:aunt 名词复数形式 [ant, ahnt][ɑ?nt] n. 伯母;姑;婶;姨
【单词】uncles 原型:uncle 名词复数形式 [‘uhng-kuh?l][‘??kl] n. 伯;姑父;舅;叔;姨父
【单词】enjoying 原型:enjoy 动词现在进行式或动名词 [en-‘joi][?n’d???] v. 享受;喜欢
【单词】yells 原型:yell 动词一般现在时(第三人称单数) [yel][jel] v. 大叫 n. 大喊

Paul went back outside and sat down at a table.
【单词】sat 原型:sit 动词过去式 [sit][s?t] v. 坐;栖息;使就座 n. 坐;栖息

双语——家庭团聚(Family Reunion)

He was still laughing.

An hour passed, and his aunt started looking for her son.
【单词】passed 原型:pass 动词过去式 [pas, pahs][pɑ?s] v. 通过;经过;度过;传递;发生 n. 通行证;及格;乘车券;传球;关隘,山口

When Paul’s cousins were finally set free from the room, they started looking for Paul, because they knew he had locked them in there.
【短语】set free 释放;使获得自由;例句:He will be set free as soon as the fine is paid. 只要交了罚款,他就会被释放。

Paul wasn’t worried; he knew they wouldn’t do anything.
【单词】worried 原型:worry 过去分词做形容词 [‘wur-ee, ‘wuhr-ee][‘w?ri] vt. 撕咬;使烦恼;使焦虑 vi. 担心;发愁 n. 担心;烦恼;忧虑

He looked at them, laughed, and then went back to listen to music.
【单词】laughed 原型:laugh 动词过去式 [laf, lahf][lɑ?f] v. 发笑;笑;嘲笑 n. 笑声;笑;笑料
【单词】listen 动词原形 [‘lis-uh?n][‘l?sn] v. 听;倾听;听从;听信 n. 听;倾听

The cousins sat down, and got something to eat.
【单词】eat 动词原形 [eet][i?t] v. 吃;吃饭;喝

They were all mad at Paul.
【单词】mad 形容词 [mad][m?d] adj. 发疯的,发狂似的;狂热的;鲁莽的;着迷的;生气的;极度激动的



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