
The needs of small enterprises and large enterprises for financial software are different. Firstly, small enterprises are relatively small in scale and have a relatively simple company structure, so they do not require the same complex process structure as large enterprises. Secondly, the costs that small enterprises can afford are also limited. The functions that provide no genuine assistance in financial work need be saved. Therefore, simple, and easy-to-use is the first demand for financial software for small enterprises.


?1. Help reduce expenses

Traditional financial software requires high costs, both for the software itself and for hardware support. Moreover, because of the complexity of the software, operators need to be trained. The cost of using traditional financial software is really high, as for small enterprises, the pressure on cost management is quite big.

1. 帮助减少开支


?2. Meet the needs of enterprises

The functions of traditional financial software need to cater to the company structure of large enterprises, so its functions will also be segmented, which makes many functions redundant for small enterprises. The overly cumbersome operation process will bring inconvenience to small enterprises. Therefore, what small enterprises need is a financial software that is simple and easy-to-use and fits the structure and needs of the enterprises.

2. 符合企业需求




?3. Reduce time spent

The greatest significance of using financial software is that it can help accountants reduce tedious work, improve work efficiency, and reduce work errors. CanCan’s business and financial integration features can help reduce the time accountants spend in importing data. Accountants can also save time on finance by using functions like automatic report export and automatic statistics data.

?3. 减少时间花费




?CanCan understands the challenges that SMEs face and is dedicated to developing the best financial software for them. Visit our official website to enjoy a 30-day free trial of our financial software designed for SMEs.




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